AtCoder Heuristic Contest 002
Can Participate: All Rated Range: All Penalty: None
- writer: wata
- tools: Webブラウザ上で入力生成とビジュアライズが可能です。ブラウザ上ではなくローカル実行したい場合はRust言語の環境が必要です。
- コンテスト終了後の情報交換はハッシュタグ #AHC002 もしくは Codeforces をご利用下さい。
- レーティング(β)はこちらから確認できます。Web上での表示は準備中のためもう少し先になります。
AtCoder Heuristic Contest(AHC)とは?
コンテストに参加するには、ユーザ登録ページ よりユーザ登録を行ってください。(新規ユーザ様のみ必要) ログイン後に トップページ に上部に表示される参加ボタンを押すことで参加できます。 詳しくは チュートリアル を参照してください。
- 問題は1問です。AtCoderで使用できるすべてのプログラミング言語を使用可能です。
- 誤提出・再提出のペナルティはありませんが、解答を提出する際は前回の提出から5分以上の間隔を開ける必要があります。コンテスト終了間際の提出には特にご注意下さい。
- その他のルールは こちら を参照してください。
Contest Information
- writer: wata
- tools: Input generation and visualization can be done on web browsers. If you want to run tools locally instead of on web browsers, you need to prepare Rust language environment.
- We recommend using the hashtag #AHC002 or Codeforces to share your approaches after the contest is over.
- Ratings(β) is listed here.
About AtCoder Heuristic Contest(AHC)
This is a new series of programming contests that will be held regularly on AtCoder. Unlike algorithm contests such as ABC/ARC/AGC, the goal is to create a better solution to a problem for which it is difficult to find the optimal solution. For examples of problems, see past contests of similar format.
AHC will have a new rating system that is different from the existing ABC/ARC/AGC rating system. Unlike the ABC/ARC/AGC ratings, AHC will use a rating system that does not decrease even if contest performance is poor. Please feel free to participate.
We are planning to hold a long-term contest with a duration of more than a week and a short-term contest with a duration of less than a day, alternately about once a month. We plan to use the same ratings for both the long and short contests, but we may need to use different ratings, or correct the rating formula, due to the possibility of a large bias in the number of participants. For this reason, the ratings will remain in beta for a while. Contest results during the beta period will be used in the official rating. However, due to changes in the rating formula, the rating may change when the official version is released.
- There is one problem. You can use any programming language available on AtCoder.
- There is no penalty for resubmission, but you must wait at least 5 minutes between submissions. Please be especially careful when submitting solutions near the end of the contest.
- For other rules, see here.