Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
28758 ypz 2002 489 489 4 0
28789 gantavyamalviya 484 484 19 0
28789 tohoku_snake 東北大学 2001 484 490 28 0
28797 JellyBear 2006 488 779 10 0
28797 LONERANGER03 2003 488 488 18 0
28797 Llllllxxxx_ 488 562 20 0
28797 OCH_Tao 2007 488 488 35 0
28797 Shxt_Plus 2010 488 488 1 0
28797 Suspicious_Idiot 488 488 3 0
28797 TheLogicalBear 1994 488 584 45 0
28797 Wu1hong2shen6 fangzx_x_ryt47 2024 488 577 2 0
28797 Yuyo1984 RTWP 1997 488 488 37 0
28797 Zuko123 2003 488 488 8 0
28797 btt46 488 488 12 0
28797 catcoswavist 488 591 67 0
28797 devendr09 2002 488 488 9 0
28797 e_n1cat_ 2007 488 488 8 0
28797 eggngineer 東京理科大学大学院 1999 488 600 36 0
28797 eightliotswifi 2006 488 505 12 0
28797 exN33T 2001 488 488 19 0
28797 frapt 2004 488 492 26 0
28797 fuji123 明治大学 2001 488 488 14 0
28797 h299792 Kanazawa University 2000 488 499 31 0
28797 hgim29185 2005 488 488 4 0
28797 jojomasanori3 1995 488 488 46 0
28797 kotama 名古屋大学 2003 488 488 17 0
28797 l_TIMOFEY_l URFU 2005 488 704 3 0
28797 lokicodes 2003 488 488 6 0
28797 mahmudulyeamim 2001 488 613 7 0
28797 mugi21 488 488 8 0
28797 musashii 634 2009 488 518 40 0
28797 natori9 2003 488 488 16 0
28797 rag_hav13 Indian Institute of Information Technology 2002 488 488 3 0
28797 ririli 1994 488 489 25 0
28797 rizwan321 2003 488 504 13 0
28797 sewaroberry 488 488 14 0
28797 sho_s Waseda University 2003 488 488 5 0
28797 shreyansh_ji b.tech in indian institute of information technology allahbad 2001 488 552 12 0
28797 sota4869 石川工業高等専門学校 2007 488 488 15 0
28797 sunnycode 1997 488 488 17 0
28797 sy10637 488 510 40 0
28797 szaranczuk 2005 488 488 5 0
28797 tida1732 488 597 12 0
28797 tigeta 1999 488 517 34 0
28797 tomokin 東京大学 1999 488 520 21 0
28797 wanco 1971 488 496 34 0
28797 xgy 19843024632 2003 488 489 15 0
28797 yq11037 2004 488 488 2 0
28803 AYATYA The University of Electro-Communications 2000 483 534 28 0
28842 BaSO4 CRC 2006 487 487 1 0
28842 Gaurav16 2002 487 487 19 0
28842 June_13 487 833 32 0
28842 KK0123 1994 487 491 12 0
28842 Moein_Z 2007 487 497 18 0
28842 Tan10 2001 487 487 13 0
28842 Tchr 487 487 3 0
28842 Utyujin Virtual World 2004 487 487 15 0
28842 Yunfei_David eddie friends 487 528 37 0
28842 aka_mzk 電気通信大学 先端ロボティクスプログラム 2001 487 511 23 0
28842 anand_022002 2002 487 487 14 0
28842 anuj 2002 487 487 46 0
28842 busa145 2006 487 509 61 0
28842 cain108 2008 487 500 39 0
28842 chisako_treefrog 2001 487 487 10 0
28842 choloping 2005 487 487 10 0
28842 fcx123 487 487 13 0
28842 harshgupta_2022 2003 487 501 25 0
28842 hatake1519 電気通信大学 2004 487 541 51 0
28842 hiyama_ 487 487 16 0
28842 lilmx 3551146179 2005 487 524 27 0
28842 sachin_krishna 2000 487 604 35 0
28842 shikhar2817 1999 487 615 21 0
28842 shimasoft 487 487 32 0
28842 tmtmtm1 487 579 52 0
28842 vipul_2002 2002 487 487 7 0
28842 zwu2022015005 487 487 22 0
28869 BadTitan 2000 486 486 5 0
28869 Dreamstar 2002 486 619 3 0
28869 Durgesh_Agr22 2004 486 486 24 0
28869 Leisure27 2003 486 486 5 0
28869 MaoZilin 17552739123 2010 486 558 25 0
28869 Misono819 2002 486 486 14 0
28869 MyNickName 1998 486 486 10 0
28869 Sixnine NITian 2003 486 486 23 0
28869 TongariAtamago 2003 486 559 54 0
28869 Wild468 2004 486 486 19 0
28869 XiYanLiu Wuhu No.1 High School 2007 486 486 21 0
28869 Xyz3641 1997 486 486 22 0
28869 anjali_a 486 486 4 0
28869 chervgrigorii 486 486 6 0
28869 daruma6 486 522 29 0
28869 doraking 1999 486 547 17 0
28869 in_midori 2001 486 486 10 0
28869 infinity567 486 486 20 0
28869 lll666 486 522 29 0
28869 meniscus 1990 486 605 40 0
28869 mi243sx4b 金沢大学 2001 486 499 50 0
28869 osths 18991739391 2004 486 486 12 0
28869 pear_651530 2002 486 486 3 0
28869 pompompom 2005 486 537 29 0