Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
37 Egor Devexperts GmbH 1985 3062 3477 41 1
36 tatyam Tokyo Institute of Technology 2002 3072 3225 91 0
35 Itst 2003 3088 3088 21 0
34 yokozuna57 The University of Tokyo 3090 3090 54 0
33 yosupo Indeed Technologies Japan 1995 3107 3444 68 1
32 pashka ITMO University 1984 3118 3361 35 0
31 dnialh 6c8faf8d9d59a85f69de9af6c2862870 2000 3126 3126 32 0
30 Mr_Eight 今晚九点,小王唱歌,不见不散。 2005 3140 3145 30 0
29 noshi91 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2001 3160 3183 84 0
28 qazswedx 2005 3166 3166 14 0
27 Nachia Osaka Metropolitan University College of Technology 2003 3168 3168 76 0
26 eatmore NEAR 1989 3185 3511 36 1
25 gispzjz 1999 3204 3253 30 0
24 CloudOIer 3216 3216 10 0
23 duality 2004 3234 3328 22 0
22 Marcin University of Warsaw 1993 3245 3527 48 2
21 hos_lyric Rabbit House 3250 3423 33 1
20 tour1st 2005 3319 3319 18 0
18 mulgokizary 1991 3340 3535 28 0
18 snuke AtCoder Inc. 1994 3340 3525 57 1
17 Petr 1985 3356 3882 61 2
16 endagorion Pinely 1991 3358 3431 36 0
14 scott_wu Harvard University 1996 3362 3406 18 0
14 ugly2333 NJUPT 2002 3362 3362 43 0
13 heno239 Kyoto University 1999 3377 3456 77 0
12 csy2005 2005 3411 3411 56 0
11 semiexp Preferred Networks, Inc. 3432 3594 25 3
10 Radewoosh University of Warsaw 1997 3441 3658 39 2
9 apiad 1997 3548 3852 53 6
8 mnbvmar University of Warsaw 1996 3555 3736 22 1
7 Um_nik 1996 3583 3948 62 7
6 newbiedmy MIT 2002 3600 3714 27 1
5 ecnerwala MIT 1997 3604 3814 38 2
3 jiangly Peking University 2003 3640 3640 29 3
3 zhoukangyang 2007 3640 3640 38 4
2 ksun48 MIT 1998 3716 3802 60 5
1 tourist ITMO University 1994 3774 4229 61 22