LyricalMaestro's Competition History

Date Contest Rank Performance New Rating Diff
MC Digital Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 008) 537 1040 163 -
8th Asprova Programming Contest 74 - - -
Monoxer Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 009) 305 1390 612 +449
ALGO ARTIS Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 010) 568 695 674 +62
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 011 362 1318 858 +184
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2022 Summer(AHC013) 294 1408 1000 +142
estie Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 014) 223 1507 1124 +124
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016) 259 1597 1235 +111
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 017) 328 1438 1285 +50
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Winter(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 018) 367 1431 1322 +37
トヨタ自動車 実課題プログラミングコンテスト 2023 Spring 130 - - -
MC Digital Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 019) 510 982 1327 +5
TOYOTA Programming Contest 2023 Summer(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 021) 814 905 1330 +3
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Summer(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 022) 992 - - -
10th Asprova Programming Contest(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 023) 229 1610 1385 +55
Marubeni Programming Contest 2023 (AtCoder Heuristic Contest 024) 398 1200 1394 +9
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 025 263 1599 1434 +40
Toyota Programming Contest 2023#6(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 026) 359 1374 1445 +11
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2024 (AtCoder Heuristic Contest 027) 999 - - -
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2024 Winter(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 029) 315 1439 1458 +13
ALGO ARTIS Programming Contest 2023 Winter(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 028) 148 1915 1546 +88
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2023(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 030) 245 1635 1571 +25
MC Digital Programming Contest 2024(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 031) 162 1832 1621 +50
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 032 298 1590 1633 +12
Toyota Programming Contest 2024#5(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 033) 228 1664 1651 +18
Toyota Programming Contest 2024#6(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 034) 598 1092 1651 ±0