AtCoder Grand Contest 031 and World Tour Finals 2019/20 Announcement

We will start the new season of AtCoder race ranking. Like last year, the top 8 people will be invited to the finals in the beginning of 2020. We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Grand Contest 031</a>. This is the first GP30-rated contest in this season. - Time (YY-MM-DD): <a href='' target='blank'><time class='fixtime fixtime-full'>2019-03-16 21:00:00+0900</time></a> (localtime) - Duration: TBD - Number of Tasks: 6 - writer:<img src='//'> <a href='/users/yutaka1999' class='username'><span class='user-red'>yutaka1999</span></a>, <img src='//'> <a href='/users/yosupo' class='username'><span style='color:#274A78;'>yosupo</span></a>, <a href='/users/DEGwer' class='username'><span class='user-red'>DEGwer</span></a>, <a href='/users/maroonrk' class='username'><span class='user-red'>maroonrk</span></a>, <a href='/users/hogloid' class='username'><span class='user-red'>hogloid</span></a>, <a href='/users/IH19980412' class='username'><span class='user-red'>IH19980412</span></a> - Rated range: All The point values will be TBD We are looking forward to your participation!