Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(93401) 22637 CCFCCB Huaiyin Middle School Xincheng Campus 2011 652 655 36 0
(93402) 22518 DUC27 15886921086 2003 655 655 20 0
(93402) 22518 Eke_bichi 2004 655 655 4 0
(93402) 22518 HXZspr208 2010 655 655 31 0
(93405) 25659 InvolutionZ 2003 565 655 13 0
(93406) 24960 Ken0927 David-J 2010 584 655 14 0
(93407) 29853 Low_key_smile 459 655 11 0
(93408) 22518 Luca123 2005 655 655 6 0
(93408) 22518 NAMAN_76 2001 655 655 26 0
(93410) 24212 Peterlits 2001 606 655 6 0
(93411) 22518 Spouter_27 nonmelodicragez 2007 655 655 3 0
(93412) 26332 aaing 1990 548 655 81 0
(93413) 27939 ab_rar BUET 2001 507 655 5 0
(93414) 22518 amit_291 2002 655 655 36 0
(93414) 22518 aryan_raj 2003 655 655 10 0
(93416) 23572 as_kmk 1996 624 655 15 0
(93417) 24320 beATyourbest 2002 603 655 5 0
(93418) 23149 brqnko HikakinTV 2005 637 655 29 0
(93419) 22518 ciqing 19150823575 2004 655 655 25 0
(93420) 22776 cuprum 1999 648 655 22 0
(93421) 22518 eyphyco 655 655 16 0
(93421) 22518 immisius 1999 655 655 10 0
(93423) 30347 infCraft 2004 448 655 3 0
(93424) 22552 ismoilmirzo uzbek 2007 654 655 20 0
(93425) 22518 joegust014 2007 655 655 16 0
(93425) 22518 liubaqi 655 655 11 0
(93425) 22518 lzy_fff 2006 655 655 3 0
(93428) 24172 nglkodai 1999 607 655 48 0
(93429) 24623 no708 594 655 91 0
(93430) 23217 rafsanzani 1997 635 655 13 0
(93431) 25440 rm_097 1998 571 655 48 0
(93432) 23441 sei214 1988 628 655 26 0
(93433) 23755 shatami 2000 619 655 46 0
(93434) 26415 tliton 1990 546 655 17 0
(93435) 22518 tpwls6630 1999 655 655 3 0
(93436) 23932 vinayak2108 IIIT Bhopal 2002 614 655 19 0
(93437) 25408 warabi_mochi 2000 572 655 25 0
(93438) 22518 wsxbhyc 2010 655 655 80 0
(93438) 22518 xuanxuanni 655 655 25 0
(93440) 22479 IvanovNil 656 656 2 0
(93440) 22479 Kanta_G 立命館大学 2001 656 656 31 0
(93442) 23648 Leningrad_Sniper International Institute of Information Technology,Hyderabad 2005 622 656 23 0
(93443) 24056 LevisT 1928 610 656 6 0
(93444) 25140 Mahmudur Student 1997 579 656 78 0
(93445) 22479 Pinto 2000 656 656 9 0
(93446) 31264 SonicML 2007 426 656 31 0
(93447) 22479 Windflower 2002 656 656 8 0
(93447) 22479 _Live 2000 656 656 11 0
(93449) 22592 add_bakkers_go 2002 653 656 6 0
(93450) 25693 coquetish 长江师范学院 2003 564 656 4 0
(93451) 22479 delta95 656 656 6 0
(93451) 22479 dred 656 656 2 0
(93451) 22479 duoka 2003 656 656 8 0
(93451) 22479 ichigo410 1992 656 656 13 0
(93455) 23793 kafein 2000 618 656 48 0
(93456) 22479 lunjiahao 2008 656 656 6 0
(93456) 22479 mayankdal 2002 656 656 10 0
(93458) 24768 ninja_satyam Heritage Institute of Technology 1999 590 656 24 0
(93459) 22518 nishin787B 1992 655 656 23 0
(93460) 23120 njustbacon 18066059982 2003 638 656 7 0
(93461) 22479 pinuocao 656 656 8 0
(93462) 23217 rin3 1998 635 656 27 0
(93463) 24733 roku36 2002 591 656 64 0
(93464) 22965 shunya_ 大学院 2000 643 656 24 0
(93465) 22479 summer2020 2009 656 656 8 0
(93466) 25140 sususu7 2000 579 656 48 0
(93467) 26044 vice other than high school 2007 555 656 14 0
(93468) 22479 woshi_caiji 2002 656 656 13 0
(93468) 22479 wyhhei 656 656 17 0
(93468) 22479 xx002 656 656 5 0
(93471) 22776 yamato0126 648 656 24 0
(93472) 26167 zhengzixuan 2008 552 656 18 0
(93473) 22479 zoutong 2006 656 656 5 0
(93474) 22456 Alice_Liddell Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 2007 657 657 1 0
(93475) 25187 CFnoob 1999 578 657 23 0
(93476) 23096 Divyess 2002 639 657 10 0
(93477) 25544 Joe201114 NFLS 2011 568 657 27 0
(93478) 22456 QianCCC 2003 657 657 22 0
(93478) 22456 RAGHACKERZ 2002 657 657 5 0
(93480) 23409 Septemper 2005 629 657 15 0
(93481) 22456 Shumpey Kyoto univ. 2000 657 657 23 0
(93482) 29038 Tanmyap21 480 657 27 0
(93483) 22479 WaWaJie 13951651713 2004 656 657 9 0
(93484) 23648 akechi777 1990 622 657 11 0
(93485) 22456 bih 657 657 6 0
(93486) 30792 binbin_200811 Zhongshan Diyin School 2008 437 657 29 0
(93487) 25021 caojh 582 657 30 0
(93488) 22456 formidblechief27 2003 657 657 6 0
(93489) 25770 hyena_king 562 657 13 0
(93490) 25252 linHuai SZTU 2002 576 657 16 0
(93491) 22456 lsun48 2007 657 657 20 0
(93492) 22918 matcha_pudding 2002 644 657 22 0
(93493) 23149 mm156073 1999 637 657 13 0
(93494) 25579 mtzw9204 567 657 45 0
(93495) 31976 muzammal 2000 411 657 57 0
(93496) 23034 omunaito 2004 641 657 36 0
(93496) 23034 ppkdczb 2003 641 657 9 0
(93498) 22456 r1317 大阪公立大学工業高等専門学校 2006 657 657 32 0
(93499) 30792 the_Incharge none 2000 437 657 14 0
(93500) 24684 torippy123 1999 592 657 37 0