Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
2405 cml 2000 1839 1839 12 0
2405 iura 2002 1839 1843 12 0
2405 shuaizui yc_韩金东 1839 1926 57 0
2400 Johnsonloy @sjzezsyxx 2007 1840 1875 43 0
2400 Lenqth 1840 1889 24 0
2400 Lucky_Luo 2008 1840 1840 47 0
2400 liangbowen Genshin Impact 1926 1840 1840 38 0
2400 suyiheng 2006 1840 1840 15 0
2391 Davidshx Haoba Army 2008 1841 1841 36 0
2391 Ox3b800001 2008 1841 1899 15 0
2391 chenrui9551 1841 1864 18 0
2391 igeee TMU 2002 1841 1841 138 0
2391 kostyavilcheuski 1996 1841 1841 4 0
2391 neterukun 株式会社 ALGO ARTIS 1841 2123 135 0
2391 snowdreams UESTC 2003 1841 1925 20 0
2391 webmonster NRNU MEPhI 1841 1841 39 0
2391 williamBMDK 2000 1841 1873 23 0
2383 Ishmeal 1842 1873 39 0
2383 Pos11 2008 1842 1903 16 0
2383 chromate00 2004 1842 1901 71 0
2383 ddxrS 1842 1864 20 0
2383 frincher 1842 1842 7 0
2383 hank2007 2007 1842 1906 139 0
2383 pengpeng_fd 13818733024 2004 1842 1842 8 0
2383 stntn Antarctica 1924 1842 1904 22 0
2380 XORring_Samurai IIT BHU 2001 1843 1843 73 0
2380 c20231020_ High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 1843 1879 74 0
2380 wh_ZH ShanDong University 2003 1843 1844 17 0
2376 Rencj 2007 1844 1844 8 0
2376 Sljeuo 1844 1844 30 0
2376 XxEray 1844 1844 29 0
2376 chikkun The University of Tokyo 2001 1844 2053 139 0
2364 DaydreamWarrior yc_刘东林 2008 1845 1884 72 0
2364 HLqwq qaq 2022 1845 1845 26 0
2364 L0TUS 2001 1845 1845 5 0
2364 Retribution 1845 1845 3 0
2364 Rodionno 2006 1845 1849 28 0
2364 computerfucker 1845 1845 12 0
2364 hgzxwzf 1845 1845 44 0
2364 joaovmfa UFRN 2001 1845 1845 20 0
2364 kingofpineapples Marriotts Ridge High School 2005 1845 1845 17 0
2364 planes 2002 1845 1988 200 0
2364 xhx114514 2006 1845 1994 7 0
2364 zz2745518585 Chengdu No.7 High School 2007 1845 1845 5 0
2360 LIttlePants 2003 1846 1964 67 0
2360 MSqwq yc_ 1846 1877 11 0
2360 NujObIuc Fudan University 2006 1846 1846 4 0
2360 small_john yc2025_pyy 1990 1846 1846 9 0
2353 JeevanJyot BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus 2001 1847 1891 23 0
2353 Juney KAIST 2002 1847 1970 21 0
2353 LyricalMaestro Pioneer Inc. 1982 1847 1917 124 0
2353 hoxosh The University of Electro-Communications 1983 1847 2187 210 0
2353 iktk1 1847 1847 21 0
2353 soumat 2003 1847 1893 98 0
2353 tniop00001 yc_徐征言 1847 1861 11 0
2346 Corpsdorg オレンジ 小学校 2015 1848 1997 7 0
2346 FplusFplusF 2006 1848 1947 192 0
2346 hamath 1989 1848 1948 252 0
2346 shogo314 Osaka University 2002 1848 1964 154 0
2346 whm123 2007 1848 1848 9 0
2346 yochan 1998 1848 2138 113 0
2346 zhiyangfan Zhengzhou Foreign Language School 2005 1848 1856 28 0
2341 NooB_VansH 2003 1849 1849 41 0
2341 PhoenixRebirth orz Froggy. 2024 1849 1849 2 0
2341 beyoursven seekluna 1849 1855 43 0
2341 liyouran 1849 1849 4 0
2341 mikam 1849 1988 185 0
2340 RedNextCentury Damascus University 1850 1954 11 0
2334 FuHeHanShu 2011 1851 1851 10 0
2334 LargeHeadMonster 1851 1851 5 0
2334 abcde34534 1851 1855 26 0
2334 adam01 1851 1947 30 0
2334 huangxw 1851 2018 43 0
2334 lookcook University of Toronto 1851 1857 20 0
2326 FGgirl HaoBa army 2009 1852 1857 60 0
2326 Marvolo Beihang University 2000 1852 1852 21 0
2326 Xc4l16r3 2006 1852 1852 18 0
2326 efy 1994 1852 1911 213 0
2326 fansizhe 2008 1852 1863 12 0
2326 netyo715 1999 1852 1952 127 0
2326 stefansav 1852 1911 19 0
2326 yjf1225 1852 1852 44 0
2320 LYY_yyyy 2008 1853 1856 28 0
2320 Leonard7 Qilu university of technology 2002 1853 1875 77 0
2320 Moegi 1997 1853 1883 182 0
2320 The_Samurai 2007 1853 1880 15 0
2320 drdilyor 2006 1853 1853 19 0
2320 shauuebbit ,[> <., ] 1853 1996 314 0
2315 AT114514ancestor 大家好啊,我是说的道理。今天给大家来点想看的东西。 2008 1854 2025 51 0
2315 finalissima 1997 1854 1854 7 0
2315 grassy 1854 1861 8 0
2315 kobaryo222 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 2002 1854 1967 150 0
2315 koisawa 2004 1854 1899 14 0
2305 LinkZelda 廣州市第三中學 2006 1855 1855 42 0
2305 Noinoiio 2006 1855 1855 6 0
2305 Re_Mu yc_yhn 2006 1855 1855 28 0
2305 Tx_Lcy 树不要皮,必死无疑;人不要脸,天下无敌。 2008 1855 1855 3 0
2305 Tyson8331 KCLC 2010 1855 1855 73 0
2305 abdrahman_rashed 2003 1855 1855 37 0
2305 cgnefiJPA 2007 1855 1855 3 0