Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
9587 xkdydl 1153 1153 22 0
9587 yszs 1995 1153 1153 5 0
9603 Exzrg kuZS8U6BNMmVNkaVfR713wXiZr40sw 2003 1152 1258 37 0
9603 Lilligant__ Hokkaido Dekkaido 2001 1152 1195 23 0
9603 MOPKOBKA228 2001 1152 1152 5 0
9603 NourWaelAli 2007 1152 1152 15 0
9603 Ouyang_ZW HUASACM 2002 1152 1166 17 0
9603 Raymondzll 2009 1152 1152 4 0
9603 Varandeep01 NIT Durgapur 2001 1152 1152 95 0
9603 Zhora004 2004 1152 1253 24 0
9603 baku1101 1995 1152 1427 79 0
9603 cherry2010 1152 1152 27 0
9603 ciallo2023 1152 1152 4 0
9603 dolphinchan 2003 1152 1164 28 0
9603 high_moctane 1152 1252 47 0
9603 kAsA02 Saitama University 2002 1152 1165 98 0
9603 li_z Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 1152 1263 16 0
9603 liubinze 2008 1152 1152 14 0
9603 n1330 1152 1214 101 0
9603 starchasm_nyx 2000 1152 1152 11 0
9603 taka99 1975 1152 1274 57 0
9603 tk1 2001 1152 1303 36 0
9603 vermagautam1805 2001 1152 1264 18 0
9603 wl2023 2009 1152 1187 5 0
9625 Ash_Dr 2001 1151 1151 14 0
9625 Cipher_07 2003 1151 1228 4 0
9625 FreyaOI 1151 1151 15 0
9625 MOHDFAIZ IIT Guwahati 2004 1151 1151 17 0
9625 Myrcella 1151 1151 7 0
9625 RonWonWon JIIT 2001 1151 1230 50 0
9625 Syuzue 1997 1151 1492 77 0
9625 TheLibra 13486865157 2004 1151 1151 19 0
9625 edomondo Toyota Motor Corporation 1989 1151 1241 52 0
9625 ianzyn 2009 1151 1151 7 0
9625 rohitsoni321 1151 1151 62 0
9625 takef2201 1991 1151 1193 33 0
9625 tatsuya0619 1994 1151 1220 117 0
9625 temnam 東京理科大学 2000 1151 1290 216 0
9639 1346 SZTU 2003 1150 1189 43 0
9639 Gac 1150 1251 70 0
9639 Harui 2003 1150 1169 133 0
9639 andychen 1995 1150 1150 25 0
9639 cabianofaruana UPorto 1993 1150 1220 54 0
9639 everflame 18881429468 1150 1150 13 0
9639 gagaga123 sss 2021 1150 1150 14 0
9639 ilyastarost Belarusian SU 2003 1150 1246 4 0
9639 itsrohit bla_bla 2002 1150 1192 55 0
9639 kazuki00 2000 1150 1161 40 0
9639 lakshya7878 Lovely Professional University 2001 1150 1150 52 0
9639 ma_niu_bi 2010 1150 1150 15 0
9639 megatron10 IIT Hyderabad 1999 1150 1150 5 0
9639 mzycwyc_lh 18281669950 2009 1150 1150 12 0
9639 phoenix_riser 2001 1150 1150 38 0
9639 pozhu 2006 1150 1150 10 0
9639 take44444_ 1998 1150 1171 15 0
9639 tanashou1 Toyota Motor Corporation 1989 1150 1197 90 0
9639 tumunu bin 2004 1150 1150 9 0
9639 xcx0902arc 1150 1150 5 0
9659 Alkaid_Star 2006 1149 1216 5 0
9659 CarpDay 甲南大学 1149 1191 89 0
9659 GNRs Osaka University 1997 1149 1162 39 0
9659 GalaxyCat42 2004 1149 1149 16 0
9659 Malice1010 2000 1149 1196 175 0
9659 NIWATAMI 1149 1238 86 0
9659 Pradyumn1908 2004 1149 1149 7 0
9659 SakodaKazuki 甲南大学 2002 1149 1149 50 0
9659 Selva_01 2000 1149 1240 13 0
9659 __ASHISH__ 2002 1149 1186 36 0
9659 ashwani072 1149 1149 32 0
9659 dqw https://dqw.fan 2005 1149 1149 27 0
9659 edcty 1149 1149 32 0
9659 fanwen THPT Chuyen Bien Hoa 2006 1149 1149 4 0
9659 hutianshuo 2009 1149 1149 13 0
9659 lightbender 2001 1149 1154 24 0
9659 optimize_2 2007 1149 1221 6 0
9659 pksingh290 2001 1149 1152 48 0
9659 probable B.Tech 1998 1149 1347 21 0
9659 six_one Hefei No.1 High School 2008 1149 1149 20 0
9659 woody_1227 Contrary / null 1149 1180 101 0
9680 Planting No school! 2009 1148 1148 27 0
9680 Prakharrrr4 1998 1148 1744 89 0
9680 Sirhc47 2007 1148 1148 25 0
9680 andwho 1997 1148 1208 9 0
9680 ayoimalive IIT Kharagpur 2002 1148 1314 43 0
9680 ez_code Yonsei University 2000 1148 1148 21 0
9680 hageron The University of Electro-Communications 1999 1148 1230 114 0
9680 lichangrong 2003 1148 1233 19 0
9680 may17 1148 1148 82 0
9680 roshanjain77 1148 1148 4 0
9680 sleepingonee 1984 1148 1213 43 0
9680 thendrx 1988 1148 1194 51 0
9680 zym417 1148 1148 2 0
9693 DQYZ_HWK 2000 1147 1283 30 0
9693 Shinku721 2003 1147 1320 19 0
9693 codeknight_33 1999 1147 1152 28 0
9693 dsyz DHS Singapore 2007 1147 1179 28 0
9693 llc5pg 1147 1214 158 0
9693 w20b 2001 1147 1147 17 0
9693 wangyuancheng 1147 1174 27 0
9693 yadokaritan 1147 1147 35 0