Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(77301) 77668 ll_shubham 31 31 1 0
(77302) 21750 llbf 2003 681 681 12 0
(77303) 76301 llc0218 2011 34 34 1 0
(77304) 61419 llc20120402 dgfls 2012 80 80 6 0
(77305) 9948 llc5pg 1147 1214 158 0
(77306) 84968 llccuy 2004 19 19 2 0
(77307) 23120 llch 2006 641 641 3 0
(77308) 56276 llch01 2006 105 105 1 0
(77309) 31324 llcm 2004 427 427 1 0
(77310) 46886 lldhh 2000 172 187 6 0
(77311) 49656 lldq 149 149 14 0
(77312) 2543 lldxjw 1822 1854 76 0
(77313) 50050 llekaede Shizuoka University 2020 146 146 19 0
(77314) 4674 lleo 1553 1587 13 0
(77315) 100519 lleon416 13130667078 2005 6 6 1 0
(77316) 800 llichenyu 我是边哥 1926 2143 2150 38 0
(77317) 6184 llingy 2022 1402 1402 7 0
(77318) 36005 llithoh 1997 321 322 11 0
(77319) 31520 lljjyy 2000 423 423 8 0
(77320) 50291 llking gxu 2004 144 144 1 0
(77321) 104332 lll120617 3 3 1 0
(77322) 28869 lll666 486 522 29 0
(77323) 60277 lll66686 2004 85 85 4 0
(77324) 31834 lllRYUlll 2002 416 428 29 0
(77325) 80319 lllTlll 1996 26 26 3 0
(77326) 5080 lllei 2022 1510 1562 7 0
(77327) 92649 llleijiaming 2023 11 11 2 0
(77328) 15397 lllhhh_ 2007 888 888 2 0
(77329) 27837 llljjjhhh 2024 511 511 10 0
(77330) 92649 lllleon なし 2003 11 11 2 0
(77331) 107105 lllllliuji 2022 2 2 1 0
(77332) 15733 lllllll7 18337738363 2003 875 880 19 0
(77333) 91409 llllllllallll 2006 12 12 1 0
(77334) 48321 llllllllllllll 1998 160 160 4 0
(77335) 79214 llllllllxxxx 28 28 1 0
(77336) 25822 lllllu5454 563 563 2 0
(77337) 65085 llllvvuu 1995 66 66 1 0
(77338) 1494 llloserqz 2014 2029 11 0
(77339) 92267 llls non 2001 11 11 2 0
(77340) 6728 lllsd03 1358 1371 16 0
(77341) 11335 lllsssccc 1066 1066 8 0
(77342) 96741 lllsy 2004 8 8 1 0
(77343) 44435 lllxq 197 197 1 0
(77344) 82694 llmd 2002 22 22 1 0
(77345) 19467 llmmqq 2008 752 948 36 0
(77346) 76301 llong_tech c225_nr 2011 34 34 1 0
(77347) 6064 lloyz23 1993 1411 1467 115 0
(77348) 107105 llp_nc 2 2 1 0
(77349) 55024 llqqhh 2008 112 112 3 0
(77350) 63980 llsgugu2021 2009 70 81 9 0
(77351) 107105 llsh2123 2 2 1 0
(77352) 1971 llssyj Hunan University of Arts and Science 1997 1930 2012 40 0
(77353) 26522 lltanakall 545 559 31 0
(77354) 90251 llu 15976912311 2002 13 13 1 0
(77355) 17342 llucas UFABC 2003 822 822 7 0
(77356) 23042 lluojinl 643 841 15 0
(77357) 54852 llviorr 15867360469 2003 113 113 1 0
(77358) 44638 llw0502 2011 195 195 1 0
(77359) 34696 llxcode 2003 350 350 19 0
(77360) 22378 llxsmy_forever 13528187355 2009 662 662 3 0
(77361) 16556 llxswlh 2001 846 846 14 0
(77362) 92649 llyb 2002 11 11 2 0
(77363) 14824 llykff 909 931 26 0
(77364) 104332 llyoshihiroll 1981 3 3 1 0
(77365) 52939 llyscysykr 2005 125 125 3 0
(77366) 38451 llyycc 276 276 8 0
(77367) 86588 llyyhh 2010 17 17 1 0
(77368) 2069 llzer student 2007 1910 1934 39 0
(77369) 11747 llzzmm645 2011 1045 1045 4 0
(77370) 30212 llzzxx712 1990 453 453 2 0
(77371) 88489 llzzyy0113 19912603218 2018 15 15 1 0
(77372) 75843 lm0001 1998 35 37 4 0
(77373) 16794 lm017 2006 839 862 9 0
(77374) 21873 lm190263 西安市铁一中学 (Xian Tieyi High School) 2010 677 760 10 0
(77375) 27432 lm_ 521 521 13 0
(77376) 96741 lmaobruh 2020 8 8 2 0
(77377) 107105 lmc1234 2010 2 2 1 0
(77378) 85672 lmc123bc 15376728853 2012 18 18 2 0
(77379) 19066 lmdexpr Amazon Web Services Japan 1996 766 819 91 0
(77380) 66254 lmduc2704 2010 62 62 2 0
(77381) 98486 lmebo Student 2003 7 7 1 0
(77382) 107105 lmf 2002 2 2 1 0
(77383) 49304 lmf_up 152 152 2 0
(77384) 3385 lmgoat 2007 1696 1781 30 0
(77385) 39635 lmgy 2002 258 337 2 0
(77386) 55179 lmh1 mrd 2024 111 156 2 0
(77387) 48183 lmh1128 161 161 3 0
(77388) 98486 lmh20121116 13685329719 2012 7 7 1 0
(77389) 83393 lmh666 21 21 2 0
(77390) 525 lmh_qwq VividCycle 2292 2292 13 0
(77391) 38944 lmhlmhlmh 2010 268 404 23 0
(77392) 59636 lmikel 2000 88 116 7 0
(77393) 79723 lmj0215 2005 27 27 2 0
(77394) 52793 lmj040828 GSA 2004 126 126 4 0
(77395) 38944 lmj_xtu 13517304815 268 268 3 0
(77396) 12536 lmkae 2006 1007 1121 12 0
(77397) 74133 lml_0624 39 39 1 0
(77398) 54179 lmlg 1992 117 117 6 0
(77399) 550 lmlmlm 2279 2279 35 0
(77400) 107105 lmmto 2 2 1 0