C - Tax Increase 解説 /

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消費税率が 8 %のとき A 円、10 %のとき B 円の消費税が課されるような商品の税抜き価格を求めてください。


条件を満たす税抜き価格が複数存在する場合は最も小さい金額を出力してください。また、条件を満たす税抜き価格が存在しない場合は -1 と出力してください。


  • 1 \leq A \leq B \leq 100
  • A, B は整数である





条件を満たす税抜き価格が存在する場合は最小の金額を表す整数を、存在しない場合は -1 を出力せよ。

入力例 1

2 2

出力例 1


税抜き価格が 25 円の場合、

  • 消費税率が 8 %のとき消費税は \lfloor 25 \times 0.08 \rfloor = \lfloor 2 \rfloor = 2 円です。

  • 消費税率が 10 %のとき消費税は \lfloor 25 \times 0.1 \rfloor = \lfloor 2.5 \rfloor = 2 円です。

よって 25 円は条件を満たし、また 26 円のときなども条件を満たしますが、これが最小であるので 25 を出力してください。

入力例 2

8 10

出力例 2


税抜き価格が 100 円の場合、

  • 消費税率が 8 %のとき消費税は \lfloor 100 \times 0.08 \rfloor = 8 円です。

  • 消費税率が 10 %のとき消費税は \lfloor 100 \times 0.1 \rfloor = 10 円です。

入力例 3

19 99

出力例 3


条件を満たす税抜き価格は存在しないので、-1 を出力してください。

Score : 300 points

Problem Statement

Find the price of a product before tax such that, when the consumption tax rate is 8 percent and 10 percent, the amount of consumption tax levied on it is A yen and B yen, respectively. (Yen is the currency of Japan.)

Here, the price before tax must be a positive integer, and the amount of consumption tax is rounded down to the nearest integer.

If multiple prices satisfy the condition, print the lowest such price; if no price satisfies the condition, print -1.


  • 1 \leq A \leq B \leq 100
  • A and B are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If there is a price that satisfies the condition, print an integer representing the lowest such price; otherwise, print -1.

Sample Input 1

2 2

Sample Output 1


If the price of a product before tax is 25 yen, the amount of consumption tax levied on it is:

  • When the consumption tax rate is 8 percent: \lfloor 25 \times 0.08 \rfloor = \lfloor 2 \rfloor = 2 yen.
  • When the consumption tax rate is 10 percent: \lfloor 25 \times 0.1 \rfloor = \lfloor 2.5 \rfloor = 2 yen.

Thus, the price of 25 yen satisfies the condition. There are other possible prices, such as 26 yen, but print the minimum such price, 25.

Sample Input 2

8 10

Sample Output 2


If the price of a product before tax is 100 yen, the amount of consumption tax levied on it is:

  • When the consumption tax rate is 8 percent: \lfloor 100 \times 0.08 \rfloor = 8 yen.
  • When the consumption tax rate is 10 percent: \lfloor 100 \times 0.1 \rfloor = 10 yen.

Sample Input 3

19 99

Sample Output 3


There is no price before tax satisfying this condition, so print -1.