Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
11280 z100627 1055 1097 3 0
11303 Guoshuai1017 1997 1054 1213 76 0
11303 Lq122030 1054 1131 8 0
11303 Nishikada 2002 1054 1152 5 0
11303 aglupal 2022 1054 1324 45 0
11303 aym28 2004 1054 1088 24 0
11303 hironytic 1054 1054 21 0
11303 kongum 2004 1054 1143 33 0
11303 lacito 1054 1054 2 0
11303 mitas30 University of Tsukuba 2002 1054 1088 37 0
11303 naga_na_meko 2000 1054 1054 90 0
11303 rif_c 1054 1054 92 0
11303 seyjs 1054 1079 30 0
11303 soso15 1997 1054 1180 56 0
11303 syf2008_____ 1054 1054 2 0
11303 y_y_ 2000 1054 1054 49 0
11303 ythk nagano 1054 1054 20 0
11303 yuchud 1054 1054 6 0
11320 AbdulAhadKhan MNNIT, Allahabad 2001 1053 1124 100 0
11320 Derick2005 1053 1132 38 0
11320 Iwillnevergiveup I can do wonders. 2010 1053 1059 8 0
11320 Jillclaire 1997 1053 1101 74 0
11320 Slum_dog IIT KHARAGPUR 2004 1053 1053 15 0
11320 Terta yc_xxy 1053 1053 2 0
11320 Yuris Soongsil Univ. 2001 1053 1098 32 0
11320 ashitsunokara 自宅警備員 1053 1108 105 0
11320 eusebiuu 2004 1053 1171 33 0
11320 gutongxing 不抢跑就会被挨打 2011 1053 1131 27 0
11320 linjunye 2011 1053 1090 17 0
11320 matheuslealv UNICAMP 1999 1053 1053 2 0
11320 mymailfrom54 1979 1053 1053 38 0
11320 nandaina 筑波大学 理工情報生命学術院 システム情報工学研究群 情報理工学位プログラム 2001 1053 1162 115 0
11320 not_deepu2104 Graphic Era University 2001 1053 1053 16 0
11320 polar_beer21 Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow 1053 1072 40 0
11320 pshiko 大学 1053 1232 61 0
11320 rahulshrestha IIT BHU 2003 1053 1053 21 0
11320 rakka 1997 1053 1163 183 0
11320 yudai25n Kaijo/海城 2009 1053 1136 55 0
11320 yyqjwyy 13382727988 2002 1053 1053 32 0
11320 zbw__ 2001 1053 1053 13 0
11343 AyanGm IIT Guwahati 2003 1052 1154 35 0
11343 CaptainUknown 2004 1052 1060 12 0
11343 CarpDay 甲南大学 1052 1191 88 0
11343 Dawn_cx 2004 1052 1052 9 0
11343 GeekMasahiro 1970 1052 1059 60 0
11343 KongShuiLinHua 1999 1052 1052 14 0
11343 NightRaven 1052 1348 15 0
11343 Sugar_HTMG なし 1995 1052 1052 39 0
11343 Yuun14 1997 1052 1052 23 0
11343 atsushi015 なし 1052 1301 277 0
11343 baoshuo @sjzezsyxx 2006 1052 1055 17 0
11343 harsh99 1999 1052 1102 17 0
11343 hngara Faculty of Science Cairo university 2003 1052 1109 29 0
11343 hnust_zenggai 18407399885 2002 1052 1052 25 0
11343 inuneko6928 1052 1150 68 0
11343 rong_nian 1052 1124 20 0
11343 sadgeboi University of Dhaka 2000 1052 1052 26 0
11343 shivn 2002 1052 1100 19 0
11343 sloppy_coder 2002 1052 1052 9 0
11343 tuy3 1052 1052 56 0
11343 zx123456 1052 1100 16 0
11364 CConstantine 2002 1051 1051 24 0
11364 DeepLearning777 1995 1051 1195 11 0
11364 Fallout3691 IIT Kanpur 1051 1051 37 0
11364 LingYeJueXi 2000 1051 1051 6 0
11364 MikeHawk 2002 1051 1051 20 0
11364 Sebastian1801 2024 1051 1051 15 0
11364 akebono Toyota Motor Corp. 1992 1051 1122 34 0
11364 alter869334 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2004 1051 1051 43 0
11364 amarnathsama UIET, PU 1999 1051 1231 52 0
11364 anand_avt 2003 1051 1246 25 0
11364 cslg092222128 2002 1051 1051 27 0
11364 ekkqothi Tokyo University of Science 2002 1051 1129 29 0
11364 emperortime 1051 1051 1 0
11364 imharshit - 1998 1051 1261 18 0
11364 kuailedetongnian 1051 1074 53 0
11364 macOSBigSur 1051 1106 64 0
11364 prem__ 1051 1051 10 0
11364 rhymehatch 1992 1051 1051 13 0
11364 yuxinzhan Nahida is the cutest in the world!!!! 2008 1051 1051 8 0
11383 Basin Nihon University 2000 1050 1156 146 0
11383 ENEMO 2003 1050 1063 25 0
11383 Eternal_light JQH fan club 1050 1233 18 0
11383 GMOW qq1723981822 2004 1050 1050 31 0
11383 Hsiaofeng 1050 1066 37 0
11383 L0llip0p Arcaea 1050 1050 84 0
11383 Liella Sungkyunkwan University 1997 1050 1216 11 0
11383 Potemashu Osaka Institute of Technology 2003 1050 1057 63 0
11383 SJSG2024 none 2005 1050 1050 4 0
11383 Seven_777 2004 1050 1050 20 0
11383 aoymats 1974 1050 1077 175 0
11383 kamalkish0r IIIT Jabalpur 1050 1050 45 0
11383 kawchar85 1999 1050 1050 11 0
11383 lcebound 2003 1050 1050 23 0
11383 low_and_up 1997 1050 1229 19 0
11383 luhr31415926 1050 1050 24 0
11383 mickie 1987 1050 1264 71 0
11383 nnfnameko 早稲田大学 2002 1050 1050 88 0
11383 nvqlfi214 1050 1097 16 0
11383 pocketaces42 1050 1096 80 0