Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(80101) 55953 nazuki 96 110 8 0
(80102) 31492 nb2002 399 401 18 0
(80103) 57536 nb2200032645 Kluniversity 2004 88 96 9 0
(80104) 10925 nb666 2001 1075 1075 11 0
(80105) 59738 nb_0301 2000 78 78 7 0
(80106) 45884 nba10tlhp ClistCheckCoded2NCWD2Rom 2008 166 205 10 0
(80107) 78866 nbb25wch 24 24 2 0
(80108) 43077 nbcbc 194 460 50 0
(80109) 25953 nbio5 536 536 10 0
(80110) 80630 nbisme 21 21 1 0
(80111) 72027 nbkendk_zzz 2004 38 39 5 0
(80112) 61514 nbl27 71 71 3 0
(80113) 81394 nbmgyy zj 2003 20 20 1 0
(80114) 98904 nbnmd 5 5 1 0
(80115) 10005 nbp 2003 1127 1148 14 0
(80116) 102927 nbpt 2004 2 2 1 0
(80117) 21898 nbptZJH 2005 653 653 6 0
(80118) 24380 nbpt_cj 2004 579 579 23 0
(80119) 39585 nbptacm 238 238 2 0
(80120) 54115 nbptacmjava 106 106 3 0
(80121) 60493 nbq 1992 75 75 6 0
(80122) 33844 nbsw 341 386 22 0
(80123) 64559 nbu236001209 2005 60 67 5 0
(80124) 93446 nbutianhao 18067879706 2003 8 8 1 0
(80125) 74207 nbwnd2010 2010 33 33 1 0
(80126) 59518 nbz16 Univercity of Tsukuba 1995 79 79 8 0
(80127) 6218 nbznb 2005 1389 1509 12 0
(80128) 90999 nc13 2003 10 10 1 0
(80129) 5240 ncduy0303 National University of Singapore 2002 1480 1519 21 0
(80130) 23878 ncez_wangboxuan 594 618 18 0
(80131) 102927 ncezliuguang 1997 2 2 1 0
(80132) 10925 nchaso 1075 1075 23 0
(80133) 53582 nchu_21 2003 109 109 9 0
(80134) 13526 ncik cbse 2002 948 1011 10 0
(80135) 27048 nclg_caigou 15797635554 2002 508 525 20 0
(80136) 64865 ncwzdlsd Dalian No.24 High School 2007 59 82 20 0
(80137) 102927 ndadadan 2 2 1 0
(80138) 76599 ndajyo 2001 28 28 2 0
(80139) 17204 ndarray 810 810 1 0
(80140) 43239 ndata 1994 192 192 11 0
(80141) 44917 ndcj 175 175 2 0
(80142) 18631 ndeshmukh Samsung Electronics 1996 760 760 4 0
(80143) 35521 ndhfrayyan 2005 305 305 13 0
(80144) 65160 ndieck 58 58 1 0
(80145) 55564 ndktr 1994 98 100 9 0
(80146) 36461 ndmxjp 1995 287 287 8 0
(80147) 9491 ndosh 2007 1159 1159 20 0
(80148) 87135 nds 13 13 2 0
(80149) 71652 ndstab 2005 39 42 4 0
(80150) 102927 ne0sky 2 2 1 0
(80151) 10766 ne290206 1083 1154 29 0
(80152) 62307 ne5pitysbg 68 68 5 0
(80153) 1025 neNasko1 2004 2072 2072 26 0
(80154) 126 neal 2800 2842 24 0
(80155) 1726 neal2021 1998 1981 1981 20 0
(80156) 24960 neal27 Delhi Technological University 2005 563 586 21 0
(80157) 16647 neapolitan 828 934 50 0
(80158) 10871 neapple 2004 1078 1078 7 0
(80159) 47841 nearro 大学生 2002 149 197 19 0
(80160) 48445 neat 立命館大学 2001 144 148 18 0
(80161) 38114 neatHyperTxt 2002 260 260 3 0
(80162) 45010 neat_coder 1980 174 174 7 0
(80163) 16976 neatda 2005 817 925 70 0
(80164) 465 nebocco 1998 2341 2483 92 0
(80165) 102927 nebosuke35 1989 2 2 1 0
(80166) 81394 nebula2334 2005 20 20 1 0
(80167) 13631 nebula_xy 2006 943 943 5 0
(80168) 28044 nebular 1999 482 493 24 0
(80169) 6090 nebulyu 1400 1400 29 0
(80170) 69370 necho 1999 45 45 1 0
(80171) 8496 neckrawarmer 1217 1323 72 0
(80172) 63162 neco0519 65 67 12 0
(80173) 92368 neco3coffee 個人事業主 1999 9 9 2 0
(80174) 80630 neco_jp 21 21 1 0
(80175) 29172 necocoa 453 453 19 0
(80176) 59738 necolengs 1995 78 79 7 0
(80177) 100898 nector 2003 3 3 1 0
(80178) 19430 necu1029 2010 733 733 6 0
(80179) 60238 nedlog121rk Delhi Public school bokaro steel city 2006 76 151 5 0
(80180) 36307 nedmv 290 290 2 0
(80181) 66075 nedwards 55 55 4 0
(80182) 28255 needless 476 480 41 0
(80183) 95013 needmilk 1991 7 7 2 0
(80184) 93446 neejiro 2002 8 8 1 0
(80185) 88219 neel199 2004 12 12 2 0
(80186) 84664 neel4atc 16 16 4 0
(80187) 28255 neel_007 476 476 19 0
(80188) 93446 neel_1603 8 8 1 0
(80189) 14169 neel_2010 Nirma University 2001 920 989 35 0
(80190) 100898 neel_amrutia 2004 3 3 1 0
(80191) 102927 neelabukhaar 2002 2 2 1 0
(80192) 93446 neelam_sandhya 2002 8 8 1 0
(80193) 59518 neelesh17 1999 79 79 3 0
(80194) 37854 neelesh3583 2003 264 264 6 0
(80195) 20623 neeleshgoyal88 2002 693 696 27 0
(80196) 36084 neelmadhavsahu 294 294 5 0
(80197) 102927 neelnsoni13 2003 2 2 1 0
(80198) 37632 neelu_nzn East West University 2002 267 267 12 0
(80199) 57328 neembukola North South University 1999 89 105 16 0
(80200) 96877 neephen 1993 6 6 1 0