Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(50301) 61897 ccxdsr 2002 78 78 1 0
(50302) 19691 ccxswl 745 745 3 0
(50303) 96741 ccxxy 2002 8 8 1 0
(50304) 23042 ccy_wie 643 643 24 0
(50305) 107105 ccyuan 2 2 1 0
(50306) 10187 ccyy0731 2001 1131 1193 22 0
(50307) 94189 ccz 2011 10 10 3 0
(50308) 40113 cczzx01 2011 251 255 28 0
(50309) 39831 cd_reboot 255 305 48 0
(50310) 41159 cdasat 千葉県市川市 1992 237 237 2 0
(50311) 35098 cdbhs 15858057326 2003 341 341 9 0
(50312) 59636 cdcq 88 123 2 0
(50313) 7969 cdd 2004 1265 1376 13 0
(50314) 9033 cdfbccea 1200 1200 106 0
(50315) 22027 cdg0228 2002 672 672 10 0
(50316) 25367 cdhy 13705384091 2004 575 606 13 0
(50317) 55379 cdinteer 2003 110 130 6 0
(50318) 86588 cdjlm 17 17 1 0
(50319) 107105 cdjs1432 2 2 1 0
(50320) 69675 cdm 2004 51 51 2 0
(50321) 61897 cdoanchi 78 140 26 0
(50322) 15504 cdr 881 881 24 0
(50323) 95551 cdr123 2001 9 9 1 0
(50324) 51214 cdr13 2003 137 137 8 0
(50325) 91409 cdrr 15766779683 2004 12 12 2 0
(50326) 4723 cdsidi 1548 1548 5 0
(50327) 37937 cdt_dheeru 2003 285 304 19 0
(50328) 79214 cdtu_yjm cdtu 2002 28 28 5 0
(50329) 94189 cdu_twb +8615225448287 1998 10 10 2 0
(50330) 107105 cdut_zyc 2 2 1 0
(50330) 107105 cdutlibing 2 2 1 0
(50332) 7910 cdx123456 15633091666 2009 1268 1416 8 0
(50333) 78691 cdxxx23 29 29 1 0
(50334) 69062 ce20b030 2002 53 53 1 0
(50335) 104332 ce22341a0196 Civil Engineering 2004 3 3 1 0
(50336) 48517 ceamin_cste 2002 157 196 24 0
(50337) 40183 ceapa 2000 250 250 3 0
(50338) 71769 cebo54 2001 45 45 3 0
(50339) 41159 cebu1000 237 263 32 0
(50340) 82052 cecelia 13600080760 2009 23 23 2 0
(50341) 32958 cecet 392 457 12 0
(50342) 16014 ceciver 863 863 3 0
(50343) 23263 cedarman 1997 636 651 32 0
(50344) 4224 cedeat 2003 1605 1605 50 0
(50345) 53078 cedesion 2001 124 124 3 0
(50346) 87628 cedr1c ISC 1998 16 16 4 0
(50347) 39155 ceeeeper 2003 265 265 11 0
(50348) 12358 ceelo777 2001 1016 1089 23 0
(50349) 19904 cegprakash 738 738 17 0
(50350) 19629 ceilings 747 747 7 0
(50351) 20809 ceivs 2004 709 709 2 0
(50352) 107105 ceja 1978 2 2 1 0
(50353) 70373 cekl 2003 49 49 2 0
(50354) 89325 celerinoue Kyoto Unv. 1995 14 14 1 0
(50355) 54517 celeronj4125 115 115 5 0
(50356) 33635 celestial_geek 2001 374 374 15 0
(50357) 52238 celestialbuddy03 2002 130 130 4 0
(50358) 29290 celestialidiot 1997 475 490 22 0
(50359) 36854 celesx southwest minzu university 2001 304 360 13 0
(50360) 107105 celina 15071311542 2004 2 2 1 0
(50361) 69675 celinapde 2002 51 51 3 0
(50362) 65978 cellostar 63 63 3 0
(50363) 34860 celoli 1994 346 346 31 0
(50364) 79214 celsius100 1991 28 28 2 0
(50365) 10437 cemil1234 2005 1116 1123 14 0
(50366) 103567 cenhorcion 2005 4 4 1 0
(50367) 51353 cenperow 2002 136 136 2 0
(50368) 3359 cenruiyang 2005 1700 1700 7 0
(50369) 107105 cent 2 2 1 0
(50370) 3407 centipede_human Keio University 1998 1693 2019 177 0
(50371) 51353 centrair 1998 136 136 10 0
(50372) 100519 central 2006 6 6 1 0
(50373) 33431 cenxi 2011 379 379 17 0
(50374) 20681 cenzhang 2009 713 758 17 0
(50375) 36324 cephas_524 2003 314 361 7 0
(50376) 20651 cepher 2002 714 714 7 0
(50377) 30034 cera27 2000 457 462 33 0
(50378) 33804 cerassma 370 370 5 0
(50379) 65978 cerebellum 2001 63 68 10 0
(50380) 107105 cereny 2003 2 2 1 0
(50381) 23636 ceres_gsx 2003 625 625 11 0
(50382) 20523 cerevisiae 718 724 83 0
(50383) 38384 cerisier038 277 277 7 0
(50384) 80319 cerium hhan_mi@outlook.com 2009 26 26 1 0
(50385) 104332 certifiedloneboy 2008 3 3 1 0
(50386) 70373 cerulean 2001 49 49 2 0
(50387) 5873 cervol 1430 1502 5 0
(50388) 71399 cesal 2003 46 46 1 0
(50389) 45848 cesc04 大阪大学工学部 2000 182 183 16 0
(50390) 36225 ceshi 2010 316 316 10 0
(50391) 54356 ceshyong 13961437177 2010 116 116 8 0
(50392) 31604 cesiumstar 2003 421 421 2 0
(50393) 66545 cestnaru 61 61 5 0
(50394) 102431 cetacea 2005 5 5 1 0
(50395) 2222 cexen The University of Tokyo 1994 1879 2009 173 0
(50396) 75843 ceyling 2007 35 35 3 0
(50397) 63441 cf1200 2003 72 81 3 0
(50398) 86078 cf7 17 17 2 0
(50399) 90251 cfIsBetter 13 13 1 0
(50400) 55562 cf_ 2001 109 109 2 0