Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(112301) 6064 lloyz23 1993 1411 1467 115 0
(112302) 5495 mamingzhi_2026 13839119864 2007 1467 1467 39 0
(112303) 8982 nibosea ikkyufacku海賊団 1999 1203 1467 192 0
(112304) 6527 tonymontaro 1374 1467 75 0
(112305) 5486 A_Peasant Indian Institute of Technology,Roorkee 1468 1468 27 0
(112306) 6199 Ahmed_Yasser Assiut University 2000 1401 1468 21 0
(112307) 5543 Bombylius 1463 1468 3 0
(112308) 6064 Cute_yhb Cute-class-flower-yhb Club 2010 1411 1468 6 0
(112309) 6222 KeiA Kyoto University 2001 1399 1468 81 0
(112310) 5486 Nikitosh SPb AU 1998 1468 1468 2 0
(112311) 6669 SiZK 2001 1363 1468 147 0
(112312) 5486 SyberCage 2002 1468 1468 21 0
(112313) 5642 WhisperingWillow 1925 1453 1468 22 0
(112314) 5486 gnu_0624 Kyoto University 2005 1468 1468 142 0
(112315) 7735 gridatch 1281 1468 101 0
(112316) 5486 loftol 1999 1468 1468 13 0
(112317) 7581 nirvana_rsc Kyoto University 1991 1292 1468 86 0
(112318) 5795 ting39 1437 1468 12 0
(112319) 5495 wwddz1 China Gen Shin University 2008 1467 1468 9 0
(112320) 7149 Sma University of Tokyo 1999 1324 1469 106 0
(112321) 5507 __LYC__ seekluna 1466 1469 34 0
(112322) 5483 sdjgxl666 023 2011 1469 1469 48 0
(112322) 5483 vrangr New York University 1998 1469 1469 45 0
(112324) 5462 JadeReaper IIITH 2002 1470 1470 24 0
(112325) 8951 Snapper_001 2004 1205 1470 50 0
(112326) 5462 Snorlax_Snorlax 2006 1470 1470 27 0
(112326) 5462 SubhajeetLahiri International Institute of Information Technology , Bangalore 2003 1470 1470 17 0
(112328) 5795 crispy 1437 1470 13 0
(112329) 5462 kjhhjki_fan 1470 1470 5 0
(112329) 5462 ljx2022 2010 1470 1470 10 0
(112329) 5462 ningia203 2005 1470 1470 13 0
(112329) 5462 xxseven 1470 1470 5 0
(112333) 6114 ysenoh 1407 1470 72 0
(112334) 5451 Altunyanv 1999 1471 1471 15 0
(112335) 7069 Iwomi 1330 1471 47 0
(112336) 5691 firas_briki ISI Ariana 2003 1447 1471 43 0
(112337) 6021 luolingli 1999 1415 1471 23 0
(112338) 6438 nishitsharma03 2001 1380 1471 21 0
(112339) 6799 spinute 1353 1471 22 0
(112340) 5451 tyagsa 1471 1471 16 0
(112340) 5451 wushi555 2002 1471 1471 21 0
(112342) 7197 yzhao 1321 1471 12 0
(112343) 5899 zzuzxy 1997 1426 1471 20 0
(112344) 6281 Lamiales 1993 1394 1472 83 0
(112345) 5444 Passely 1994 1472 1472 10 0
(112346) 5705 Zero_L 2004 1446 1472 22 0
(112347) 6021 ayimorih 1415 1472 21 0
(112348) 5926 h1rano 2005 1423 1472 70 0
(112349) 5444 hammerl 1472 1472 36 0
(112350) 8378 imadra 1237 1472 28 0
(112351) 7836 jaaguptamme 2002 1273 1472 8 0
(112352) 5787 jinseo 2007 1438 1472 24 0
(112353) 6877 liut 1346 1472 49 0
(112354) 6625 picolylamine 1993 1367 1472 25 0
(112355) 6032 yvay5cqe 1996 1414 1472 124 0
(112356) 5430 Eslam_Saleh 2002 1473 1473 15 0
(112356) 5430 Haksell 1473 1473 18 0
(112358) 7069 Yuroru 1985 1330 1473 107 0
(112359) 5705 aminjonshermatov Kazan FU 2002 1446 1473 55 0
(112360) 5430 avi0000 2002 1473 1473 20 0
(112360) 5430 chenzhaoxu 2011 1473 1473 32 0
(112360) 5430 cosf 1473 1473 3 0
(112363) 6774 devansh5398 1998 1355 1473 69 0
(112364) 6152 fffqqqqq 2001 1404 1473 102 0
(112365) 27192 itishagarwal2000 2000 527 1473 47 0
(112366) 5430 limanjun 1473 1473 3 0
(112366) 5430 nagisakun 2000 1473 1473 31 0
(112368) 8293 noriok - 1243 1473 232 0
(112369) 7307 xfzlq +86-15676668128 2004 1313 1473 11 0
(112370) 5430 xlwang 1473 1473 8 0
(112371) 8724 yowano 1987 1216 1473 242 0
(112372) 5979 Arixcrest 1419 1474 53 0
(112373) 5418 DivebackInTime 2000 1474 1474 37 0
(112374) 6086 Jhamra 1991 1409 1474 12 0
(112375) 5418 Shubhamgrg1000 IIT BHU 2003 1474 1474 24 0
(112375) 5418 _omar_ahmed__ 14c6b0a1ba99acfbebab6c5dfa36a6f5 2007 1474 1474 49 0
(112377) 6309 crxis 1392 1474 19 0
(112378) 5609 turn_y 1991 1456 1474 28 0
(112379) 6799 useless eC6Qa7t7wRPbt24V99I1ujhlppMGdA 1970 1353 1474 268 0
(112380) 5617 zyt1253679098 2002 1455 1474 11 0
(112381) 5406 ConanDIK 1475 1475 5 0
(112382) 6003 DeD_TihoN 2003 1417 1475 5 0
(112383) 5368 FlowerDream 2006 1475 1475 2 0
(112384) 6409 UTUROI 1999 1383 1475 19 0
(112385) 5406 beiwen 1475 1475 4 0
(112386) 6540 do4ryu 1998 1373 1475 22 0
(112387) 5952 ghostwriter CTL 2005 1421 1475 8 0
(112388) 5691 leaf_node 2001 1447 1475 47 0
(112389) 5406 linyi_is_so_cool 2697358385@qq.com 2009 1475 1475 69 0
(112390) 7869 yatabis 1996 1271 1475 228 0
(112391) 5495 SanathSalampuria 1467 1476 42 0
(112391) 5495 SoraTo_ 13939154971 2009 1467 1476 37 0
(112393) 5399 alanskarica 1969 1476 1476 13 0
(112394) 7307 aman9875 1998 1313 1476 26 0
(112395) 5406 amsminn 2004 1475 1476 21 0
(112396) 6086 binglengmo 1409 1476 21 0
(112397) 7519 raysk National University of Singapore 1297 1476 64 0
(112398) 5507 tandrievich 2003 1466 1476 24 0
(112399) 6368 wfst 2022 1386 1476 6 0
(112400) 5486 AstronN 2007 1468 1477 5 0