MUJIN プログラミングチャレンジ Programming Challenge
Can Participate: All Rated Range: - Penalty: 5 minutes
概要 Introduction
This is a programming contest sponsored by Mujin Inc. Whether you are a student or not, anyone is welcome to join!
We have tasks (contest problems) both in English and Japanese!
開催日時は、2016年2月27日(土) 21時~(JST)です。
コンテスト終了後に、ニコ生で解説とMUJINの自律型産業用ロボットコントローラ(ソフトウェア)の技術紹介を行います 。
The starting time is 2016/2/27 21:00 JST. After the contest finishes, there will be Mujin technology overview with the actual demo machines done by the Mujin team.
賞金 Reward
We offer cash prizes to the top 50 scorers. In addition, we will also offer the top performers internship opportunities and on-site interviews in Tokyo!
スケジュール Schedule
2016年2月27日(土) 21:00 ~22:30 (JST) コンテスト
2016/2/27 Saturday 21:00~22:30 (JST) Contest
2016年2月27日(土) 22:30 ~23:00 (JST) 解説・MUJIN紹介配信
2016/2/27 Saturday 22:30~23:00 (JST) Result & Mujin Introduction
ルール Rules
AtCoder Regular Contestとほぼ同一のルールですが、問題数は5問の予定です。
AtCoder Regular Contest rules apply. There will be 5 problems.
配点 Scoring
問題 Problem | A | B | C | D | E |
配点 Score | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
MUJIN について About Mujin
2014年の市場規模:約3.9兆円 → 2020年:約10兆円市場へ MUJINの売上も毎年倍以上伸びており、2016年は案件でほぼいっぱいの状況です。
We are a robotics company based in Tokyo working very hard to fundamentally change manufacturing.
Right now industrial robots have very advanced hardware that is barely used. What we currently call 'automation' is really robots playing back motions that took a group of engineers months to design. Our team knows how to apply the state-of-the-art in robotics to make manufacturing truly autonomous.
We now have revenue coming from most of the top ten Japanese manufacturers such as Canon, Honda, Nissan, Toyota; we are partner with most of the Japanese robot makers such as Densowave, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki. Below are some demonstrations that are only possible with advanced real-time automation.
Things have been going well for us. Our team consists of world-class experts in robotics, software engineering, and manufacturing from top institutes such as CMU, MIT, Stanford and enterprises such as Google, Microsoft, Iscar, Canon. We have also been iterating our products with real customers from day one. Mujin is proud to be the first company in the world to bring real-time motion planning technology to factory floor. We believe that we are on our way to start the next technology revolution.
Please contact us to learn about career opportunities at Mujin! Email or fill out the form at the end of the page.