Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(99901) 23548 twinkle24_ 2001 625 625 23 0
(99902) 22012 uday03meh 2003 670 670 23 0
(99903) 40769 udayan28 1990 240 279 23 0
(99904) 55027 umr1225 111 126 23 0
(99905) 25478 urakei 570 570 23 0
(99906) 46522 uratco 1997 174 180 23 0
(99907) 19702 usamogla 1985 742 790 23 0
(99908) 50645 usmoo 1997 140 140 23 0
(99909) 46965 usush 2000 170 182 23 0
(99910) 2099 v0s7er HSE 2005 1903 1918 23 0
(99911) 27611 vegetarian63 515 635 23 0
(99912) 11586 vesper 1998 1050 1050 23 0
(99913) 478 vgtcross 2006 2326 2326 23 0
(99914) 11625 voidandvoid 1048 1075 23 0
(99915) 55934 vroomy IIIT Kalyani 2002 106 210 23 0
(99916) 47187 vw3qd1cxympanget 168 206 23 0
(99917) 51357 w7he 1996 134 140 23 0
(99918) 24468 w_yy 河南科技大学 2004 599 599 23 0
(99919) 29149 wangyansen 2009 477 505 23 0
(99920) 26118 watchdog 553 1244 23 0
(99921) 8253 wfeng Student 2007 1243 1243 23 0
(99922) 44299 whiterabbit11 197 202 23 0
(99923) 23572 whtsht 2003 624 675 23 0
(99924) 4788 wildwater MSU 1991 1539 1645 23 0
(99925) 2414 williamBMDK 2000 1841 1873 23 0
(99926) 8898 winxtron RKMVCC Rahara 1207 1207 23 0
(99927) 7466 wiwiteria 1986 1299 1303 23 0
(99928) 14179 wwopli 932 932 23 0
(99929) 42630 wxc20120517 216 216 23 0
(99930) 22207 wyr 2003 664 722 23 0
(99931) 2142 wzh2021 2005 1895 1937 23 0
(99932) 28019 x86 放送大学 505 641 23 0
(99933) 1984 xhdtlsid2 1929 1929 23 0
(99934) 31495 xian208 421 421 23 0
(99935) 45504 xiaozuo 合肥工业大学 2003 184 397 23 0
(99936) 17512 xiemy39 yc2026_谢酰宇 2011 815 845 23 0
(99937) 8743 xlab 1214 1214 23 0
(99938) 16500 xuQAQ 2008 846 846 23 0
(99939) 38960 xuanzhixin 266 266 23 0
(99940) 50400 xukairui 142 161 23 0
(99941) 9000 xuyiluo2 13618485787 2011 1200 1200 23 0
(99942) 22854 xx_apple 2004 646 667 23 0
(99943) 44587 xxqiam 2010 194 442 23 0
(99944) 17327 xyktyjayket 18929778209 1927 820 820 23 0
(99945) 41011 xzdnjf 2011 237 237 23 0
(99946) 806 yangjiyuan Changzhou Senior High School of Jiangsu Province 2005 2142 2214 23 0
(99947) 8952 yangryan 19378828557 2009 1203 1203 23 0
(99948) 22345 yash_04 2004 660 700 23 0
(99949) 41253 yash_vermaa 2004 234 240 23 0
(99950) 30032 ybc2027_yangsk 2012 455 455 23 0
(99951) 32440 yindujuxi student 2003 402 439 23 0
(99952) 1495 yinhee Affiliated Middle School of Guangzhou University 1926 2013 2013 23 0
(99953) 45504 ymzm 山形大学 yamagata university 2003 184 193 23 0
(99954) 30387 yokiyoki 1985 447 494 23 0
(99955) 28057 yoko8ma 個人 1972 504 506 23 0
(99956) 41253 yokosucat TDU 1999 234 243 23 0
(99957) 29991 yoshida12 456 456 23 0
(99958) 12683 yrsmy 19136856220 2004 997 997 23 0
(99959) 41175 ysmix 235 235 23 0
(99960) 19821 ysucd 1991 738 750 23 0
(99961) 3640 yuki681 東北大学 1664 1918 23 0
(99962) 41253 yukiesann 234 253 23 0
(99963) 5271 yukikazer Musashino Art University 1488 1540 23 0
(99964) 37990 yumaY 2008 282 282 23 0
(99965) 34090 yunfang dsad 1998 361 523 23 0
(99966) 716 yutabi 2185 2185 23 0
(99967) 28115 yutakaO 2001 503 503 23 0
(99968) 21847 yuya296 1998 675 675 23 0
(99969) 2572 yvbf 1816 1924 23 0
(99970) 32877 ywhyc 2010 391 667 23 0
(99971) 43548 yxYao 13978871284 2013 205 220 23 0
(99972) 23689 yxb 15283049756 2005 621 621 23 0
(99973) 17901 yyash8000 2002 804 809 23 0
(99974) 2354 yyf_0404 1855 1990 23 0
(99975) 19893 za1415 2003 736 736 23 0
(99976) 39110 zack_aayush 2001 264 306 23 0
(99977) 62474 zah1dz 75 89 23 0
(99978) 30548 zaku2590 2003 443 443 23 0
(99979) 20334 zappelectro 1999 721 798 23 0
(99980) 13564 zekun 2004 960 1249 23 0
(99981) 33913 zgjsnjjywyj2012 365 365 23 0
(99982) 8952 zhangas 1203 1203 23 0
(99983) 10399 zhanghonghe2 1999 1115 1115 23 0
(99984) 49565 zhangshifan1 2009 147 159 23 0
(99985) 37869 zhangxinyue2026 南开 2011 284 348 23 0
(99986) 9693 zhaowenyuan 1160 1160 23 0
(99987) 16467 zhaozitian 847 868 23 0
(99988) 20653 zheng_haoran 张老师和杜老师编程课 2012 711 711 23 0
(99989) 8106 zhouxp 2006 1253 1288 23 0
(99990) 14992 zhq0625 2008 900 927 23 0
(99991) 17794 zhuangmy 86+13812672613 2013 807 837 23 0
(99992) 10884 zhuimengren 2001 1086 1112 23 0
(99993) 3312 zhy_learn 2008 1703 1712 23 0
(99994) 9618 zimindaada 1165 1284 23 0
(99995) 2875 zimujun 2022 1766 1892 23 0
(99996) 17165 ziomsonpl 825 825 23 0
(99997) 37738 zishan__0point1 Daffodil International University 286 367 23 0
(99998) 656 zlc1114 1998 2223 2313 23 0
(99999) 35775 ztttr 2000 323 323 23 0
(100000) 24534 zuishuaidezhu 597 597 23 0