Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(100401) 17478 UMAboogie Tokyo tech 2000 818 818 23 0
(100402) 36275 Ukiller 2006 315 330 23 0
(100403) 27676 Upauper63 515 579 23 0
(100404) 51946 UrbanFox Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences 2004 132 150 23 0
(100405) 15077 User002727 2008 899 951 23 0
(100406) 7278 User_Kei 2004 1315 1315 23 0
(100407) 26157 Utkarsh1601 Student 2005 554 554 23 0
(100408) 20360 Vandrin 2007 723 743 23 0
(100409) 45939 Vanilla4 2001 181 203 23 0
(100410) 13263 Veds 974 974 23 0
(100411) 43611 VenCasMet 2004 206 282 23 0
(100412) 9217 Venti 1998 1191 1302 23 0
(100413) 22851 Vijay73 4616de1b896d74f639eb359416ad9703 2002 648 648 23 0
(100414) 17884 VitaliiV 807 807 23 0
(100415) 30977 Walter_Fang 2010 435 435 23 0
(100416) 41074 Wang2011 2011 238 339 23 0
(100417) 13562 Wanghaoran JZYZ 2009 962 962 23 0
(100418) 47003 Wei_Yuanhao Don't set limits for yourself, do your best and leave the rest to providence. 2010 171 194 23 0
(100419) 29450 Weibowen0908 2011 471 504 23 0
(100420) 2990 Wizmann 我失败,我自杀 1746 1746 23 0
(100421) 47240 WozC512 2004 169 173 23 0
(100422) 15077 Xiaoxiauwu 899 899 23 0
(100423) 18681 Xiluo 2004 780 799 23 0
(100424) 31563 YANG_king 2012 422 422 23 0
(100425) 35137 YO_dodorara 近畿大学 1998 340 343 23 0
(100426) 9538 YUI_ 1999 1173 1287 23 0
(100427) 60083 YZP_AK_IOI 86 95 23 0
(100428) 35482 Yashj6294 2001 329 402 23 0
(100429) 33197 Yasu1222 1986 385 512 23 0
(100430) 52504 Yogita44 2004 128 168 23 0
(100431) 10014 Yonder 2010 1142 1240 23 0
(100432) 11719 Yoyo_01 7FA4 2012 1046 1063 23 0
(100433) 39372 Yu4 2003 262 262 23 0
(100434) 58593 Yu_lab 2002 93 99 23 0
(100435) 5406 YuanZiJun 2008 1475 1481 23 0
(100436) 38276 YutingShi 279 279 23 0
(100437) 29932 Z0E Shibaura Institute of Technology 2000 459 504 23 0
(100438) 2095 Zhaoph_ 1904 1904 23 0
(100439) 29414 Zhx_x 2002 472 472 23 0
(100440) 4727 Zoomdan 2001 1543 1676 23 0
(100441) 47709 Ztone_Master78 2006 165 367 23 0
(100442) 49057 aMISO 同志社大学 2001 154 178 23 0
(100443) 7028 aa2 1333 1333 23 0
(100444) 17690 aayuc1784 IIT Dhanbad 2005 812 812 23 0
(100445) 28470 ablibang 496 496 23 0
(100446) 18598 abode_at25 2005 783 783 23 0
(100447) 28183 abpk Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota 503 592 23 0
(100448) 21375 aditya0617 2000 692 692 23 0
(100449) 7262 aditya43 2001 1316 1321 23 0
(100450) 5525 aditya_108 2003 1465 1598 23 0
(100451) 22713 adsholoko 652 683 23 0
(100452) 27192 ahmedsaid259 2002 527 545 23 0
(100453) 40183 ai_sana_ 1998 250 250 23 0
(100454) 31278 aidyll 2002 428 428 23 0
(100455) 28842 aka_mzk 電気通信大学 先端ロボティクスプログラム 2001 487 511 23 0
(100456) 15751 akhaja_D6255 2004 874 876 23 0
(100457) 39305 aki0 263 263 23 0
(100458) 21940 aki916 675 760 23 0
(100459) 46486 akira2390 2004 176 176 23 0
(100460) 6599 alex11neagu 2002 1369 1419 23 0
(100461) 26962 alpha09 2002 533 533 23 0
(100462) 54852 amuratakamitamu NITIC 2005 113 117 23 0
(100463) 13056 an0nymous_ 984 1106 23 0
(100464) 24617 angryclawz 2002 597 623 23 0
(100465) 14426 anikethend1234 Pune Institute Of Computer Technology , Pune 2003 925 1029 23 0
(100466) 13155 animish01 2003 979 1118 23 0
(100467) 16794 anonosuke 1999 839 839 23 0
(100468) 7136 anubhav664433 2003 1325 1339 23 0
(100469) 54684 aonomi 1995 114 133 23 0
(100470) 10767 ap_noob IIT Roorkee 2002 1098 1175 23 0
(100471) 12408 apcc_25 2002 1013 1013 23 0
(100472) 17798 aprilhare 1971 809 823 23 0
(100473) 16392 apurv_19 IET Lucknow 2000 851 965 23 0
(100474) 5381 aritrag 2000 1478 1488 23 0
(100475) 1881 arnold518 2003 1951 2062 23 0
(100476) 18737 asao1524 1989 778 843 23 0
(100477) 66849 ashwing75sch 2001 60 71 23 0
(100478) 14110 asmatikur University of Rajshahi 1999 938 938 23 0
(100479) 30306 asuka_mirai 451 513 23 0
(100480) 48929 awesomedude 学生 2006 155 155 23 0
(100481) 30733 ayaka_o なし 1925 441 481 23 0
(100482) 35526 aym203 2004 331 384 23 0
(100483) 29608 ayupen 1987 467 467 23 0
(100484) 6345 bashNewbie 1389 1389 23 0
(100485) 17721 batman3737 2008 811 919 23 0
(100486) 5705 bb2211 1998 1446 1652 23 0
(100487) 15704 bdmk 学生 2002 876 876 23 0
(100488) 28470 beLIeVE_U 2002 496 496 23 0
(100489) 28901 big_banana 1997 485 485 23 0
(100490) 26157 billshi SFLS 2012 554 554 23 0
(100491) 13102 bitzzx 982 1446 23 0
(100492) 30212 biva 1999 453 516 23 0
(100493) 42468 bluesphere 1998 220 220 23 0
(100494) 6032 bzh110 Zhejiang University 1999 1414 1414 23 0
(100495) 14017 c6h8o6 2005 942 958 23 0
(100496) 34275 calculatormania 1995 359 372 23 0
(100497) 11560 caojiashuo 1054 1105 23 0
(100498) 25109 ccc_udon The University of Electro-Communications 2003 582 582 23 0
(100499) 12358 ceelo777 2001 1016 1089 23 0
(100500) 22170 checker8 668 668 23 0