
問題名 ユーザ名 質問 回答 全体公開 投稿日時 最終更新日時
D - Blue and Red Balls polarbear08
申し訳ありません、21:20 頃から 21:27 頃までの間、ジャッジサーバー上の問題 D の入出力データが誤って問題 F のものに置き換えられていました。これにより不正解となった提出はリジャッジされました。
Approximately between 21:20 JST and 21:27 JST, the input and output files for Problem D on the judge servers were mistakenly replaced with those for Problem F. The submissions affected by this were rejudged. We apologize for the trouble.
F - Small Products LayCurse
制約は K >= 2 ではないですか?(K=1は答えが無限にありそうです)
申し訳ありません、制約は正しくは 2 <= K <= 100 です。K = 1 のケースが混入していますが、これらは削除してリジャッジを行います。
We are sorry, the constraint for K is actually "2 <= K <= 100" but it was incorrectly written as "1 <= K <= 100" (now fixed). The cases with K=1 were removed and the submissions affected were rejudged.
D - Blue and Red Balls tozangezan
Isn't the explanation for the sample 1 wrong?
Yes, it was wrong and we fixed the problem statement. Sorry for the inconvenience.