Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(113701) 37886 wdoran 2004 286 369 58 0
(113702) 6868 wolfmagnate 2002 1347 1365 58 0
(113703) 22888 xQc 2002 647 885 58 0
(113704) 8936 xcrr 2007 1206 1218 58 0
(113705) 8810 xero7 Student 1998 1212 1492 58 0
(113706) 21817 yayman 2020 679 820 58 0
(113707) 3641 yh2022mayu 辣鸡号战列舰,辣鸡舰队的旗舰,一个很渣的东东 Garbage Battleship, the flagship of Garbage Fleet, a very dreary Dongdong 2009 1666 1666 58 0
(113708) 22745 ytatey 2000 651 651 58 0
(113709) 1956 yuanbc yc_zyh 2024 1934 1934 58 0
(113710) 1815 yunipoke The University of Tokyo 2003 1965 2113 58 0
(113711) 48321 yusakuh 1974 160 176 58 0
(113712) 12215 yushin0319 1986 1022 1044 58 0
(113713) 24402 yuuuuukou 1995 603 609 58 0
(113714) 6474 z1bbo 1994 1378 1378 58 0
(113715) 6586 zhouzhou 1370 1436 58 0
(113716) 5026 zwuis South China University of Technology 2002 1515 1615 58 0
(113717) 29492 AchillesLock 1960 470 470 59 0
(113718) 9473 Atake_MKU 2001 1177 1247 59 0
(113719) 2380 Bedo_Sayed 1851 1976 59 0
(113720) 22511 Dond 2000 658 658 59 0
(113721) 41998 GaTo_Rfc 2004 226 292 59 0
(113722) 3766 Ge_QingHui 2007 1652 1652 59 0
(113723) 18348 Giovanni1934 The University of Electro-Communications 1998 792 804 59 0
(113724) 17798 Hayu 1990 809 877 59 0
(113725) 2036 Igor_Parfenov 2001 1918 1932 59 0
(113726) 22438 J0007 2000 660 692 59 0
(113727) 7421 KH8047 1305 1305 59 0
(113728) 5390 Kaiyi 2008 1477 1507 59 0
(113729) 7294 Kakita 1999 1314 1457 59 0
(113730) 9164 KooM Keio University 2002 1195 1212 59 0
(113731) 1804 Ktya_59 hoge 1968 2151 59 0
(113732) 15077 LIUGUANG_noi 2007 899 908 59 0
(113733) 3752 Lihg Yunnan University 2004 1654 1654 59 0
(113734) 5495 ManInM00N 2003 1467 1467 59 0
(113735) 4829 Masafiro The University of Tokyo 2003 1536 1536 59 0
(113736) 24813 Mattaku 2003 591 678 59 0
(113737) 27002 Naruto10 International Islamic University Chittagong 2000 532 578 59 0
(113738) 13132 Poyochan 980 1026 59 0
(113739) 1372 RabbieWjy 2024 2024 59 0
(113740) 29145 Rahim17MBSTU Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University 2001 479 517 59 0
(113741) 18172 Sukiyaki Survey Corps 2000 799 864 59 0
(113742) 24014 Tea08 2008 614 614 59 0
(113743) 53395 The_Hawk_returns Panjab university, Chandigarh 2000 122 625 59 0
(113744) 34816 Yuri_Vilcheuski 1970 347 495 59 0
(113745) 12130 alfons Osaka University 2004 1025 1057 59 0
(113746) 10678 aman_bedi Graphic Era University 2001 1102 1387 59 0
(113747) 5952 amomorning Southeast University 1996 1421 1423 59 0
(113748) 16980 antriksh13 829 1029 59 0
(113749) 8276 ao_ba 1245 1245 59 0
(113750) 21575 aruba_1112 Tohoku University 2001 686 716 59 0
(113751) 610 athj 2245 2245 59 0
(113752) 13677 azalea09 957 1028 59 0
(113753) 8574 butterjr 2006 1225 1415 59 0
(113754) 25332 cinderella_21 UEC 1999 576 592 59 0
(113755) 1508 cwxzh Chengdu foreign language school 2009 2013 2134 59 0
(113756) 7084 das_sayantan IIT ISM Dhanbad 2001 1329 1478 59 0
(113757) 5462 decsp 2001 1470 1596 59 0
(113758) 11952 defplus 1034 1127 59 0
(113759) 11036 dna_2020 2002 1082 1313 59 0
(113760) 6281 elswzl 1923 1394 1402 59 0
(113761) 37734 frogcoder_2064 Government College Of Engineering And Leather Technology 2000 289 447 59 0
(113762) 62 gyh20 2005 2921 2976 59 0
(113763) 35956 hamchans 金沢大学 2001 322 383 59 0
(113764) 12942 harun210 2007 989 989 59 0
(113765) 34514 heaven7 354 354 59 0
(113766) 28758 hiroya20201225 Kobe Univ 2000 489 538 59 0
(113767) 14395 huangtianci 2010 926 986 59 0
(113768) 21440 hwataru 1985 690 690 59 0
(113769) 17991 iMey 2002 804 807 59 0
(113770) 13295 imahiro 1994 973 994 59 0
(113771) 11772 jerry1717 2011 1044 1101 59 0
(113772) 6527 jnarutoj NIT Kurukshetra 1999 1374 1643 59 0
(113773) 15422 kanadesanma チーバくん 1998 887 952 59 0
(113774) 6918 kazu123 anct 1342 1396 59 0
(113775) 22062 kenchan GMO Pepabo, Inc. 1982 671 745 59 0
(113776) 5647 kkxacj1 yc2025_蒲黎 2010 1452 1545 59 0
(113777) 17406 kmoyashi 1995 820 1066 59 0
(113778) 8982 komasan Fleur de Lapin 1203 1203 59 0
(113779) 21575 kyofalcon 1999 686 778 59 0
(113780) 26118 lucky1305 2002 555 654 59 0
(113781) 7438 lum1narie Tokyo Institute of Technology 1304 1397 59 0
(113782) 20995 maeda__1221 1996 703 708 59 0
(113783) 26157 momotarou11 大学生 1999 554 595 59 0
(113784) 14664 moriteru 1985 916 1011 59 0
(113785) 15112 murr 898 957 59 0
(113786) 15567 nemu123 1979 881 900 59 0
(113787) 23231 nishikota 637 660 59 0
(113788) 7969 nmnsharma007 2001 1265 1351 59 0
(113789) 7421 ntj 1305 1305 59 0
(113790) 17173 pachiwan 岡山大学大学院 2000 827 841 59 0
(113791) 44077 paradox222 gPqNFoHaC0GUtVBBEaJ13ZEbeLLaGp 2007 198 211 59 0
(113792) 15397 pollenjp 888 893 59 0
(113793) 17549 potaku0503 2001 816 816 59 0
(113794) 13562 raygo The University of Electro-Communications 2000 962 1098 59 0
(113795) 4630 rikimaru2446 1557 1589 59 0
(113796) 8117 ryo0969 1999 1255 1271 59 0
(113797) 2774 ryuIo 2000 1787 1831 59 0
(113798) 11538 s0ran 東京工業大学 1999 1055 1115 59 0
(113799) 2268 sakuda00 1870 1870 59 0
(113800) 22511 sasamichan The University of Tokyo 2002 658 802 59 0