2 Dan
Country/Region | Japan |
Birth Year | 1982 |
Twitter ID | @t33f |
TopCoder ID | kozima |
Codeforces ID | kozima |
Contest Status
Rating | 2112 |
Highest Rating | 2227 ― 2 Dan (+173 to promote) |
Rated Matches | 69 |
Last Competed | 2022/07/30 |
Country/Region | Japan |
Birth Year | 1982 |
Twitter ID | @t33f |
TopCoder ID | kozima |
Codeforces ID | kozima |
Rating | 2112 |
Highest Rating | 2227 ― 2 Dan (+173 to promote) |
Rated Matches | 69 |
Last Competed | 2022/07/30 |