Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(33901) 32356 Steven2008 404 404 21 0
(33902) 65214 Steven33v 2008 65 65 1 0
(33903) 79500 Steven44 27 27 1 0
(33904) 42483 StevenAdamsYrk 218 218 9 0
(33905) 106332 StevenGerrard Liverpool Football Club 1980 2 2 1 0
(33906) 18399 StevenLiTheOIer yc2023_李思澄 2008 787 787 7 0
(33907) 47652 StevenSha 15940980219 2010 164 198 41 0
(33908) 39180 Steven_Xie 2002 263 263 5 0
(33909) 52910 Steven_Zheng 2003 124 124 4 0
(33910) 34090 Steven__Chen 2007 361 361 1 0
(33911) 46965 Stevenqin 170 170 7 0
(33912) 54195 Stewie2k 13/01 2005 116 154 4 0
(33913) 80094 StewieGriffin 2004 26 26 2 0
(33914) 4919 Sth 2007 1522 1522 11 0
(33915) 66354 Stiff 61 61 2 0
(33916) 24320 StillANoob_ 2002 603 623 11 0
(33917) 44749 StillMoster 192 192 6 0
(33918) 58827 Stillnotred 2004 91 91 3 0
(33919) 20960 Stinny 1922 701 701 7 0
(33920) 61257 Stitchwz 2004 80 80 2 0
(33921) 45039 StkOvflow 2009 189 189 3 0
(33922) 35822 Stogic 2007 322 322 2 0
(33923) 92332 Stoic_Coder 11 11 1 0
(33924) 100112 StoneQ 2008 6 6 1 0
(33925) 13351 StoneXie_ 2005 968 968 5 0
(33926) 46522 StoneZoo Yo mama 2003 174 174 4 0
(33927) 57838 StonedSloth Witch Cult 2003 96 105 13 0
(33928) 37468 Stonegrip 1983 291 351 30 0
(33929) 29422 Stoner 470 470 6 0
(33930) 67911 Stonkin 56 63 2 0
(33931) 59033 Storm001 2012 90 90 5 0
(33932) 43381 Storm2 大阪大学工学部 2006 207 207 5 0
(33933) 106332 Storm23 2003 2 2 1 0
(33934) 65801 Storm432 2004 63 63 3 0
(33935) 29271 StormWhip 2010 474 568 16 0
(33936) 67911 Storm_Shadow 2001 56 56 3 0
(33937) 103919 StormbladesHK 2002 3 3 1 0
(33938) 72683 Stormy111 2003 42 42 5 0
(33939) 17972 Stp 2002 802 802 32 0
(33940) 58436 StrMelody 2000 93 104 8 0
(33941) 22282 Stracker 2002 662 662 5 0
(33942) 14381 Strand 2002 924 924 17 0
(33943) 10399 StrangePenguin 2010 1115 1115 56 0
(33944) 50936 Strange_Bpds 2011 138 138 2 0
(33945) 89950 Strange_Ninja 2002 13 13 1 0
(33946) 103919 Stranger_ 2004 3 3 1 0
(33947) 25579 StrangerbonD BSMRSTU 2002 567 591 49 0
(33948) 103919 Strangerh 1999 3 3 1 0
(33949) 106332 StrategySam 2 2 1 0
(33950) 29375 Strattera Kyoto University 2000 471 471 30 0
(33951) 42483 StrausKoldun 2003 218 218 1 0
(33952) 57429 Strauss3 2001 98 119 19 0
(33953) 77447 Straw 鹿児島大学 2000 31 31 8 0
(33954) 11384 StrawberryBear 18258342115 2022 1061 1065 26 0
(33955) 106332 StrayQat 2003 2 2 1 0
(33956) 24842 StrayStar 1967 588 622 22 0
(33957) 106332 StrayYi 2 2 1 0
(33958) 13507 Stream_Cipher 2000 962 1071 40 0
(33959) 3272 Streamyue Beijing Institue of Technology 2005 1709 1741 31 0
(33960) 8300 Strelitzia_ 2007 1240 1265 23 0
(33961) 67589 Strexas 2004 57 67 2 0
(33962) 106332 Striker3 2004 2 2 1 0
(33963) 46128 Striking_Ratio 1997 178 188 12 0
(33964) 103919 StringRohith 2003 3 3 1 0
(33965) 106332 Strlink 2003 2 2 1 0
(33966) 27808 Strom30 2004 510 510 8 0
(33967) 53672 Stron 2007 119 131 14 0
(33968) 44299 StrongFive 小鳥遊事務所 2002 197 259 6 0
(33969) 5354 Strorkis 1998 1479 1725 175 0
(33970) 29491 Struct_Sec 468 541 5 0
(33971) 54701 Strychnine 2000 113 113 11 0
(33972) 4746 Ststone becaidorz fan club 2005 1543 1557 46 0
(33973) 59681 Sttt 1992 87 87 3 0
(33974) 41854 Stuart_X +86 13157110316 2002 226 226 5 0
(33975) 106332 Stubborn_1 Indian Institute of Technology ,Varanasi, India 2002 2 2 1 0
(33976) 47779 StuckOnA 2004 163 163 9 0
(33977) 29346 Student0 472 512 45 0
(33978) 106332 Student_090 2 2 1 0
(33979) 3035 StudyingFather Beijing Institute of Technology 2002 1741 1741 23 0
(33980) 71926 Stuk4 44 44 5 0
(33981) 106332 Stung_212 KUET 2002 2 2 1 0
(33982) 1702 StupidGuy13 2006 1989 1989 42 0
(33983) 41175 Stupido 2002 235 235 5 0
(33984) 74750 Stuti22 2004 37 37 3 0
(33985) 106332 StvpJ 2006 2 2 1 0
(33986) 69477 Stycan 1996 51 53 9 0
(33987) 26515 Styla912 OKD 1997 543 543 6 0
(33988) 59681 Stym 電気通信大学 2002 87 87 5 0
(33989) 33741 Su777 2010 369 369 6 0
(33990) 63004 SuAnRan 15037678132 2004 73 76 4 0
(33991) 50793 SuGaR0722 1999 139 139 9 0
(33992) 39827 SuM01 2000 253 253 26 0
(33993) 30863 SuMou 18914030986 2012 435 435 15 0
(33994) 35677 SuN31C 2002 325 334 51 0
(33995) 64368 SuPythony 2007 68 68 2 0
(33996) 44945 SuSBOI Ganja 2009 190 218 14 0
(33997) 77447 SuSpect_911 IIT Kharagpur 2003 31 31 4 0
(33998) 49020 SuVI3010 2004 153 153 4 0
(33999) 62474 SuYueLuo 2004 75 90 4 0
(34000) 35822 Su___Code 1999 322 322 8 0