Japan Alumni Group Summer Camp 2018 Day 2
Can Participate: All Rated Range: - Penalty: 20 minutes
You can practice here: http://practice.contest.atcoder.jp/
For participants of petrozavodsk camp (2018 w): Please don't join (view : Codeforces Link)
You can join as a team (up to 3 members), but it isn't allowed to use more than one computers for coding. (You can only use other computers to view problem statements, submitted source, or your library) .
You can not browse the internet (except this contest site), or copy-paste the code snippets.
First 3 problems are easiest in this set (in our opinion), and other problems are randomly shuffled.
Penalty is ICPC Rule(Sum of AC time + 20min * WA), all problems have same point, 100pt.
The standings will be frozen 60 minutes before the end of the contest.