Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
82385 sandmn 22 22 1 0
82385 sandy01 2005 22 22 2 0
82385 sandy_7970 2001 22 22 3 0
82385 sangwenxin 13061099019 22 22 2 0
82385 santhosh142 2002 22 22 1 0
82385 seaaaaa 2002 22 22 1 0
82385 sergioraul98 UNAP 2002 22 22 2 0
82385 shahd_omar 2003 22 22 2 0
82385 shamim_shu_cse_3 2001 22 22 4 0
82385 shashank_raj18 Lovely Professional University 2003 22 22 1 0
82385 sheryar 2002 22 22 3 0
82385 shiba_brown 1982 22 22 2 0
82385 shige111 1979 22 22 2 0
82385 shiki_mk 1999 22 22 2 0
82385 shinobuK6 1997 22 22 2 0
82385 shirokuma5 22 22 1 0
82385 shoujionghao 2011 22 22 1 0
82385 shreyanshtiwari 22 22 1 0
82385 shriram0558 2003 22 22 3 0
82385 shubh_07_00 22 22 3 0
82385 shun0shun 2000 22 22 1 0
82385 shushukimura 1995 22 22 2 0
82385 shuva_dev 2001 22 22 2 0
82385 sidrs 2004 22 22 2 0
82385 siyuka 2005 22 22 6 0
82385 sj_23 2003 22 22 2 0
82385 skyfzz Ohio State University 2002 22 22 4 0
82385 sloth11 2000 22 22 2 0
82385 smartkiki 2015 22 22 1 0
82385 smilesss 2013 22 22 2 0
82385 soraninnn 22 22 2 0
82385 soumen20 2000 22 22 2 0
82385 splayer114514 2012 22 22 1 0
82385 spwimdar 2000 22 22 1 0
82385 sqzyz 18053191232 2010 22 22 1 0
82385 srirag17 2003 22 22 1 0
82385 sshimoo 2003 22 22 3 0
82385 ssr1234 2022 22 22 2 0
82385 stakaba 1986 22 22 2 0
82385 stanley_7 2000 22 22 3 0
82385 striver1025 2023 22 22 2 0
82385 student941871365 18735126227 2002 22 22 1 0
82385 sunhongtai 13287996205 2008 22 22 1 0
82385 sushant_4452 2001 22 22 1 0
82385 syh11 22 22 1 0
82385 syp 2004 22 22 2 0
82385 taikongsha 22 22 1 0
82385 taitruong256 2003 22 22 1 0
82385 takaryo1010 2003 22 22 3 0
82385 takinanda10 ph軍団 2007 22 22 2 0
82385 tandoorichicken 22 22 2 0
82385 tangsizhe11 22 22 2 0
82385 tanish_chugh 2003 22 22 2 0
82385 tasinjr 1999 22 22 2 0
82385 temis 22 22 2 0
82385 thaCoder123 2007 22 22 4 0
82385 thrasherr Kalaz 2000 22 22 2 0
82385 tianlu 15358137563 2012 22 22 4 0
82385 timatema 2010 22 22 1 0
82385 tlofufu 2008 22 22 1 0
82385 tokiunn 1998 22 22 2 0
82385 tommy1004 1990 22 22 3 0
82385 tomomaker 1993 22 22 1 0
82385 tomoya_alg 2001 22 22 2 0
82385 tongwk 22 22 1 0
82385 torataro123 1998 22 22 1 0
82385 torikabuto Tokyo Institute of Technology 2002 22 22 1 0
82385 travel350 2006 22 22 2 0
82385 tricker FSI 1989 22 22 2 0
82385 ts1022 Lasertec 1997 22 22 1 0
82385 ttt_081 2000 22 22 3 0
82385 ttyn3rd 2001 22 22 1 0
82385 tyson007 1999 22 22 4 0
82385 udaydarade 2006 22 22 2 0
82385 unknown01101 22 22 3 0
82385 user2010048 22 22 1 0
82385 utopic 2005 22 22 1 0
82385 uujenj 2005 22 22 2 0
82385 uvsinn 2001 22 22 2 0
82385 valdez372 2003 22 22 2 0
82385 vardaan_aggarwal 2003 22 22 4 0
82385 venkat00005 Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology 2002 22 22 1 0
82385 vishalkmr22 2004 22 22 1 0
82385 vj143 2001 22 22 1 0
82385 vs79e 22 22 2 0
82385 waaai 1999 22 22 3 0
82385 wangzhiren 2010 22 22 1 0
82385 warawra 2008 22 22 2 0
82385 wateidubz 東京工業大学大学院 1999 22 22 2 0
82385 whf_evolve 22 22 4 0
82385 whi_ 1996 22 22 1 0
82385 whiteshirt 22 22 1 0
82385 whizzion957 2005 22 22 3 0
82385 wlywly 1990 22 22 1 0
82385 wushiheng2024 dgfls 2012 22 22 2 0
82385 wyt6 2004 22 22 1 0
82385 wyx198711 22 22 1 0
82385 x6468685 2016 22 22 1 0
82385 xSlowCodrx 2003 22 22 2 0
82385 xhdlzy 22 22 1 0