Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
18497 HELLOWORLD3 Nanjing University 2004 769 769 3 0
18497 Imran435 769 932 71 0
18497 KID2695_cb 1234567890 1924 769 769 9 0
18497 NK0622 1994 769 805 23 0
18497 Python420 2001 769 786 63 0
18497 ShiRoZeTsu 2007 769 909 15 0
18497 Sterryn 2006 769 769 11 0
18497 alamgir58 HSTU 1998 769 772 68 0
18497 cri 769 769 7 0
18497 cslg093121109 18852922571 2003 769 789 38 0
18497 dirtylegs YMCA 2000 769 814 11 0
18497 go_to_top 2003 769 802 16 0
18497 hchchc 2005 769 805 18 0
18497 hustler1 2002 769 769 6 0
18497 infinity18 Institute of Engineering and Technology 2005 769 792 22 0
18497 ken7aisa 769 857 11 0
18497 krkr14 Osaka Institute of Technology 2000 769 882 48 0
18497 legend2003 Shenyang Aerospace University 2003 769 769 11 0
18497 mandeep_mahra Chandigarh University 2003 769 769 43 0
18497 nobuchi 2001 769 858 131 0
18497 ravenclawike 769 774 28 0
18497 shibakoro 1999 769 790 123 0
18497 starlightlmy 2002 769 863 17 0
18497 supuhapi みん民 769 836 116 0
18497 takabsk55 769 853 112 0
18497 tommy614 1993 769 782 21 0
18497 totopiro Tohoku University 2001 769 774 29 0
18497 vedant_k07 2000 769 769 5 0
18497 xalumok 2001 769 858 5 0
18497 xxbg 17805262868 2004 769 769 4 0
18497 zor_se_bolo 1999 769 1021 35 0
18532 Copynight 京都大学 2001 768 858 43 0
18532 Fly_ZZZ 2001 768 1094 18 0
18532 Fuad71 BSMRSTU 2000 768 825 108 0
18532 Luoxh SZTU 2004 768 788 28 0
18532 Rimgo 大阪府立大学 1999 768 774 26 0
18532 Sky_Thunder Kumeda high school 2008 768 830 56 0
18532 YWXK 768 935 18 0
18532 amasinn 1999 768 768 5 0
18532 arnavwinner Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai 2003 768 768 23 0
18532 bit2_ 7727817159 2002 768 852 32 0
18532 dakara The Earth 1920 768 994 61 0
18532 freakdeep 2000 768 881 10 0
18532 hatchi_Nina DIS 768 951 86 0
18532 hetang IIT GUWAHATI 2002 768 768 14 0
18532 hicony The University of Tokyo 1999 768 770 24 0
18532 invasion 768 768 1 0
18532 jithendra_0001 2002 768 778 21 0
18532 kzhrfkd 1993 768 808 111 0
18532 littletree 2013 768 768 8 0
18532 luchxDD 1999 768 888 23 0
18532 nknk9 The University of Electro-Communications 2005 768 768 63 0
18532 nyon 768 1336 100 0
18532 oisac 2003 768 768 4 0
18532 omaki 768 768 29 0
18532 pine_bb 768 806 29 0
18532 rentalname - 768 820 40 0
18532 shivam_11 IIT Mandi 2006 768 768 15 0
18532 shubh_titan 2004 768 786 70 0
18532 starfield 768 768 19 0
18532 taizo_gt UEC 2000 768 793 49 0
18532 wtz2010 2010 768 768 1 0
18532 xiahaob 2008 768 768 3 0
18532 yanruo 18879434573 2003 768 768 14 0
18532 ysyyhhh 768 794 10 0
18532 yusumi The University of Electro-Communications 1998 768 832 73 0
18567 Deepcity 16671069852 2004 767 820 15 0
18567 Devo 2023 767 767 18 0
18567 GS256 2007 767 767 1 0
18567 HH0501 2004 767 767 5 0
18567 Hadyn 19506429927 2004 767 802 14 0
18567 Hirumu123 767 841 17 0
18567 Kirenjaku2 Otemae High School 2007 767 796 63 0
18567 Shailesh_21 2003 767 787 30 0
18567 Yash_01 IIT(ISM) Dhanbad 2001 767 843 50 0
18567 aberent 1957 767 767 4 0
18567 anas3a 1998 767 767 6 0
18567 colin_taro 1998 767 823 79 0
18567 cpz0342 2009 767 767 8 0
18567 cyf1208 +8613627315917 2011 767 796 18 0
18567 herrkinder 1980 767 941 142 0
18567 huyhau6a2 2009 767 767 1 0
18567 killua123 1998 767 771 17 0
18567 koulritanshu 767 769 23 0
18567 math87lab 新潟大学 1999 767 783 49 0
18567 memi 2001 767 865 65 0
18567 ngano_upat_na City of Bogo Senior High School 2006 767 767 18 0
18567 salty9 2003 767 767 15 0
18567 sun_ek2 767 827 37 0
18567 taku001 767 767 32 0
18567 tomokichifirst 岩手大学 2003 767 771 59 0
18567 xish 767 1439 286 0
18567 yaichi 1970 767 821 29 0
18594 Aishwarya07 PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur 2002 766 830 25 0
18594 Amazing_ 766 766 8 0
18594 Asuna_ysn 1921 766 937 22 0
18594 Azimjon_ TUIT Samarkand branch 2002 766 963 45 0
18594 Duck_Ya yc2026_陈奕韬 766 854 25 0
18594 PikaQ 2005 766 766 4 0
18594 Pixel_ 766 807 27 0