
C - Product Modulo Editorial by Errichto


Hint 1 There is something in math that makes multiplication modulo $P$ less chaotic. (yes, this is quite a mysterious hint)
Hint 2 Use primitive root (generator) modulo $P$.
Hint 3 Change every number $x$ to its position in sequence $g^0, g^1, g^2, \ldots$
Hint 4 then FFT


There is a way to reorder numbers \(1, 2, \ldots, P-1\) in such a way that we can quickly multiply two numbers and get their product without operators * or %.


\(g = 2\) is a primitive root modulo \(P\). The following equation changes the problem into convolution solvable with FFT:

\[g^i \cdot g^j = g^{i+j}\]

Compute the sequence \(g^0, g^1, \ldots, g^{P-2}\) and save the mapping from value to position which is just \(log_g(x)\).

While reading the input, for every non-zero \(x\) do cnt[position[x]]++. Compute convolution \(cnt \times cnt\) with FFT.

For every \(k\), you computed the number of pairs of elements \((x, y)\) in the input such that \(x = g^r\), \(y = g^t\) and \(k = r + t\) (so \(x \cdot y = g^k\)). This is the number of pairs of elements with exactly this product modulo \(P\). Well, \(g^k\) and \(g^{k+(P-1)}\) are the same number so the answer (for ordered pairs) is:

\[\sum_{k=0}^{P-2} (g^k \bmod P) \cdot (fftResult[k] + fftResult[k+(P-1)]) \]

To count only unordered pairs \((i < j)\), subtract products \((a_i \cdot a_i \bmod P)\) and at the end divide the answer by \(2\) (with modular inverse). Don’t forget about long longs.

code, 40 lines + FFT
#include  // Product Modulo, by Errichto
using namespace std;
#define REP(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < int(n); ++i)
typedef double ld; // 'long double' is 2.2 times slower
struct C { ld real, imag;
	C operator * (const C & he) const {
		return C{real * he.real - imag * he.imag,
				real * he.imag + imag * he.real};
	void operator += (const C & he) { real += he.real; imag += he.imag; }
void dft(vector & a, bool rev) {
	const int n = a.size();
	for(int i = 1, k = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		for(int bit = n / 2; (k ^= bit) < bit; bit /= 2);;;
		if(i < k) swap(a[i], a[k]);
	for(int len = 1, who = 0; len < n; len *= 2, ++who) {
		static vector t[30];
		vector & om = t[who];
		if(om.empty()) {
			const ld ang = 2 * acosl(0) / len;
			REP(i, len) om[i] = i%2 || !who ?
					C{cos(i*ang), sin(i*ang)} : t[who-1][i/2];
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 2 * len)
			REP(k, len) {
				 const C x = a[i+k], y = a[i+k+len]
						* C{om[k].real, om[k].imag * (rev ? -1 : 1)};
				a[i+k] += y;
				a[i+k+len] = C{x.real - y.real, x.imag - y.imag};
	if(rev) REP(i, n) a[i].real /= n;
templatevector multiply(const vector & a, const vector & b) {
	if(a.empty() || b.empty()) return {};
	int n = a.size() + b.size();
	vector ans(n - 1);
	/* if(min(a.size(),b.size()) < 190) { // BRUTE FORCE
		REP(i, a.size()) REP(j, b.size()) ans[i+j] += a[i]*b[j];
		return ans; } */
	while(n&(n-1)) ++n;
	auto speed = [&](const vector & w, int i, int k) {
		int j = i ? n - i : 0, r = k ? -1 : 1;
		return C{w[i].real + w[j].real * r, w[i].imag
				- w[j].imag * r} * (k ? C{0, -0.5} : C{0.5, 0});
	vector in(n), done(n);
	REP(i, a.size()) in[i].real = a[i];
	REP(i, b.size()) in[i].imag = b[i];
	dft(in, false);
	REP(i, n) done[i] = speed(in, i, 0) * speed(in, i, 1);
	dft(done, true);
	REP(i, ans.size()) ans[i] = is_integral::value ?
			llround(done[i].real) : done[i].real;
	return ans;

const int P = 200003;

int main() {
	int g = 2;
	vector order{1};
	for(int x = g; x != 1; x = (long long) x * g % P) {
	assert((int) order.size() == P - 1);
	vector where(P);
	for(int i = 0; i < (int) order.size(); ++i) {
		where[order[i]] = i;
	vector cnt(P);
	int n;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	vector a(n);
	for(int& x : a) {
		scanf("%d", &x);
		if(x != 0) {
	vector multiplier(P);
	vector answer = multiply(cnt, cnt);
	for(int i = 0; i < (int) answer.size(); ++i) {
		if(answer[i]) {
			int product = order[i%order.size()];
			multiplier[product] += answer[i];
	for(int x : a) {
		--multiplier[(long long) x * x % P];
	long long total = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i < P; ++i) {
		assert(multiplier[i] % 2 == 0);
		total += multiplier[i] / 2 * i;
	printf("%lld\n", total);

Faster modulo multiplication?

With fast memory access, precomputations with primitive root might speed up the calculation of \(x \cdot y \bmod P\).

In C++, if you use a constant like const int P = 200003;, the modulo operations are anyway quite fast. But if you read \(P\) from the input, replacing x * y % P with g_powers[pos[x]+pos[y]] is actually 2.5 times faster on author’s machine (5.3s and 2s for 1e9 multiplications, \(P = 200\,003\)). I don’t know how good this is compared to other known algorithms for speeding up operation %P.

For values of \(P\) around \(10^9\), this is viable only locally to compute something once or if it’s an optimization contest. You need 8GB and a few seconds for preprocessing.

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