Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(101501) 46670 star_arvora 電機メーカー 1987 174 174 4 0
(101502) 21902 star_dust1 2002 676 676 7 0
(101503) 71769 star_f 会津大学 2005 45 47 8 0
(101504) 80872 star_miya 1995 25 25 3 0
(101505) 64527 star_of_cloud 68 68 1 0
(101506) 20934 star_sky 705 705 3 0
(101507) 69675 star_xiangmy 2003 51 51 1 0
(101508) 11335 starback24 2009 1066 1066 30 0
(101509) 55748 starbird 2001 108 108 4 0
(101510) 76769 starboy2002 Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology 2003 33 33 6 0
(101511) 10367 starboy_jb Ambalika Institute of Management and Technology Lucknow 1999 1120 1531 67 0
(101512) 56638 starbrother 2002 103 103 4 0
(101513) 45763 starc15 2004 183 183 3 0
(101514) 12778 starcat 2002 996 996 7 0
(101515) 94189 starcat37 2002 10 10 2 0
(101516) 8237 starchasm_nyx 2000 1247 1247 13 0
(101517) 91409 stardance 2003 12 12 1 0
(101518) 1461 stardog 2006 2017 2017 6 0
(101519) 16112 stardragon IIT (BHU) 859 859 7 0
(101520) 107105 stardustmalik 2001 2 2 1 0
(101521) 104332 stardustsam 2002 3 3 1 0
(101522) 43461 stare 208 252 5 0
(101523) 16200 starfield 858 858 22 0
(101524) 89325 starfish33 14 14 1 0
(101525) 32087 starfumu 2000 411 420 55 0
(101526) 96741 stargalaxy 18555896206 2003 8 8 1 0
(101527) 61649 stargazer_475 株式会社メンバーズ 1997 79 120 7 0
(101528) 5092 stargazing 2006 1509 1509 30 0
(101529) 47817 stargsc CMRCET 2003 164 164 13 0
(101530) 50548 stargu 142 142 13 0
(101531) 36854 starjrm00 2000 304 304 1 0
(101532) 18223 stark0509 797 903 59 0
(101533) 75387 stark1588566 2001 36 36 10 0
(101534) 23149 stark24 640 671 26 0
(101535) 69357 stark_01 2002 52 52 3 0
(101536) 92649 starkzy24 2002 11 11 1 0
(101537) 84169 starlight11 2003 20 20 3 0
(101538) 38384 starlightbottle 1982 277 277 8 0
(101539) 18973 starlightlmy 2002 769 863 17 0
(101540) 84968 starlord_arp68 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam , Amritapuri 2005 19 19 2 0
(101541) 48183 starlove 161 218 42 0
(101542) 84169 starmanparsec 2002 20 20 1 0
(101543) 48055 starmatsumoto 1988 162 173 21 0
(101544) 31520 starnayuta 1995 423 423 18 0
(101545) 59194 starpacker 2003 90 90 3 0
(101546) 4068 starpentagon MonotaRO 1983 1618 1741 77 0
(101547) 7492 starptzawarudo 2002 1300 1300 14 0
(101548) 10335 starr 2003 1122 1122 33 0
(101549) 8893 starroad orz zjy wfz 2006 1208 1208 24 0
(101550) 37613 starrr 2004 291 291 5 0
(101551) 31074 starrrrr 北九州市立大学 2002 433 443 25 0
(101552) 96741 starrrrrrr 8 8 1 0
(101553) 70694 starrrrry 2004 48 48 3 0
(101554) 41676 starry_sky_ 2004 230 230 9 0
(101555) 13028 starry_sky_155 985 1010 17 0
(101556) 34514 starrylasky 2006 354 354 2 0
(101557) 15543 starryskymeow 2005 882 1036 6 0
(101558) 39895 starrystar 2004 254 254 4 0
(101559) 37434 starshining 2005 294 432 12 0
(101560) 1481 startcpp (@_@) 2015 2236 253 0
(101561) 9611 starve724 dcinc 1986 1169 1382 74 0
(101562) 107105 starwind 2 2 1 0
(101563) 60574 starwu 15876582146 2009 83 100 4 0
(101564) 107105 starxcxc 2012 2 2 1 0
(101565) 36410 stash_ 2002 312 312 4 0
(101566) 107105 stashcoins 1998 2 2 1 0
(101567) 4486 stat0r1c 2004 1574 1574 10 0
(101568) 25195 static 580 580 2 0
(101569) 42159 stats 224 224 19 0
(101570) 25047 statucci 1975 584 717 42 0
(101571) 12039 stayhidden 2001 1030 1030 23 0
(101572) 50944 stayybee 2003 139 139 8 0
(101573) 21106 stc123 2006 700 700 2 0
(101574) 11119 stcmuyi 2001 1078 1078 9 0
(101575) 10946 stdfloat 86-th High School 2008 1086 1086 17 0
(101576) 66849 stdflout Lebap Velayat 2009 60 68 5 0
(101577) 42554 stdiolosss 1992 219 219 9 0
(101578) 32883 stdmultiset 1999 394 542 19 0
(101579) 13295 stdoutzhou 1999 973 1074 9 0
(101580) 86588 ste1hi 2000 17 17 1 0
(101581) 56638 ste5 2006 103 103 2 0
(101582) 96741 steadvar 1998 8 8 1 0
(101583) 57028 steady_gainer 2005 101 101 6 0
(101584) 44075 steak_DA 1999 201 220 11 0
(101585) 77207 steam 大学 2001 32 32 4 0
(101586) 29932 steamEngine1 Netaji Subhas University of Technology 2001 459 461 9 0
(101587) 76769 steamage 2005 33 33 1 0
(101588) 39004 steamyfish 2005 267 380 4 0
(101589) 63441 steel357 2001 72 80 5 0
(101590) 52842 steeldream 123 123 2 0
(101591) 2926 stefanbalaz2 2000 1762 1762 35 0
(101592) 21063 stefanopulos 2003 701 701 17 0
(101593) 2372 stefansav 1852 1911 19 0
(101594) 65978 stefanus 63 63 2 0
(101595) 87628 stefanvil3 2009 16 16 1 0
(101596) 49779 stefi 2006 148 148 2 0
(101597) 80872 stefjen07 2003 25 25 2 0
(101598) 81497 stegO04 24 24 4 0
(101599) 39451 stegatxins0 2006 261 261 12 0
(101600) 70373 steghide 2001 49 49 4 0