Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
25131 lIiN 579 625 13 0
25131 letsintegreat 579 579 3 0
25131 lijiaan hesy 2006 579 879 40 0
25131 lw22134 2010 579 579 18 0
25131 maheshqw 579 592 15 0
25131 monson 579 579 10 0
25131 nbpt_cj 2004 579 579 23 0
25131 oxonium 2007 579 579 16 0
25131 raghav044 2003 579 670 3 0
25131 rary21 1994 579 579 3 0
25131 reRange 579 590 20 0
25131 revanth2002 579 579 14 0
25131 revolter_21 579 608 24 0
25131 shikumafu Kyushu University 2000 579 579 31 0
25131 shuviru 金沢大学 2001 579 602 11 0
25131 sunchang 2010 579 579 3 0
25131 sususu7 2000 579 656 48 0
25131 thwIIKaY 579 579 14 0
25131 trinh312 University of Aizu 2001 579 619 19 0
25131 xu_zhihao Tos OI 2012 579 601 8 0
25131 zdhui 579 579 5 0
25131 zhangjinxi 2011 579 579 30 0
25178 BerserkDesserter 2000 578 578 13 0
25178 CFnoob 1999 578 657 23 0
25178 Calace26 1995 578 651 55 0
25178 DarkKnight101 2004 578 652 6 0
25178 HHzp 2002 578 578 3 0
25178 HaroldC8 2007 578 662 15 0
25178 Hinaisu 1997 578 675 38 0
25178 Magnote 1996 578 669 47 0
25178 MugenNoKyosu National University of Singapore 2004 578 586 15 0
25178 OI2035 2006 578 1047 29 0
25178 Sugar_cane TMU 2002 578 638 51 0
25178 W_L_SD 2010 578 578 3 0
25178 aryaman_m 2000 578 578 5 0
25178 chaos_eater 1999 578 698 13 0
25178 chuangsheep 2003 578 578 2 0
25178 cookie098 1998 578 578 9 0
25178 hanmx 2004 578 578 7 0
25178 harry2262 578 578 15 0
25178 hisakin 1993 578 679 27 0
25178 ichi1732 2002 578 578 13 0
25178 larsr Shimen Experimental School 2009 578 578 3 0
25178 letangphuquy 2004 578 857 7 0
25178 moyucaiji 578 578 28 0
25178 nnk110 578 735 34 0
25178 not_that_guy college 1999 578 899 17 0
25178 ranran1205 2002 578 578 6 0
25178 sakib_ayan323 2003 578 747 45 0
25178 shirobi0208 2004 578 578 84 0
25178 watatani 2000 578 610 43 0
25178 wsygxlj 2022 578 578 7 0
25208 AresGO 2012 577 627 67 0
25208 EDOC7LM 577 577 9 0
25208 Eduard_X 2006 577 577 10 0
25208 Harsh_8789 IIT(ISM) Dhanbad 2002 577 577 20 0
25208 Igachestnut 室蘭工業大学 2002 577 596 52 0
25208 Nelson_Boss 2003 577 577 9 0
25208 NemanjaSo2005 26d0e721e1a341c9dbeddad657102111 2005 577 577 1 0
25208 NullBerry 1999 577 689 85 0
25208 TDung 2001 577 672 14 0
25208 TakasEye 577 645 46 0
25208 UMint 1997 577 577 22 0
25208 UPCwy 中国石油大学(华东) 577 577 9 0
25208 am_ 577 577 6 0
25208 cyhyeee 2012 577 577 14 0
25208 fullsh 577 577 19 0
25208 garg_lucifer Delhi Technological University 2001 577 577 20 0
25208 hecu 関西学院大学 2000 577 577 36 0
25208 iluem100 2005 577 719 9 0
25208 its_lav 2003 577 622 29 0
25208 kiencb 2003 577 695 7 0
25208 liuhaonan 2008 577 577 5 0
25208 mintaka 577 577 24 0
25208 north_h 1731214232 2003 577 577 23 0
25208 rentantan Kyushu University 577 599 27 0
25208 ryusho 2002 577 611 44 0
25208 squid_cat 2000 577 604 43 0
25208 ssrw 1995 577 577 4 0
25208 tagokoro 高専 2008 577 577 23 0
25208 teradai0410 Osaka University 1997 577 624 20 0
25208 wzxtsl 577 577 21 0
25208 xingyu671 2014 577 662 26 0
25208 y0kuyama 577 577 8 0
25208 yadav_ravi 2002 577 577 6 0
25208 yk06 1997 577 577 14 0
25208 yurin0403 2006 577 577 42 0
25243 Arickkaa Beijing University of Chemical Technology 2003 576 576 7 0
25243 Esrael IFCE 2000 576 576 51 0
25243 LGBT 2000 576 586 35 0
25243 LOST_DLL 2004 576 610 15 0
25243 M_Yasui 576 576 14 0
25243 Moya_Rao 2014 576 576 7 0
25243 PRZ 576 576 24 0
25243 PrakharG 2003 576 576 10 0
25243 RasShalGul The People Republic of Coders 2011 576 576 16 0
25243 Ruchit1 576 576 2 0
25243 Ruseu29 Kumamoto University 2005 576 576 17 0
25243 a1r このアカウントはもう使用しません。 576 576 21 0
25243 akshatbhutra 576 641 33 0