Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
28944 lizhuofan 2005 482 555 11 0
28944 m_ito27 1994 482 502 19 0
28944 makiki University of Osaka 2000 482 482 8 0
28944 mirari 1997 482 482 9 0
28944 nebular 1999 482 493 24 0
28944 nk_3san 2003 482 482 24 0
28944 nun_ohisama 1999 482 555 27 0
28944 peach_muffin 2001 482 587 39 0
28944 racernigga 2000 482 482 11 0
28944 sgmdq729 482 482 13 0
28944 tettyan330 482 482 28 0
28944 tomoki_w 1995 482 482 9 0
28944 tricktator 1997 482 504 7 0
28944 wanco 1971 482 496 33 0
28944 williamY AK School 2012 482 482 48 0
28944 xsw0 482 482 2 0
28944 yomi1 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2005 482 503 39 0
28944 ypeelsjr 2003 482 482 17 0
28803 AYATYA The University of Electro-Communications 2000 483 534 28 0
28907 Atul_D 2001 483 527 7 0
28907 Basao 東北大学情報科学研究科 1998 483 534 9 0
28907 Icarus8 LNMIIT 2002 483 483 15 0
28907 Kazuki_016 UNIVERSITY OF HYOGO 2002 483 483 19 0
28907 MinoruIshihara 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 2001 483 484 24 0
28907 PUNGqw None 1998 483 498 17 0
28907 Ryosuke__ 2004 483 483 7 0
28907 SKKS 2002 483 483 7 0
28907 Shumpei1 1999 483 495 17 0
28907 Yeins 1996 483 549 14 0
28907 YhuanDebeste DHSBNHS 2008 483 592 10 0
28907 Zzzinsomniac 483 483 3 0
28907 absabs 483 483 4 0
28907 asthaSingh 2003 483 511 19 0
28907 benikazura 483 483 18 0
28907 cjp_ 2003 483 512 7 0
28907 ckfqdgdz 2002 483 483 5 0
28907 eulerleonhardfan 2023 483 483 8 0
28907 indradeo123 2002 483 483 13 0
28907 kanikapunia119 National Institute of Technology Silchar 483 483 11 0
28907 mohdikram 1999 483 496 31 0
28907 munilesser 2008 483 493 30 0
28907 neelesh17 1999 483 483 7 0
28907 nishinobi79 2002 483 483 6 0
28907 oujity 1971 483 483 28 0
28907 ringku Sylhet Engineering College 2000 483 509 17 0
28907 saubhagya0111 2001 483 483 51 0
28907 shardex 2001 483 483 13 0
28907 shivaga 2004 483 483 9 0
28907 siddhantnema IIIT Kottayam 2003 483 483 5 0
28907 sioalt 山形大学 2000 483 488 18 0
28907 skthtu 2000 483 483 14 0
28907 spoily_frog Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 2003 483 483 7 0
28907 suveshmoza 2002 483 483 7 0
28907 the_kingslayer 483 483 7 0
28907 yamaguchi_rcj 483 499 19 0
28907 you071 483 483 5 0
28870 ASASONE_ 1992 484 484 17 0
28870 Alensent 2005 484 484 9 0
28870 DAI_0110 green 2009 484 484 21 0
28870 Gh0st28 Jadavpur University 2005 484 574 13 0
28870 ICHIO Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 1977 484 566 143 0
28870 Mortal2345 484 484 3 0
28870 UnLo_tracy 2001 484 545 46 0
28870 aliAs_inc The University of Electro-Communications 2001 484 484 22 0
28870 autumndream 2003 484 484 3 0
28870 bandai0412 2008 484 484 28 0
28870 cooffee 484 484 21 0
28870 deOMtivated 2001 484 792 14 0
28870 edoHigan 1999 484 484 19 0
28789 gantavyamalviya 484 484 19 0
28870 gargshivam204 1999 484 484 3 0
28870 good_real 484 502 22 0
28870 hideyoshi_pp 1994 484 484 11 0
28870 huangallen 484 484 2 0
28870 insoo 484 484 12 0
28870 k3g 484 497 23 0
28870 libantian 2004 484 484 6 0
28870 liziyu123 hebtu 2003 484 490 9 0
28870 lparra 2023 484 484 9 0
28870 maelstrom 1998 484 484 40 0
28870 naoyaaan 1999 484 546 32 0
28870 nuke01 2003 484 484 10 0
28870 nyago_d 484 543 24 0
28870 qwerty787 484 484 15 0
28870 rice884 2002 484 489 11 0
28870 sanhayu546 2002 484 484 45 0
28870 spectator 19857656030 2005 484 484 14 0
28870 taketech MPRG 1996 484 559 24 0
28870 tatedaore 2001 484 498 54 0
28789 tohoku_snake 東北大学 2001 484 490 28 0
28870 yamyansan 484 507 15 0
28870 yh2023lxy 2011 484 522 44 0
28870 yumarinosu 484 553 33 0
28870 yzc001 David-J 2011 484 579 13 0
28870 zyc232008 2011 484 506 13 0
28820 1341paruko 1995 485 485 10 0
28820 26ryss 2002 485 485 8 0
28820 Abyss7893 2001 485 485 8 0
28820 Arsenic 2001 485 485 10 0
28820 Ashutosh_Shaw Academy of Technology 2002 485 541 67 0