Mcik's Competition History

Date Contest Rank Performance New Rating Diff
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 004 353 1160 220 -
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 005 515 - - -
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2021 (long) 373 925 425 +205
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2022 qual 376 1228 679 +254
Kyocera Programming Contest(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 006) 223 1421 893 +214
Hitachi Hokudai Lab. & Hokkaido University Contest 2021 114 - - -
MC Digital Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 008) 486 1108 959 +66
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 011 926 - - -
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 012 360 1262 1033 +74
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2022 Summer(AHC013) 368 1286 1092 +59
estie Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 014) 727 - - -
TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 015) 523 1017 1111 +19
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016) 637 1076 1130 +19
Hitachi Hokudai Lab. & Hokkaido University Contest 2022 121 - - -
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 017) 920 430 1130 ±0
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Summer(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 022) 992 - - -
10th Asprova Programming Contest(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 023) 800 - - -
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 025 879 - - -