Hitachi Hokudai Lab. & Hokkaido University Contest 2022
Can Participate: All Rated Range: - Penalty: None
こちらに日立北大ラボ×北大コンテスト2022「未来の自律分散型まちづくり」(本コンテスト)に関する最新情報を掲載します。- NEW! 2023年2月14日:入賞者と当選者の方は、必要事項をお早目にご入力ください。間もなく入力を締め切ります。期日内にご回答いただけなかった方、個人情報のご提供に同意されなかった方につきましては賞品の発送は致しかねますので、予めご了承ください。
- 2023年2月8日: "最終結果"に掲載された入賞者と、抽選での当選者にメールをご送信済です。受け取れていない場合、迷惑メールフォルダなどをご確認ください。
- 2023年2月8日: 問題A、問題Bそれぞれ10位以内の方には、ご自身のアルゴリズムのサマリーレポートのご依頼メールを送信済です。詳細は本ページ“賞金”の節をご覧ください。
- 2023年1月24日: システムテストの結果を掲載しました。本ページの"最終結果"をご覧下さい。
- 2023年1月20日:サマリーの要項と記載例を掲載しました。詳細は本ページ"賞金"の節を御覧ください。
- 2022年12月23日:ツールキットにライセンス情報(MIT)を追加しました。
- 2022年12月9日:コンテストの参加者登録を開始しました。登録はこちらです。
- 2022年12月2日:コンテストはまもなく登録開始します。
- 2022年12月2日:Twitterのハッシュタグは#2HC2022です。
(【主催】株式会社日立製作所 基礎研究センタ 日立北大ラボ、国立大学法人北海道大学、【協力】関西大学) - 本コンテストの問題はAtCoder株式会社が作問したものではなく、日立製作所と北海道大学が、関西大学の協力の下、共同で作成したものです。
- 本コンテストは2022年12月23日~2023年1月22日(1ヵ月間)に開催します。
- 日立は北大キャンパス内に日立北大ラボを開設し、北大と連携して、持続可能な地域社会の実現に向けて数理・情報科学の社会応用により複雑化する社会課題の解決を図る、社会創造数学の研究開発を推進しています(研究背景に興味がある方は本ページ最後の「本コンテスト出題の背景」を参照ください)。
- 高齢化と過疎化が進む農村地域において、農業の担い手不足が深刻化しています。ロボット技術やICTを活用したスマート農機の導入による農業の効率化が期待されていますが、高い導入コストが懸念されます。そこで、農機のリースによって初期投資を可能な限り抑えることや、シェアリングによって機器の稼働率を最大化するサービスの普及が今後重要になると考えられます。
- 本コンテストは、農機シェアリング等を対象とした作業計画効率化をテーマに、作業時間、農機の移動、作業時期等の多くの複合的な要素を含んだ最適化問題(時空間最適化問題)に対して開催されます。
- 2017、2018年度は組合せ最適化問題を効率よく解く、アニーリングマシン向け前処理技術に関する問題を出題しました。また、2019年度は買物支援サービス、2020、2021年度は地域エネルギーシステムをテーマとした時空間(動的)最適化技術に関する問題を出題しました。
例えば、2017年のコンテストで考案されたグラフ変換アルゴリズムはコンテストの優勝者と共に、北大・日立で実応用に向けた検討を実施し、国際会議TPNC2018にて成果発表を行い、Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Scienceに掲載されました。
また、2019年のコンテストで考案された買物支援サービスの効率化アルゴリズムについては、国際会議NOLTA2020にて成果発表を行い、2020年度のコンテストで考案された小型グリッド相互連携アルゴリズムについては、国際会議IEEE EPEC2021にて成果発表しました。
必ず参加登録ボタンから参加登録を行ってください。参加登録は本公開日からコンテスト終了日まで、いつでも可能です。 - コンテストの開催期間は1か月(2022年12月23日~2023年1月22日)で、オンラインで実施されます。
- コンテストは問題A、Bの2種類の問題を出題します。
- コンテスト期間中は何回でも解答を提出できます。ただし、提出直後の1時間は再提出することができません。
- コンテスト開催期間中、自分のアイデアを共有したい方はTwitter やブログ等で共有いただいても構いません(推奨ハッシュタグは「#2HC2022」です)。また、自身のソースコードをgithub等のソースコード共有サイトにアップロードいただいても構いません。共有されたアイデアやソースコードを参考にしながらコンテストの解答を作成いただいても構いません*。 *アイデアやソースコードを公開いただく際には、MITライセンスや修正BSDライセンスなど、再利用に際して制約の少ないライセンスを指定いただくようお願いいたします。公開されたアイデアやソースコードをベースに第三者がより効率の良いアルゴリズムを発案された場合、そのアルゴリズムによる得点は、原則、第三者に帰属することになりますのでご留意ください。
- 問題A、Bの順位付けは、それぞれの問題の得点によって決定されます。同点の場合は、最後に順位表に反映された問題の解答コードの提出時間が最も早い参加者を上位とします。
- 問題のツール(テストケース生成や得点計算プログラム)を提供します。本ツールはC++, Pythonが実行できる環境で動作します。動作テストはWSLおよびUbuntu上で行われています。
- 1か月のコンテストの終了後、最終的に提出いただいたコードに対してシステムテストを行います(システムテストに用いられるテストケースは、コンテスト期間中に提供するテストケースとは異なります)。このシステムテストの結果を用いて、それぞれの問題の得点を決定します。
- 問題A
- 問題B
1位 | 100,000円 |
2位 | 30,000円 |
3位 | 10,000円 |
4位~10位 | 賞品①(北大・日立グッズ) |
11位~30位 | 賞品②(北大・日立グッズ) |
1位 | 300,000円 |
2位 | 100,000円 |
3位 | 30,000円 |
4位~10位 | 賞品③(北大・日立グッズ) |
11位~30位 | 賞品④(北大・日立グッズ) |
- 情報処理学会 第85回全国大会のランチョンセッションにて表彰式を開催します。
日時 : | 2023年3月3日(金) 11:40 ~ 12:30 | |
会場 : | 電気通信大学(ハイブリッド開催) |
プログラム(予定): | コンテストの背景説明 |
成績上位者の表彰 | |
問題A、Bの優勝者による招待講演* |
** 表彰式終了後、当コンテスト入賞者の皆様と北大・日立関係者との意見交換会をオンラインで予定しております。詳細については、対象者に電子メールにてご案内いたします。
- 使用可能言語は、AtCoder Regular Contestに準じます。(参考)
- AtCoder社の利用規約、チュートリアル、ルール、用語集、よくある質問 をお読みください。
- 本問題は、AtCoder社で作成されたものではありません。
- こうした状況の中で、豊かな自然と広大な大地を持つ北海道は、全国の約4分の1の耕地面積を活かした農業など1次産業が盛んで、農業産出額は全国1位と、国内への食料供給に大きく貢献しています。このような北海道において、ドローンによる農薬散布や電動農機による農作業支援などの農業の効率化を図る取り組みの意味は大きなものとなります。
- 一方で、広大な農地に見合った大型の農機具が必要となり、導入コストが高くなることから、リースやシェアリングなど農機の共同利用の仕組み作りによるコスト低減が不可欠となります。また、農家が所有する農地間の距離は大きい傾向にあり、農地毎の面積も大きく異なるため、農機シェアリングのためには、作業時期や農機の移動時間などの時空間的な要素を考慮した農機共有の効率化が必要です。したがって、移動や作業などのスケジューリングを含む農機共有の効率化を行い、農機や電力を無理なく融通しあえる農業資産シェアリングプラットフォームの構築が、今後の農業の効率化と参入促進に重要と考えています。
- このような背景の下、日立北大ラボと北大は、農村地域の持続性確保に向けて、電力、農機などの農業資産共有によって農業分野の脱炭素化・生産性向上に寄与するため、農業資産シェアリングプラットフォームの開発を進めています。
- 日立北大ラボはこれまで、再生可能エネルギーを活用した小規模な自立型ナノグリッドを基本単位とした地産地消・自立型地域エネルギーシステムの開発を進めてきました。本システムでは、各ナノグリッドから供給される電力を農業などの地域産業へ供給し、各ナノグリッド間を電気自動車(EV)等で電力融通することでシステム全体の安全性を向上させます。さらに、余剰電力を利用してEV等を人・物を運ぶ域内コミュータとして活用することで、単独のグリッドでは実現できないサービスの提供が可能となります[3]-[5]。
- 本システムの背景には今後増大するとみられる既存配電網維持コストへの対策があり、電力需要地が生活圏の変化に合わせて分散することが予想される将来、重要な解決策になると考えています。
- マルチセクタ地域社会シミュレータは本システムを包含する地域社会全体のシミュレーションにより、具体的な投資開発効果の推定を企図しています。その中で、本コンテストの主題となる農業資産シェアリングプラットフォームの効率化による実現性の評価は、日立北大ラボが考える健康・産業・エネルギーの好循環による共生のまちづくり実現に向けて、重要な位置付けとなります。
[1] 「持続可能な地域社会実現に向けた共生のまちづくり」、日立評論、vol.
103 No. 2, 2021
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[2] Focal Point on Early Health Intervention, Nature, 21 July 2021
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「岩見沢市の農業をサステナブルに 日立の「自立型ナノグリッド」に高まる期待」
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[5] H. Uchigaito et al., "Multi-Objective Spatiotemporal Optimization
of Transportation and Power Management by Using Multiple Electric
Vehicles in Nanogrid Networks, “ IEEE EPEC, 2021.
- 日立北大ラボと北大は、複雑化する社会課題解決に向けて、解決したい実問題を数理モデリングで定式化し、明確な評価基準とアルゴリズムを考える楽しさを含めた、実問題のオープンプロブレム化によるマラソン型コンテストを毎年開催しています。
- 単純なベンチマークではなく、実際の問題を取り扱うことで、世界中の方々に解決したい社会課題の共有、提供したいサービスの価値が共感され、実用につながる高性能なアルゴリズムが本コンテストを通じて考案されています。
- コンテストを通じて考案されたアルゴリズムは、成績優秀者と共に実応用に向けた検討を実施し、国際会議等で研究成果を発表しています。
We will post updated announcements about the “Future autonomous distributed city development” programming contest here. Please come back occasionally and check for updates.- NEW! February 14th, 2023: Prize winners are requested to complete the form as soon as possible with the information required for prize delivery. The deadline is within a few days.
- February 8th, 2023: Emails sent to winners and winners. If you have not received it, please check your spam folder.
- February 8th, 2023: An email requesting a summary report of your algorithm has been sent to the top 10 winners of both Question A and Question B. See the “Prizes” section of this page for details.
- January 24th, 2023: The final ranking obtained by the system test has been announced. Please see "Final Ranking" on this page.
- January 20th, 2023: The summary guidelines and the summary examples have been announced. Please see "Prizes" on this page.
- December 23rd, 2022: License information (MIT) has been added to the toolkit.
- December 9th, 2022: Registration opened. Please register from here.
- December 2nd, 2022: The contest will be open for registration soon.
- December 2nd, 2022: Follow us on Twitter #2HC2022.
All personal information will be properly managed by Hokkaido University and Hitachi, Ltd. A third party designated with the Privacy Mark will distribute the award money and special gifts to the top-ranked contestants.
Theme and Background
- A marathon-type programming contest will be held in collaboration with Hitachi Ltd. and Hokkaido University. (Hosted by Hitachi Hokudai Lab, Center for Exploratory Research, Hitachi, Ltd. and Hokkaido University, in cooperation with Kansai University)
- The problems in this contest were not created by AtCoder, Inc. but by Hitachi, Ltd. and Hokkaido University in cooperation with Kansai University.
- This contest will be held from December 23rd, 2022 to January 22nd, 2023 .
- The contest organizers are a group of researchers at Hitachi Hokkaido University Laboratory and Hokkaido University who develop novel services for the attainment of sustainable local communities in collaboration with local governments by exploring new mathematical concepts for social creativity. (See the last section of this page Background for those who are interested in the research mission behind the programming contest for further details.)
- There is a serious shortage of farmers in rural areas where the population is both aging and declining. Although the introduction of smart agricultural machinery utilizing robot technology and ICT is expected to improve the efficiency of agriculture, high implementation costs are a concern. Therefore, minimizing the initial investment as much as possible by leasing farm machinery and promoting services that maximize equipment utilization through sharing will be vital in the future.
- This contest will be held on the theme of algorithms for optimization problems (spatio-temporal optimization problems) involving multiple complex factors (e.g., working time, movement of farm machinery, and appropriate work timing) that seek practical solutions to improve work planning efficiency for agricultural machinery sharing and other applications.
- Hitachi Hokudai Lab and Hokkaido University have held similar marathon-type contests over the past five years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). (1st contest in 2017 here and here ,second in 2018 here , 1st in 2019 here , 2nd in 2019 here , in 2020 here and 2021 here).
- We set themes about pretreatment technology for annealing machines to solve combinatorial optimization problems in 2017 and 2018, about spatio-temporal (dynamic) optimization technology for a shopping support service in 2019, and about regional energy systems in 2020 and 2021.
In past contests, a large number of participants submitted ideas and algorithms that surpassed conventional methods. In addition, in all the contests we have held so far, the results of some of the winners (mainly top-ranking winners) have been presented at international conferences.
For example, the graph conversion algorithm devised in the 2017 contest was implemented at Hokkaido University and Hitachi in conjunction with the contest winner, and the results were presented at the TPNC2018 and published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
In addition, the results of the efficiency improvement algorithm for the shopping support services devised in the 2019 contest were presented at NOLTA2020 , and we presented the nanogrid and EV mutual cooperation algorithm devised in the 2020 contest at IEEE EPEC2021.
- Anyone is eligible to participate in the contest, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or affiliation. The contest is open for registration until the contest closes. To register for participation, click here.
- The contests will be held online for one month from December 23rd, 2022 until January 22nd, 2023 .
- We will prepare two different problems (A and B).
- During the contest period, participants may submit as many answers as they like. However, the server may reject further submissions to the same problem for one hour after submitting a solution. (Submission restrictions will be applied for each problem.)
- Sharing ideas through Twitter or blogs during the contests period is explicitly encouraged . Please use the contest hashtag #2HC2022 for doing so. Participants may upload their own source code to a source code sharing site such as github. They can also solve problems based on ideas that others have posted.* *When publishing ideas and source code, please specify a license with few restrictions on reuse, such as the MIT license or the modified BSD license. If a third party creates an award-winning algorithm on the basis of previously shared ideas or source code, the score will be attributed to the algorithm of the third party.
- Submissions to problems A and B will be ranked separately in accordance with a score specified in the task section. In the unlikely event that two participants receive an identical score, the participant with the earlier submission date will be ranked higher. A participant’s submission date is defined as the date of the final top-scoring submission.
- We will prepare sample code for test case generation and score calculation programs. This tool works in an environment where C++ and Python can be executed. Operation tests will be done on WSL and Ubuntu.
- After the 1-month contest concludes, the final standings will be determined by individually running system tests on previously unseen input using a candidate’s final submission to problems A and B. Note that the test cases used for the system test are different from those provided during the contest period.
- We will award the following prizes and special gifts for the top-scoring contestants.
- Problem A
- Problem B
1st place | 100,000JPY |
2nd place | 30,000JPY |
3rd place | 10,000JPY |
4th-10th | Special award ① (items from Hokkaido University and Hitachi Ltd.) |
11th-30th | Special award ② (items from Hokkaido University and Hitachi Ltd.) |
1st place | 300,000JPY |
2nd place | 100,000JPY |
3rd place | 30,000JPY |
4th-10th | Special award ③ (items from Hokkaido University and Hitachi Ltd.) |
11th-30th | Special award ④ (items from Hokkaido University and Hitachi Ltd.) |
- All prize winners will also be awarded with an original T-shirt and sticker. Special awards ① and stickers will be additionally presented to ten randomly selected winners from Problems A and B (41st – 80th). Winners will be notified by email.
- We will award an Amazon gift certificate (5,000JPY) to the top performers (Problem A: 1st – 10th, Problem B: 1st – 10th) who submitted a summary report of their algorithm. The summary guidelines are here and the summary examples are here.
- After the contest, all prize winners will be contacted by Hokkaido University and Hitachi Ltd. via email. Participants must reply to this email within the specified time limit to indicate their acceptance of the prize. Note that we will have to cancel the prize if a reply is not received by the designated date.
Final Result
The final ranking of contestants after conducting the system test is announced in the table below. We thank all contestants for their contribution to as well as their participation in the contest.
The system test is finished. Prize winners will be notified by email. In order to deliver the prize, the winners are required to fill out the information and acceptance form and reply the email within the deadline. Please note that we have a very tight deadline for replying the email. Note that we will have to cancel the prize if a reply is not received by the designated date.
Award Ceremony
The awards ceremony will be held online during the lunch seminar session of
the 85th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan
- Date and time: March 3rd, 2023 (Fri) 11:40 am – 12:30 pm
- Venue: The University of Electro-Communications and Online
- Introduction to the contest background
- Explanation of the contest tasks
- Award ceremony
- Invited lectures by the winners of problems A and B, explaining the main ideas and logic behind the winning algorithms. *
- *The contest organizers are planning to facilitate a meeting to exchange ideas with the award winners.
- ** After the awards ceremony, we are planning to hold a discussion meeting between the contest winners and Hokkaido University and Hitachi officials. Details will be sent to the invited individuals by email.
Background for those who are interested in the research mission behind the programming contest
- The aims of Hitachi Hokudai Lab, in collaboration with stakeholders such as Hokkaido University, are to address social issues such as the depopulation and declining birthrate in Hokkaido and to achieve sustainable local communities. We are actively promoting community development driven by a community-based cycle of healthcare, industrial creation, and environmental improvement [1–4].
- Stability of the food supply is becoming more important for reasons of security in relation to the spread of infectious diseases, climate change, conflicts, and other factors affecting the global situation. As the number of farm households declines due to depopulation and aging, the domestic food self-sufficiency ratio is on the downward trend in Japan. The challenge is how to improve the efficiency of agriculture and create an environment that facilitates entry into farming so that we can provide a stable supply of food without relying on imports from overseas. The spread of remote work and side jobs is creating opportunities for a population movement from urban to rural areas, and by creating an environment that makes it easier for people to enter the agricultural industry and thereby increase income-generating opportunities, more people may start migrating to rural areas with rich natural environments, which will also lead to the revitalization of local industries. Another challenge relates to the increasing electrification of farm machinery in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. In this context, it will be necessary to create a system that improves the efficiency of agriculture while keeping the initial investment as low as possible to combat the predicted rise in equipment costs.
- Under these circumstances, Hokkaido, with its abundance of natural resources and land, has a thriving agricultural industry that utilizes about one quarter of the nation's total cultivated acreage. Its agricultural output ranks first in Japan, contributing greatly to the domestic food supply. Efforts to improve agricultural efficiency by using drones to spray pesticides and implementing electric farm machines to support farm work will be significant in Hokkaido. At the same time, it is essential to reduce costs by establishing a system for the shared use of farm machinery (e.g., leasing and sharing), as the cost of introducing such machinery to vast amounts of farmland is high. In addition, as the distance between farmlands tends to be large, and the area of each farmland varies, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of farm machinery sharing by taking into account such spatio-temporal factors as work timing and moving time of farm machinery. To this end, we believe that the establishment of an agricultural asset-sharing platform that enables farmers to share agricultural equipment efficiently, including the scheduling of movement and work, and to flexibly exchange agricultural equipment and electricity without difficulty, will be crucial for improving the efficiency of farming and promoting it in the future.
- Against this background, Hitachi Hokkaido University Lab and Hokkaido University are developing an agricultural asset-sharing platform to contribute to the decarbonization and productivity improvement of the agricultural sector by sharing agricultural assets such as electricity and agricultural machinery, thus ensuring sustainability in rural areas. Hitachi Hokkaido University Lab has been developing local production systems for local consumption and self-supporting regional energy systems based on small-scale, self-supporting nanogrids that utilize renewable energy as the basic unit. These systems will provide electricity supplied from each nanogrid to local industries and improve the safety of the entire system by interconnecting each nanogrid with electric vehicles (EV). Furthermore, by utilizing EVs as an intra-regional commuter system to transport people and goods using surplus power, it should be possible to provide services that cannot be achieved by means of a single grid [3–5]. The core objective of this system is to take measures against the cost of maintaining the existing power distribution network, which is expected to increase in the future. We believe this system will be an important solution in the future, when electricity demand areas are expected to be dispersed in accordance with changes in population decline and depopulation in rural area. We are currently developing a multi-sector community simulator to estimate the specific investment required and the development effects by simulating the entire community that encompasses this system. In this context, evaluating the feasibility of an efficient agricultural asset-sharing platform, which is the main theme of this contest, is vital for helping to achieve Hitachi Hokkaido University Lab’s vision of community coexistence through a robust cycle of health, industry, and energy.
[1] "Coexistence Community Development for Sustainable Local Communities", Hitachi Review, vol. 70 No. 4, 2021
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[2] Focal Point on Early Health Intervention, Nature, 21 July 2021
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[3] Hitachi Ltd. Topics, “Development of a regional stand-alone energy system enabling local production and consumption to both low-carbon local industry and strengthen disaster prevention functions”
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[4] Sustainable agriculture in Iwamizawa City: Growing expectations for Hitachi’s “Toward Sustainable Agriculture in Iwamizawa City: Growing Expectations for Hitachi's Stand-alone Nanogrid”
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[5] H. Uchigaito et al., "Multi-Objective Spatiotemporal Optimization of Transportation and Power Management by Using Multiple Electric Vehicles in Nanogrid Networks, “ IEEE EPEC, 2021.
Previous award winners for those who are interested
- Hitachi Hokkaido University Lab and Hokkaido University hold a marathon-type contest every year in which actual problems need to be solved by mathematical modeling. The intent is to encourage participants to address complicated social problems while having fun with algorithms and problem solving.
- By dealing with actual problems rather than simple benchmarks, people all over the world can contribute to resolving the social issues that affect all of us, develop an understanding of the value of the services we want to provide, and help devise high-performance algorithms that lead to practical use through this contest. The algorithms devised in past contests have been studied for practical application along with the winners, and the research results have been presented at a variety of international conferences.