Submission #60325761

Source Code Expand

// g++ -std=c++20 -D _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define Pentagon03
#define dbg(...)
#define dbgArr(...)
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast", "unroll-loops")
// #pragma GCC target("avx2", "popcnt")
// ext headers here: ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp, tr2/dynamic_bitset
using namespace std;
string readline(char delim = '\n'){
string t; getline(cin, t, delim);
return move(t);
// istringstream iss(s = "1 2 3 4 5"); // iss >> x;
template<typename T> istream& operator>> (istream&in, vector<T>&v){for(auto&x:v)in>>x; return in;}
// g++ -std=c++20 -D _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define Pentagon03
#define dbg(...)
#define dbgArr(...)
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast", "unroll-loops")
// #pragma GCC target("avx2", "popcnt")
// ext headers here: ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp, tr2/dynamic_bitset
using namespace std;
string readline(char delim = '\n'){
    string t; getline(cin, t, delim);
    return move(t);
// istringstream iss(s = "1 2 3 4 5"); // iss >> x;
template<typename T> istream& operator>> (istream&in, vector<T>&v){for(auto&x:v)in>>x; return in;}
template<typename T> ostream& operator<< (ostream&out, vector<T>&v){for(auto&x:v)out<<x<<' '; return out;}
auto vec(int n, auto&&... s) {
    static_assert(sizeof...(s) >= 1 and "last parameter should be initial value");
    if constexpr (sizeof...(s) == 1) return vector (n, s...);
    else return vector (n, vec(s...));
void assign(auto&A, auto&&n, auto&&...v){
    if constexpr(sizeof...(v) == 0) A = n;
    else for(int i=0;i<n;i++) assign(A[i], v...);
void append(auto&x, auto&&y){x.reserve(x.size()+y.size()), x.insert(x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());}
void addv(auto&v, auto&&...x){(v.push_back(x),...);}
template<typename T> T randint(T l, T r) {static std::mt19937_64 gen(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); return std::uniform_int_distribution<T>(l,r)(gen);}
#define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end()
#define nl '\n'
#define sp ' '
#define rep(i, n) for(int i=0;i<(n);i++)
#define rep1(i, n) for(int i=1;i<=(n);i++)
#define repr(i, a, b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);i++)
#define repd(i, b, a) for(int i=(b);i>=(a);i--)
#define int int64_t
using ll = int64_t; using pii = pair<int,int>; int cur_tc;
constexpr int inf = (int) 1e9 + 3; constexpr ll infl = (ll) 1e18 + 3;
using ld = long double;

int32_t main(){
    cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); cin.exceptions(ios::badbit | ios::failbit);
    int tc = 1;
    // cin >> tc;
    auto solve_tc = [&](){
        int n, m; cin >> n >> m;
        1번 뽑았을 때 
        2번 뽑았을 때
        3번 뽑았을 때 ...
        // p(i): 1번 뽑았을 때 i개 나오기 위한 확률
        // dp(i): i개 뽑기 위해서 필요한 기댓값 // dp(0) = 0
        // dp(m) = 1 + (p(0)*dp(m) + p(1)*dp(m-1) + ... + (p(m)+...)*dp(0))
        // dp(m) * (1-p(0)) = 1 + (p(1)*dp(m-1) + .... (p(m)+...)*dp(0))
        vector<ld> P(n); cin >> P;
        vector<ld> p(n+1);
        p[0] = 1;
        // p(i) = (1-t) * p(i) + t * p(i-1)
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            P[i] /= 100;
            vector<ld> np(n+1);
            for(int j=0;j<=i+1;j++){
                np[j] = (1-P[i]) * p[j];
                if(j) np[j] += P[i] * p[j-1];
            swap(p, np);
        vector<ld> dp(m+1);
        const ld div = 1 - p[0];
        for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
            ld sum = 1;
            for(int j=1;j<=min(i-1, n); j++)
                sum += p[j] * dp[i-j];
            dp[i] = sum / div;
        cout << dp[m] << nl;
    for(cur_tc=1;cur_tc<=tc;cur_tc++) solve_tc();
    return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task E - Expansion Packs
User Pentagon03
Language C++ 20 (gcc 12.2)
Score 475
Code Size 3297 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 94 ms
Memory 4052 KB

Compile Error

Main.cpp: In function ‘std::string readline(char)’:
Main.cpp:18:16: warning: moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision [-Wpessimizing-move]
   18 |     return move(t);
      |            ~~~~^~~
Main.cpp:18:16: note: remove ‘std::move’ call

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 475 / 475
AC × 3
AC × 35
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample00.txt, sample01.txt, sample02.txt
All sample00.txt, sample01.txt, sample02.txt, testcase00.txt, testcase01.txt, testcase02.txt, testcase03.txt, testcase04.txt, testcase05.txt, testcase06.txt, testcase07.txt, testcase08.txt, testcase09.txt, testcase10.txt, testcase11.txt, testcase12.txt, testcase13.txt, testcase14.txt, testcase15.txt, testcase16.txt, testcase17.txt, testcase18.txt, testcase19.txt, testcase20.txt, testcase21.txt, testcase22.txt, testcase23.txt, testcase24.txt, testcase25.txt, testcase26.txt, testcase27.txt, testcase28.txt, testcase29.txt, testcase30.txt, testcase31.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample00.txt AC 1 ms 3712 KB
sample01.txt AC 1 ms 3736 KB
sample02.txt AC 1 ms 3824 KB
testcase00.txt AC 78 ms 3988 KB
testcase01.txt AC 1 ms 4004 KB
testcase02.txt AC 66 ms 4020 KB
testcase03.txt AC 1 ms 3828 KB
testcase04.txt AC 94 ms 4032 KB
testcase05.txt AC 1 ms 3912 KB
testcase06.txt AC 78 ms 4040 KB
testcase07.txt AC 1 ms 3624 KB
testcase08.txt AC 56 ms 3984 KB
testcase09.txt AC 67 ms 3960 KB
testcase10.txt AC 61 ms 4048 KB
testcase11.txt AC 62 ms 3832 KB
testcase12.txt AC 2 ms 4000 KB
testcase13.txt AC 1 ms 3908 KB
testcase14.txt AC 2 ms 3884 KB
testcase15.txt AC 1 ms 3872 KB
testcase16.txt AC 1 ms 3876 KB
testcase17.txt AC 71 ms 3960 KB
testcase18.txt AC 1 ms 4000 KB
testcase19.txt AC 77 ms 3836 KB
testcase20.txt AC 2 ms 3856 KB
testcase21.txt AC 78 ms 4016 KB
testcase22.txt AC 14 ms 3808 KB
testcase23.txt AC 78 ms 3940 KB
testcase24.txt AC 14 ms 3944 KB
testcase25.txt AC 78 ms 4052 KB
testcase26.txt AC 5 ms 3896 KB
testcase27.txt AC 77 ms 4052 KB
testcase28.txt AC 70 ms 4024 KB
testcase29.txt AC 78 ms 4016 KB
testcase30.txt AC 18 ms 3872 KB
testcase31.txt AC 78 ms 3968 KB

2025-03-05 (Wed)
18:02:55 +00:00