AtCoder Beginner Contest 319 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Beginner Contest 319</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 7 - Writer: <a href="/users/MMNMM" class="username"><span class="user-orange">MMNMM</span></a>, <a href="/users/leaf1415" class="username"><span class="user-red">leaf1415</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-orange">Nyaan</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/chokudai" class="username"><span class="user-red">chokudai</span></a>, <a href="/users/m_99" class="username"><span class="user-orange">m_99</span></a>, <a href="/users/evima" class="username"><span class="user-unrated">evima</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-orange">Nyaan</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-450-550-575. Until ABC 318, we used 8 problems per contest because there were many difficult tasks we wanted to use in ABCs. Since we have used most of them, from this ABC, we will use 7 problems per contest. The difficulty of problems A-F will not be changed. The range of difficulty of new problem Gs will be wider, some of them can be as easy as current problem Gs, while others can be as hard as current problem Exs. Please check the point values of each contest for more accurate estimation of difficulties. We are looking forward to your participation!