Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
1481 konjakujelly yc_黄宇哲 2015 2015 7 0
1481 monkukui Hokkaido University OB (Mercari, Inc.) 1996 2015 2035 224 0
1481 pkhaustov 1990 2015 2086 33 0
1481 socpite HSGS 2006 2014 2014 38 0
1481 startcpp (@_@) 2015 2236 253 0
1481 tansiyang666 2015 2015 17 0
1481 zyc212303 yc_YouranZ | IAOI 2009 2015 2015 56 0
1491 ReiVindicatio Hokkaido University OB 1998 2014 2014 101 0
1494 CLY12 2009 2014 2049 16 0
1494 Hachimori 2014 2014 139 0
1494 N_z_ 2007 2014 2014 23 0
1494 Sanat_ 2003 2014 2019 68 0
1494 birdcherry 2014 2133 43 0
1494 donbasta Institut Teknologi Bandung 2001 2014 2014 31 0
1494 jhdonghj 2014 2014 21 0
1494 kimoyami 2018 2014 2014 19 0
1494 lddlinan 2014 2127 85 0
1494 llloserqz 2014 2029 11 0
1494 mutualns The University of Tokyo 1998 2014 2014 103 0
1494 orangecalculator 2014 2045 39 0
1494 tamajit_rocks IIT Delhi 2001 2014 2057 52 0
1494 vegetable_king 2009 2014 2014 21 0
1508 Acfboy Lanzhou University 2006 2013 2013 80 0
1508 Aurora2005 The University of Tokyo 2005 2013 2059 129 0
1508 EXODUS F-Joker 2007 2013 2013 16 0
1508 Jelly_prx 2007 2013 2013 15 0
1508 SGColin Hangzhou Dianzi U 2002 2013 2040 55 0
1508 The_way_to_Rome 2013 2075 55 0
1508 arad Keio University 2001 2013 2068 209 0
1508 chenyanxi Seekluna 2012 2013 2013 50 0
1508 cwxzh Chengdu foreign language school 2009 2013 2134 59 0
1508 gdfyhm 2000 2013 2013 29 0
1508 gloria_mundi Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2013 2013 8 0
1508 udow IIT Kanpur 2003 2013 2016 62 0
1508 yangsonghan09 2008 2013 2013 14 0
1508 yinhee Affiliated Middle School of Guangzhou University 1926 2013 2013 23 0
1522 Fly_ 2012 2031 41 0
1522 NanamiChiaki314 1989 2012 2074 12 0
1522 bekzhan29 1997 2012 2266 24 0
1522 kwoncycle 2002 2012 2012 25 0
1522 nagisa5101 1998 2012 2012 49 0
1522 wjli Microsoft 1976 2012 2146 37 0
1528 C_Summerville10 2001 2011 2011 5 0
1528 DiTenix 2011 2011 21 0
1528 GS128 2011 2011 39 0
1528 Joe75792433 1999 2011 2133 111 0
1528 LiZixi Star Rail 1926 2011 2011 45 0
1528 Seecret 1999 2011 2011 14 0
1528 T_Stream FromSoftware, Inc. 1998 2011 2081 223 0
1528 ZergTricky Moscow Aviation Institute 2003 2011 2011 26 0
1528 akua Gifu University | 岐阜大学 2011 2105 173 0
1528 jdfans yc_黄宇哲 2011 2011 18 0
1528 kh25 1993 2011 2011 49 0
1528 lukamosiashvili 2005 2011 2057 49 0
1528 rinmao Osaka City University 1997 2011 2011 117 0
1528 steiner 1988 2011 2011 15 0
1528 yuki_shiki 2003 2011 2011 62 0
1528 yzq_qwq 2011 2011 61 0
1544 08kevin3 2010 2010 7 0
1544 Bambusoideae The Point of No Return 2007 2010 2010 21 0
1544 Booksnow 18183101648 2006 2010 2010 42 0
1544 Lucina Chulalongkorn University 2000 2010 2065 49 0
1544 Maruzensky 2010 2050 129 0
1544 abhishek_saini https://www.youtube.com/@abhishekcode42?sub_confirmation=1 2010 2010 78 0
1544 bruhify 2007 2010 2010 76 0
1544 daoquanglinh2007 2007 2010 2010 10 0
1544 eastcloud 2008 2010 2011 25 0
1544 fiveAB 2006 2010 2010 36 0
1544 nfssdq Jahangirnagar University 1993 2010 2103 24 0
1544 qvzeyang 2006 2010 2010 14 0
1544 recososo Hokkaido University OB 1998 2010 2010 133 0
1544 shirowa Kyoto University 2001 2010 2215 178 0
1558 HowToSolveB 2001 2009 2009 14 0
1558 Komichi_Aya 2007 2009 2009 40 0
1558 LYLAKIOI Wu Jue's Fans Club 2024 2009 2042 19 0
1558 SunsetGlow95 2008 2009 2057 33 0
1558 Yahia_Emara AbdelmagedNour Fan Club 2006 2009 2012 53 0
1558 belphegor 2001 2009 2009 14 0
1558 cnyz 2007 2009 2012 31 0
1558 kwm_t !!! 2009 2057 248 0
1558 mn_7545 2001 2009 2133 191 0
1558 nrvft 株式会社 ALGO ARTIS 1999 2009 2201 154 0
1558 pavlekn 2004 2009 2050 12 0
1558 rs02 2000 2009 2069 159 0
1558 slah007 2009 2026 53 0
1558 wildwolf_pty 长沙市雅礼中学 1992 2009 2023 14 0
1572 Er1nyes 2008 2008 5 0
1572 Meatherm Chengdu No.7 High School 2007 2008 2008 23 0
1572 MvKaio UFMG 2001 2008 2029 33 0
1572 ValeraGrinenko 2003 2008 2068 97 0
1572 chrhaa 2008 2008 2008 96 0
1572 fclvbfm934 2008 2008 23 0
1572 gyouzasushi Kyoto University 2000 2008 2080 217 0
1572 honglan0725 RDFZ 2008 2008 2083 10 0
1572 knoj014 2005 2008 2008 25 0
1572 lantifac 2008 2008 9 0
1572 lycc 2009 2008 2008 18 0
1572 nixnehc 2008 2008 10 0
1572 qbi 1997 2008 2027 39 0
1572 rlc202204 Shenzhen Middle School 2010 2008 2008 43 0