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HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 Final (Open Contest) Announcement

We will hold <a href="">HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 Final (Open Contest)</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 8 hours - Writer: <a href="/users/wata_admin" class="username"><span class="user-unrated">wata_admin</span></a> - Member: <a href="/users/tsukammo" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">tsukammo</span></a> - Rated range: Unrated There is a single optimization problem, like AtCoder Heuristic Contest (AHC). We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Beginner Contest 281 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Beginner Contest 281</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 8 - Writer: <a href="/users/m_99" class="username"><span class="user-orange">m_99</span></a>, <a href="/users/KoD" class="username"><span class="user-red">KoD</span></a>, <a href="/users/physics0523" class="username"><span class="user-orange">physics0523</span></a>, <a href="/users/nok0" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">nok0</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/yuto1115" class="username"><span class="user-red">yuto1115</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-orange">Nyaan</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-orange">Nyaan</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/yuto1115" class="username"><span class="user-red">yuto1115</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-500-600-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Grand Contest 059 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Grand Contest 059</a>. This contest counts for GP30 scores. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 180 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/antontrygubO_o" class="username"><span class="user-red">antontrygubO_o</span></a> - Tester: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/maspy" class="username"><span class="user-red">maspy</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/dario2994" class="username"><span class="user-red">dario2994</span></a>, <a href="/users/errorgorn" class="username"><span class="user-orange">errorgorn</span></a>, <a href="/users/timreizin" class="username"><span class="user-unrated">timreizin</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/Um_nik" class="username"><span style="color:#08E8DE;">Um_nik</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/progmatic" class="username"><span class="user-red">progmatic</span></a> - Rated range: 1200 ~ The point values will be 500-700-1100-1100-1400-1900. We are looking forward to your participation!

Denso Create Programming Contest 2022 Winter(AtCoder Beginner Contest 280) Announcement

We will hold <a href="">Denso Create Programming Contest 2022 Winter(AtCoder Beginner Contest 280)</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 8 - Writer: <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a>, <a href="/users/mechanicalpenciI" class="username"><span class="user-orange">mechanicalpenciI</span></a>, <a href="/users/physics0523" class="username"><span class="user-orange">physics0523</span></a>, <a href="/users/June_boy" class="username"><span class="user-orange">June_boy</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-red">Nyaan</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/cn449" class="username"><span class="user-red">cn449</span></a>, <a href="/users/MMNMM" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">MMNMM</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-500-600-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

TOYOTA SYSTEMS Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Beginner Contest 279) Announcement

We will hold <a href="">TOYOTA SYSTEMS Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Beginner Contest 279)</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 8 - Writer: <a href="/users/yuto1115" class="username"><span class="user-red">yuto1115</span></a>, <a href="/users/physics0523" class="username"><span class="user-orange">physics0523</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/m_99" class="username"><span class="user-orange">m_99</span></a>, <a href="/users/leaf1415" class="username"><span class="user-orange">leaf1415</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-500-600-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Regular Contest 152 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Regular Contest 152</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 120 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <a href="/users/riano_" class="username"><span class="user-orange">riano_</span></a> - Tester: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/maspy" class="username"><span class="user-red">maspy</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-red">Nyaan</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 2799 The point values will be 400-500-600-700-800-1000. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Beginner Contest 278 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Beginner Contest 278</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 8 - Writer: <a href="/users/MMNMM" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">MMNMM</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-red">Nyaan</span></a>, <a href="/users/physics0523" class="username"><span class="user-orange">physics0523</span></a>, <a href="/users/nok0" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">nok0</span></a>, <a href="/users/KoD" class="username"><span class="user-red">KoD</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/nok0" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">nok0</span></a>, <a href="/users/KoD" class="username"><span class="user-red">KoD</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-500-600-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Programming Contest 2022 Autumn (AtCoder Beginner Contest 277) Announcement

We will hold <a href="">Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Programming Contest 2022 Autumn (AtCoder Beginner Contest 277)</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 8 - Writer: <a href="/users/leaf1415" class="username"><span class="user-orange">leaf1415</span></a>, <a href="/users/cn449" class="username"><span class="user-red">cn449</span></a>, <a href="/users/physics0523" class="username"><span class="user-orange">physics0523</span></a>, <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a>, <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-red">Nyaan</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a>, <a href="/users/mechanicalpenciI" class="username"><span class="user-orange">mechanicalpenciI</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-500-600-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016) Announcement

We will hold <a href="">HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016)</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 9 days - Writer: <a href="/users/wata_admin" class="username"><span class="user-unrated">wata_admin</span></a> - Member: <a href="/users/tsukammo" class="username"><span class="user-yellow">tsukammo</span></a>, <a href="/users/dchular" class="username"><span class="user-cyan">dchular</span></a> - Rated range: All (Heuristic Rating) The goal of AHC is to create a better solution to a problem for which it is difficult to find the optimal solution. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Beginner Contest 276 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Beginner Contest 276</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 8 - Writer: <a href="/users/KoD" class="username"><span class="user-red">KoD</span></a>, <a href="/users/m_99" class="username"><span class="user-orange">m_99</span></a>, <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a> - Tester: <a href="/users/Nyaan" class="username"><span class="user-red">Nyaan</span></a>, <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-500-600-600. We are looking forward to your participation!