Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
3272 wildf1re 2002 1705 1812 15 0
3272 whm123 2007 1705 1848 12 0
3272 tilennn 2004 1705 1705 23 0
3272 khoray 2002 1705 1808 12 0
3272 kazumaokawa The University of Tokyo 2001 1705 1705 38 0
3272 frofroyang 1705 1705 13 0
3272 farfarqwq 1705 1705 7 0
3272 daniel14311531 Harbin Institute of Technology 2004 1705 1705 5 0
3272 Tangent1024 1705 1705 11 0
3272 LIUIR 2009 1705 1705 34 0
3272 Dean11 2019 1705 1716 17 0
3272 Croco 1705 1761 25 0
3272 CristianoPenaldo 1705 1705 33 0
3272 BAKATAN Not_Paken 2008 1705 1705 65 0
3272 Aiplc 1705 1745 16 0
3272 Ahmadsm2005 Alexandria International School 2005 1705 1705 25 0
3288 winter2020 1704 1763 20 0
3288 mathyuuugo 1996 1704 1734 113 0
3288 lynmisakura 弓張学園 1704 2004 250 0
3288 knayam IIT Roorkee 2001 1704 1723 88 0
3292 zhy_learn 2008 1703 1712 23 0
3292 tinySteLLa 1998 1703 1703 132 0
3292 huk2 Weifang Beichen Middle School 2011 1703 1703 70 0
3292 aymanrasheed7 1703 1728 13 0
3292 YugiHacker https://linktr.ee/YugiHacker 2002 1703 1729 35 0
3292 Kyooma 2001 1703 1703 14 0
3298 zukash 1702 1766 172 0
3298 naesira 2001 1702 1868 114 0
3298 icube2 1702 1702 5 0
3298 gzygod 1702 1712 37 0
3298 TooooSimple 1702 1702 8 0
3298 MarioPariona117 2003 1702 1753 25 0
3298 Maezra6 1702 1844 38 0
3298 M3_cp Ritsumeikan University 2002 1702 1736 154 0
3298 JvThunder 2004 1702 1716 19 0
3298 FreeYourMind 1702 1733 83 0
3298 DengDuck 中山市迪茵公学 2008 1702 1702 41 0
3309 tzaph 2004 1701 1790 43 0
3309 suzume Recruit Co., Ltd. 1701 2004 118 0
3309 not_clever_sylAT 1701 1708 10 0
3309 ha___il IIIT Hyderabad 2005 1701 1701 26 0
3309 g1ove 2011 1701 1719 15 0
3309 fengyuyue https://kenkoooo.com/atcoder#/table/ 2006 1701 1701 13 0
3309 emonzhong 1991 1701 1851 58 0
3309 desist 1701 1701 8 0
3309 dayux 2007 1701 1709 31 0
3309 Phill 2003 1701 1747 31 0
3309 Genius3435 1701 1734 43 0
3320 numberes 1700 1700 25 0
3320 hudzg 2004 1700 1700 13 0
3320 cenruiyang 2005 1700 1700 7 0
3320 Sawarnik123 IIT Roorkee 1999 1700 1712 79 0
3320 MKLOL 1992 1700 1700 8 0
3320 Echoxx Nanjing Foreign Language School 2009 1700 1810 31 0
3326 szcQAQ 2009 1699 1699 32 0
3326 konjaklaf zsjz 2008 1699 1699 17 0
3326 hkyiitd 2001 1699 1901 29 0
3326 Wernier IIT Roorkee 2000 1699 1865 61 0
3326 SC_CZC 1699 1723 9 0
3331 caomeinaixi https://github.com/981377660LMT/algorithm-study 1999 1698 1793 61 0
3331 KIK 2003 1698 1711 9 0
3333 siokombu524288 Koshi High School 2006 1697 1712 61 0
3333 gaemotham 1697 1753 29 0
3333 boy_next_door 2006 1697 1815 19 0
3333 ZrjaK 1697 1903 93 0
3333 Ptilopsis_w 1697 1697 9 0
3333 LTL_td University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2005 1697 1787 15 0
3333 Good_WeekDay_ 1697 1700 38 0
3333 Believe 2000 1697 1772 57 0
3341 yiyiyi_ 1696 1696 3 0
3341 shiyihangxs 13588884966 2007 1696 1710 43 0
3341 lmgoat 2007 1696 1781 30 0
3341 kigash Astana Bilim Innovation Lyceum 2007 1696 1702 25 0
3341 fft_ntt APLS - Antarctica Penguin Language School 1926 1696 1696 3 0
3341 cryozwq 1696 1809 18 0
3341 PYD 2007 1696 1696 5 0
3341 IOIAKer shit 2023 1696 1696 19 0
3349 test_code 2000 1695 1695 24 0
3349 outline 1695 1860 263 0
3349 mxjhelen 2008 1695 1731 72 0
3349 mcdx9524 1695 1746 18 0
3349 iomir Ritsumeikan University 2002 1695 1787 162 0
3349 andyli 2007 1695 1702 32 0
3349 Lavaloon 18653120328 2007 1695 1711 43 0
3349 ButterflyDew 1695 1695 7 0
3357 tarche 2004 1694 1820 9 0
3357 shyamer3 NITK, Surathkal 2003 1694 1759 47 0
3357 mainyutin Moscow Aviation Insitute 2001 1694 1694 18 0
3357 bit_zentansaku 1694 1877 195 0
3357 atforces 1997 1694 1947 99 0
3357 MichaelChick 1999 1694 1837 148 0
3357 Meet_Brahmbhatt IIIT Surat 2002 1694 1720 154 0
3357 Airths IIT Delhi 2002 1694 1789 60 0
3357 AbstractNonsense Max Planck Institute 1999 1694 1694 28 0
3366 yamate11 1693 1963 255 0
3366 script_kidd 1972 1693 1712 22 0
3366 lkfdsjhkhflr 1693 1716 62 0
3366 fft_6_ntt Genshin Impact 1693 1693 2 0
3366 centipede_human Keio University 1998 1693 2019 177 0
3366 MaGnsi0 Alazhar University 2000 1693 1693 40 0