In the gen (input generation) program of the provided tools, the calculation of the variance displayed when the -v option is specified was incorrect, which has been corrected now.
The generated inputs, score calculations, and visualizers are not affected.
誤: (0,0)からの深さ優先探索木に沿って移動することで、各マスを行きと帰りの2回通って(0,0)に戻ってくる掃除ルートを出力している。
正: (0,0)からの深さ優先探索木に沿って移動することで、探索木の各辺を行きと帰りの2回通って(0,0)に戻ってくる掃除ルートを出力している。
There is an incorrect description of the sample program, which has been corrected as follows.
Incorrect: In this program, by moving along the depth-first search tree starting from (0,0), each square is passed twice, once on the way there and once on the way back, and the program outputs a cleaning route that returns to (0,0).
Correct: In this program, by moving along the depth-first search tree starting from (0,0), each edge in the tree is passed twice, once on the way there and once on the way back, and the program outputs a cleaning route that returns to (0,0).
We have made the following modifications to the sample solution in the problem statement.
- Relaxed recursion depth limit to avoid RE in some runtime environments.
- Changed variable names due to conflicts.
- 一部の実行環境でREとなるため、再帰の深さ制限を緩和
- 変数の名前が衝突していたため変更