Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(5601) 105716 Bandicoon 2002 2 2 1 0
(5602) 45401 Bandon 2000 185 185 8 0
(5603) 87364 Bandwinterweave 2003 16 16 1 0
(5604) 98113 Bane_TN1 2000 7 7 1 0
(5605) 10223 BanetteGin 2007 1126 1156 87 0
(5606) 6693 BangK Sungkyunkwan University 2000 1358 1358 15 0
(5607) 92332 Bangaru_Nihanth 11 11 1 0
(5608) 103149 BanglaVao 2001 4 4 1 0
(5609) 38516 Bangla_tiger 273 419 11 0
(5610) 9558 Banis 2006 1169 1173 70 0
(5611) 20837 Banlangk SZTU 2005 705 705 10 0
(5612) 98113 Bansal3112 Student 2003 7 7 1 0
(5613) 80646 Bansii18 2001 25 25 1 0
(5614) 35001 Bao120 2009 340 345 13 0
(5615) 7758 BaoCoder613 2007 1277 1326 31 0
(5616) 100112 BaoXiaolong Renmin University of China 2004 6 6 1 0
(5617) 37587 Baolong_12123 2000 289 310 17 0
(5618) 38450 Baozi 2010 274 274 7 0
(5619) 8547 Baozii 1225 1225 4 0
(5620) 13754 Bappi_1804027 CUET 1999 952 952 54 0
(5621) 98113 Baqq 2003 7 7 2 0
(5622) 29346 Bar9463 山形大学 2000 472 506 26 0
(5623) 80646 BarBieBar 大学 2002 25 25 2 0
(5624) 7345 BaraaBebo10 1990 1308 1308 39 0
(5625) 24570 Barakat 2003 596 643 34 0
(5626) 53231 Baran Syrian 2003 122 122 3 0
(5627) 24684 Barbaros 592 654 29 0
(5628) 24369 Barbarossa 兵庫県立大学 2000 602 633 48 0
(5629) 74750 BarbulevIlya 2008 37 37 2 0
(5630) 80646 Barca10692 2002 25 25 6 0
(5631) 66965 Barge_101 59 59 5 0
(5632) 356 Barichek 2000 2437 2487 51 0
(5633) 42554 Baritra1 2006 217 217 2 0
(5634) 103919 Barkullah 2001 3 3 1 0
(5635) 57640 Barogg 1999 97 110 2 0
(5636) 58827 Baron_Broccori 2000 91 91 5 0
(5637) 28760 Barry513 487 497 29 0
(5638) 47652 BarryByte 2005 164 164 5 0
(5639) 47543 BarryLi 2004 165 165 1 0
(5640) 47652 Barry_kyo Kyoto Institute of Technology 2001 164 164 11 0
(5641) 106332 Barsha_Saha Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College 2004 2 2 1 0
(5642) 80646 Bart_Bart11 25 25 4 0
(5643) 13276 Barthwal 971 971 14 0
(5644) 32440 Barton88 Tianjin Meijiang High School 2011 402 622 83 0
(5645) 71213 Bartwal 46 46 1 0
(5646) 75612 Basabu 2003 35 35 2 0
(5647) 28907 Basao 東北大学情報科学研究科 1998 483 534 9 0
(5648) 106332 Basavaraj2 2000 2 2 1 0
(5649) 32669 Base_ring_tree 15318933163 2016 397 474 17 0
(5650) 35223 Base_ring_tree28 15318933163 2012 335 361 31 0
(5651) 15893 Basekill 2003 867 867 12 0
(5652) 86323 Basel5 2005 17 17 1 0
(5653) 49271 Basel_ 151 151 4 0
(5654) 81836 Basem_Baraka 2004 23 23 5 0
(5655) 80094 Baseman525 none 2000 26 26 1 0
(5656) 71213 BasharMahmoud 2001 46 46 1 0
(5657) 85411 Bashartlay 2003 18 18 1 0
(5658) 15190 Bashii 2002 893 893 18 0
(5659) 83148 Bashokcode 1999 21 21 2 0
(5660) 89950 BasicCoder 1990 13 13 1 0
(5661) 54361 BasicTH 2003 115 115 1 0
(5662) 4173 Basilhijaz Palestinian 2002 1609 1619 53 0
(5663) 9329 Basin Nihon University 2000 1182 1196 159 0
(5664) 98113 BasketballBoy 2004 7 7 2 0
(5665) 61965 Baski_Flex IIIT Delhi 2003 77 77 7 0
(5666) 89950 Basma_Radwan 2005 13 13 1 0
(5667) 69161 BasmalaWaleed 2004 52 52 3 0
(5668) 106332 Basmala_Almalki 2004 2 2 1 0
(5669) 85411 Basmalad23 2003 18 18 1 0
(5670) 106332 BassamEssam oxrushy 2009 2 2 1 0
(5671) 8020 BassamSul Aleppo University 2004 1259 1259 11 0
(5672) 70183 Bassmah 2008 49 49 2 0
(5673) 100112 Bassmala_Abood 2003 6 6 1 0
(5674) 106332 Basu 2 2 1 0
(5675) 103919 Batkl 2007 3 3 1 0
(5676) 35096 BatmanWhoCodes 2001 338 347 34 0
(5677) 83148 Batorfi_Balazs 21 21 1 0
(5678) 11384 Batorgil952 2006 1061 1061 16 0
(5679) 374 Batrr 2002 2425 2538 35 0
(5680) 95230 BatterWang 1997 9 9 1 0
(5681) 3951 BattleCats Paken 1628 1628 103 0
(5682) 92030 BattleOoze 2001 11 11 1 0
(5683) 30174 Baviria TUS 1999 452 585 18 0
(5684) 31364 Bawa student 2001 424 424 9 0
(5685) 16701 BawiFox 2022 840 882 19 0
(5686) 40559 Baxy 2006 243 332 20 0
(5687) 24126 Bay 2000 608 614 35 0
(5688) 106332 Bayazid 2003 2 2 1 0
(5689) 83148 Bayel 2008 21 21 1 0
(5690) 30425 Bayern 2008 446 446 4 0
(5691) 21680 BayernVB Die Mannschaft 1970 680 711 12 0
(5692) 24842 Bayfan Tokyo Tech 2000 588 620 70 0
(5693) 78989 Bayjan08 2008 28 28 8 0
(5694) 70505 Bayram4 Lezqin 2007 48 48 3 0
(5695) 33447 Bayrbat Mandakh University, School of Information Technology 2004 377 387 20 0
(5696) 10342 Baytool 1999 1119 1276 80 0
(5697) 13958 Baytoro Manas Ata High School 2006 942 967 6 0
(5698) 73098 Bayzed 2001 41 42 5 0
(5699) 86323 Bazasigma 17 17 1 0
(5700) 87364 Bazina 2001 16 16 1 0