Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(97301) 70373 sh3eys 1980 49 49 5 0
(97302) 31999 sh3ra 2001 413 451 53 0
(97303) 86588 sh4dman 17 17 4 0
(97304) 96741 sh4m3 2007 8 8 1 0
(97305) 7686 sh4ru 1285 1307 126 0
(97306) 20127 sh4shi IIT(ISM) DHANBAD 2001 731 747 5 0
(97307) 24366 sh7 604 604 11 0
(97308) 86588 shAdom 1997 17 17 4 0
(97309) 44736 shYM_ 13188779052 2008 194 195 18 0
(97310) 54010 sh_ 1989 118 144 9 0
(97311) 61649 sh_arman Student 2002 79 140 52 0
(97312) 77207 sh_ih_ab 32 32 4 0
(97313) 23883 sh_lhc Student 2007 618 667 17 0
(97314) 91409 sh_matitan 2000 12 12 1 0
(97315) 1626 sh_mug 2004 2099 98 0
(97316) 107105 sh_n ? 2003 2 2 1 0
(97317) 71399 sh_sho1kat 2002 46 51 4 0
(97318) 23701 sh_unnnn_taro 2004 623 623 21 0
(97319) 76769 sh_uvo 2001 33 33 5 0
(97320) 25488 sh_wee 1998 572 572 22 0
(97321) 107105 sha2562021 2002 2 2 1 0
(97322) 22477 sha2nk IIT Kharagpur 659 669 31 0
(97323) 107105 sha349 2002 2 2 1 0
(97324) 2438 sha7dow 2004 1841 1841 31 0
(97325) 9376 sha_2 IIT Roorkee 2002 1182 1226 30 0
(97326) 107105 sha_kil 2002 2 2 1 0
(97327) 74133 shaaaaa 2003 39 39 2 0
(97328) 96741 shaajith 2005 8 8 1 0
(97329) 81497 shaakib 2004 24 24 4 0
(97330) 107105 shaakte 2004 2 2 1 0
(97331) 50548 shaanjijoe2 2003 142 179 6 0
(97332) 48183 shaant_11 161 197 4 0
(97333) 54356 shaap 2000 116 116 1 0
(97334) 107105 shaary 2006 2 2 1 0
(97335) 104332 shabbir03 2002 3 3 1 0
(97336) 92649 shabbiranees53 2005 11 11 1 0
(97337) 81497 shabiatdaoban 2024 24 24 1 0
(97338) 88489 shacha 15 15 1 0
(97339) 59853 shachi_ 2001 87 87 15 0
(97340) 76769 shachiku_chan 2003 33 33 1 0
(97341) 107105 shad0w 1999 2 2 1 0
(97342) 80872 shad_kidwai 1994 25 25 4 0
(97343) 96741 shada_medhat 2004 8 8 1 0
(97344) 98486 shadduzaina786 India 2004 7 7 1 0
(97345) 24042 shade16 1998 613 701 52 0
(97346) 62906 shadii_usf 2006 74 74 1 0
(97347) 45003 shadman85 KUET 1999 191 191 9 0
(97348) 88489 shadman_96 KIET GHAZIABAD 1999 15 15 2 0
(97349) 104332 shadoubuhui 2005 3 3 1 0
(97350) 60277 shadow07 2000 85 85 1 0
(97351) 15443 shadow09 IIT Guwahati 2005 886 892 20 0
(97352) 51353 shadow0z 136 151 15 0
(97353) 92649 shadow6947 2003 11 11 2 0
(97354) 58593 shadow7 93 123 11 0
(97355) 60974 shadow8412 13868342011 2005 82 82 8 0
(97356) 1030 shadow9 IIT Bombay 2069 2091 68 0
(97357) 64527 shadowL 2003 68 68 3 0
(97358) 8453 shadowT 15857501009 2012 1232 1232 45 0
(97359) 2716 shadowYYH 2007 1797 1882 40 0
(97360) 6233 shadow_47 2002 1398 1427 15 0
(97361) 107105 shadow_man12 2003 2 2 1 0
(97362) 48321 shadow_ranger_ 2001 160 936 42 0
(97363) 18060 shadow_sami 2007 802 891 6 0
(97364) 26962 shadow_z 2001 533 547 21 0
(97365) 107105 shadowedshavvy 2004 2 2 1 0
(97366) 41998 shadowfax 1994 226 252 2 0
(97367) 45003 shadowhb82 191 191 3 0
(97368) 21137 shadowhntr 699 709 22 0
(97369) 12015 shadowreaper 1999 1031 1083 27 0
(97370) 64527 shadowrockzzz 1999 68 83 7 0
(97371) 100519 shady1972 2003 6 6 1 0
(97372) 91409 shady_ 1999 12 12 1 0
(97373) 102431 shafam28 2002 5 5 1 0
(97374) 98486 shafaq 2000 7 7 2 0
(97375) 107105 shafayet7 2002 2 2 1 0
(97376) 90251 shafayethossaing 13 13 1 0
(97377) 88489 shafayethossen 2000 15 15 3 0
(97378) 57987 shafi_m Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University 1999 96 119 4 0
(97379) 11119 shafi_root 2008 1078 1078 13 0
(97380) 74535 shafin10 2001 38 38 5 0
(97381) 98486 shafin1196 2002 7 7 1 0
(97382) 71769 shafin999 1999 45 45 6 0
(97383) 107105 shafinkun 2001 2 2 1 0
(97384) 33319 shag_2003 382 413 14 0
(97385) 107105 shaga_696 2003 2 2 1 0
(97386) 73298 shagdarhamza 2007 41 41 5 0
(97387) 98486 shagor 2001 7 7 2 0
(97388) 71037 shah39b 2002 47 47 6 0
(97389) 89325 shah99 2001 14 14 2 0
(97390) 30163 shah_entrance Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata 1998 454 715 34 0
(97391) 94189 shahad_jeza 10 10 1 0
(97392) 82052 shahadat3669 1999 23 23 2 0
(97393) 83393 shahadat_bd 1999 21 21 4 0
(97394) 47124 shahadat_hossain 2000 170 170 8 0
(97395) 50414 shahajalal55 2001 143 143 3 0
(97396) 89325 shahalam 2000 14 14 3 0
(97397) 100519 shaharabi_tuhin 2003 6 6 2 0
(97398) 90251 shahariar2002 2001 13 13 2 0
(97399) 94189 shahd05_elboshy 2005 10 10 1 0
(97400) 72486 shahd12 2002 43 43 1 0