
A - On and Off 解説 by en_translator

When \(S \lt T\), the answer is Yes if \(S \leq X \lt T\), or otherwise No.
When \(T \lt S\), the answer is Yes if \(X \lt T\) or \(S \leq X\), or otherwise No.

We can implement them with if statements as follows.

Sample code (C++) :

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int s, t, x;
    cin >> s >> t >> x;
    if (s < t) {
        cout << (s <= x and x < t ? "Yes" : "No") << '\n';
    } else {
        cout << (x < t or s <= x ? "Yes" : "No") << '\n';

Sample code (Python) :

s, t, x = map(int, input().split())
if s < t:
    print("Yes" if s <= x < t else "No")
    print("Yes" if x < t or s <= x else "No")
