Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(116201) 983 afhi 2022 2079 2079 52 0
(116202) 1934 ajinkya1p3 1996 1939 2079 76 0
(116203) 983 amsraman 2002 2079 2079 31 0
(116204) 1708 anagohirame Tokyobay-MC 1996 1988 2079 76 0
(116205) 983 g_x_j Sichuan University 2002 2079 2079 19 0
(116206) 2506 kabipoyo 1995 1828 2079 210 0
(116207) 3125 AltTTT 1994 1729 2080 180 0
(116208) 1713 Deep_Kevin 2004 1987 2080 15 0
(116209) 996 Leo_W 2009 2077 2080 71 0
(116210) 1559 gyouzasushi Kyoto University 2000 2008 2080 217 0
(116211) 1094 henotrix 2002 2056 2080 13 0
(116212) 1239 nskybytskyi 1999 2037 2080 20 0
(116213) 1515 T_Stream FromSoftware, Inc. 1998 2011 2081 223 0
(116214) 1573 bin101 2007 2081 162 0
(116215) 1388 goodier 2008 2022 2081 24 0
(116216) 978 mono_1729 Nagoya University 2002 2081 2081 142 0
(116217) 1789 sohsoh 2005 1969 2081 26 0
(116218) 1708 tyawanmusi The University of Electro-Communications 2003 1988 2081 109 0
(116219) 1669 Dimon ITMO University 2002 1999 2082 11 0
(116220) 1388 aaa12321 2022 2082 34 0
(116221) 1312 niuez Mt. Celeste 2002 2029 2082 103 0
(116222) 1125 ococonomy1 Hokkaido University 2002 2052 2082 175 0
(116223) 1850 S_shun 高1 2007 1956 2083 198 0
(116224) 972 SpaceJellyfish UESTC 2003 2083 2083 47 0
(116225) 996 dyktr_06 The University of Electro-Communications 2077 2083 210 0
(116226) 1559 honglan0725 RDFZ 2008 2008 2083 10 0
(116227) 972 ltzInstallB 2003 2083 2083 32 0
(116227) 972 monstersqwq 2007 2083 2083 3 0
(116229) 969 DanieI_lele 2009 2084 2084 11 0
(116230) 1355 cottoncotton 1992 2025 2084 174 0
(116231) 969 sqrt_7 Tsinghua University High School 1949 2084 2084 27 0
(116232) 1779 CyanSineSin 1971 2085 21 0
(116233) 1284 myee fans of devinwang 2006 2031 2085 13 0
(116234) 1321 pointN University of Tsukuba 2000 2028 2085 195 0
(116235) 1098 wangjinbo 2006 2055 2085 50 0
(116236) 1002 Timsei 2002 2076 2086 13 0
(116237) 966 Vladithur Moscow SU 2005 2086 2086 25 0
(116238) 1469 pkhaustov 1990 2015 2086 33 0
(116239) 2004 user14767553 1923 2086 38 0
(116240) 1779 wasd314 1971 2086 238 0
(116241) 1167 L233L 2008 2047 2087 25 0
(116242) 1433 gojira_ku 株式会社○○O○ 1994 2018 2087 181 0
(116243) 963 happypotato Diocesan Boys' School 2007 2087 2087 35 0
(116244) 1208 Anonyme An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. 2007 2040 2088 40 0
(116245) 959 Clein_qwq ASDFZ 2007 2088 2088 32 0
(116245) 959 Quez9271 2007 2088 2088 39 0
(116247) 1057 kenken714 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2004 2063 2088 64 0
(116248) 1140 qwef_ 2050 2088 16 0
(116249) 1038 yangjl_ 2003 2067 2088 56 0
(116250) 955 Fysty 2089 2089 34 0
(116250) 955 Gabp De La Salle University 2001 2089 2089 55 0
(116252) 1702 GoldIngot 1997 1989 2089 177 0
(116253) 1187 Rssll_Krkgrd Kyoto University 2000 2043 2089 143 0
(116254) 1008 future_zyl yc_章鱼鳞 2008 2074 2089 38 0
(116255) 1977 takumi152 株式会社 ALGO ARTIS 1996 1930 2089 108 0
(116256) 955 tkacper Jagiellonian University 2001 2089 2089 11 0
(116257) 1363 EgoEimi 1999 2024 2090 17 0
(116258) 949 chmpro 2090 2090 20 0
(116259) 1187 namolbbaemi Gyeonggi Science High School 2007 2043 2090 66 0
(116260) 949 nikatamliani 2003 2090 2090 57 0
(116261) 1098 nouka28 2008 2055 2090 112 0
(116262) 949 wxhtzdy Racunarska Gimnazija 2006 2090 2090 17 0
(116263) 983 Paliukh 2000 2079 2091 43 0
(116264) 1844 Soetdit 2004 1957 2091 14 0
(116265) 1101 aryanc403 https://www.youtube.com/@aryanc403?sub_confirmation=1 2054 2091 40 0
(116266) 943 bigtoad 2091 2091 11 0
(116267) 1208 cfy 2040 2091 11 0
(116268) 1002 erduolong 2076 2091 11 0
(116269) 1030 shadow9 IIT Bombay 2069 2091 68 0
(116270) 1641 LeMur 1999 2002 2092 51 0
(116271) 939 qwq123 2005 2092 2092 26 0
(116272) 1433 shibh308 Kyushu University 2002 2018 2092 103 0
(116273) 939 spawn カラクリ株式会社 2092 2092 35 0
(116274) 1651 x0214sh7 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2001 2001 2092 334 0
(116275) 932 275307894a 2007 2094 2094 6 0
(116276) 1702 Hexazine Nada Classic Club 2003 1989 2094 101 0
(116277) 1071 Vectors_Master 2003 2060 2094 55 0
(116278) 1917 komorin95 株式会社THIRD 1995 1943 2094 66 0
(116279) 7758 shdut 12 1277 2094 89 0
(116280) 963 AutumnMoon Mirage Garden 2007 2087 2095 28 0
(116281) 1641 Favre 2002 2095 50 0
(116282) 1754 WA_King 2000 1976 2095 27 0
(116283) 2335 merom686 無職 1858 2095 382 0
(116284) 1194 Cocoa_chan 2006 2042 2096 14 0
(116285) 1284 chery 2031 2097 23 0
(116286) 1239 miscalculation53 The University of Tokyo 2002 2037 2097 209 0
(116287) 930 qwqwf 2007 2097 2097 33 0
(116288) 927 Felerius 1995 2098 2098 21 0
(116288) 927 FinalFractal David-OI 2098 2098 11 0
(116290) 1433 Tomii9273 1995 2018 2098 188 0
(116290) 1433 yash_daga IIT(ISM) Dhanbad 2001 2018 2098 84 0
(116292) 1772 allllekssssa 1997 1972 2099 45 0
(116293) 1167 diandian2020 SFLS 2010 2047 2099 24 0
(116294) 923 nono00 2001 2099 2099 166 0
(116295) 1608 sh_mug 2004 2099 98 0
(116296) 1844 x20 1995 1957 2099 259 0
(116297) 1626 Bungmint UC Berkeley 2003 2003 2100 53 0
(116298) 920 FullSoulist 1965 2100 2100 5 0
(116298) 920 Snak3s 2100 2100 9 0
(116300) 1110 jinmingli 2053 2100 25 0