Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
98486 klu__2200080168 2003 7 7 1 0
98486 klui2200033285 kluniversity 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 kluv_2200031441 KL University 2004 7 7 2 0
98486 km0603 1996 7 7 1 0
98486 km12 1995 7 7 1 0
98486 kmbenjel 1990 7 7 2 0
98486 knatsunoyohat 2005 7 7 1 0
98486 knt5103 1995 7 7 1 0
98486 koch54 学生 2002 7 7 1 0
98486 kodek334 1996 7 7 2 0
98486 kogehoge 2002 7 7 1 0
98486 konosis 7 7 2 0
98486 korkor 1993 7 7 1 0
98486 kosukein38 1990 7 7 1 0
98486 kotegawa0503 2002 7 7 1 0
98486 kothasaikrishna 2004 7 7 2 0
98486 kottonn 2002 7 7 2 0
98486 koui0110 2007 7 7 2 0
98486 krishnadutt10 2000 7 7 2 0
98486 ksdjglkdfbna 7 7 1 0
98486 ksnitc 2005 7 7 1 0
98486 ku60 東京大学大学院 1997 7 7 1 0
98486 kuangxinyi 2011 7 7 1 0
98486 kukasapina 2001 7 7 1 0
98486 kumam kanazawa institute of technology 7 7 1 0
98486 kumathewa tokyotech 2002 7 7 1 0
98486 kuoxiry 7 7 1 0
98486 kuriken 大学生 2000 7 7 1 0
98486 kurumy 1986 7 7 1 0
98486 kush161 2003 7 7 1 0
98486 kushol 2001 7 7 1 0
98486 kutman 2006 7 7 2 0
98486 kuwamushi 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 kwkn51 7 7 1 0
98486 kyanny 7 7 1 0
98486 kyryll_leksiunin 7 7 2 0
98486 kzu 7 7 1 0
98486 l0l1pp 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lachevskykira 2000 7 7 1 0
98486 laciecoder 2002 7 7 2 0
98486 lampiao Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte 1985 7 7 1 0
98486 lamprophony 7 7 1 0
98486 lant_ch 7 7 1 0
98486 lanzhu 2003 7 7 2 0
98486 lavishgoyal200 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lazu_2017331016 1999 7 7 1 0
98486 lbs_0717 7 7 1 0
98486 leelasai345 Indian Institute of Technology 2005 7 7 2 0
98486 lemmecook 2004 7 7 2 0
98486 lemonsalt 7 7 2 0
98486 lennardW 2008 7 7 1 0
98486 leukemia 7 7 1 0
98486 levi_ackerman038 2002 7 7 1 0
98486 levy2011 2011 7 7 1 0
98486 li_yuxuan 2013 7 7 1 0
98486 lian_onprogress 7 7 1 0
98486 lifulin 7 7 2 0
98486 light_123 7 7 1 0
98486 lijie1 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 like_even 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lilium716 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lingchengguo 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lingjing 18749877366 2005 7 7 1 0
98486 linhaoran1 David-J 7 7 1 0
98486 lisang 7 7 1 0
98486 litpong 17107215777 2008 7 7 2 0
98486 littlegreenhand 13104827761 2003 7 7 1 0
98486 liuliuqaq 2003 7 7 1 0
98486 liuyicheng201272 2012 7 7 2 0
98486 liuyida 2011 7 7 2 0
98486 ljs111 2003 7 7 2 0
98486 lmebo Student 2003 7 7 1 0
98486 lmh20121116 13685329719 2012 7 7 1 0
98486 loke_coder 2005 7 7 1 0
98486 lokesh0108 2002 7 7 1 0
98486 long79 1979 7 7 2 0
98486 louis_660 2022 7 7 2 0
98486 lovekushsaini cbse 2006 7 7 1 0
98486 lpx0228 7 7 2 0
98486 lrmoker 2001 7 7 1 0
98486 lsr6666 15581269874 2024 7 7 2 0
98486 ltw123 7 7 1 0
98486 lucullus Waseda University 2000 7 7 1 0
98486 lujiaqi 2009 7 7 1 0
98486 luojingqian123 2010 7 7 1 0
98486 luojunkai 2011 7 7 1 0
98486 luowenxuan 2003 7 7 1 0
98486 luwupendo 2001 7 7 2 0
98486 luyangtao 2009 7 7 2 0
98486 luyao 2012 7 7 1 0
98486 luyiyi611 7 7 1 0
98486 lxjw 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lxylxy6 16642233825 2004 7 7 2 0
98486 lyc0898 2010 7 7 1 0
98486 lyh329 2004 7 7 1 0
98486 lymlovelgm 2010 7 7 1 0
98486 lyx2013 afewt 2013 7 7 1 0
98486 lzdgm 7 7 1 0
98486 lzl0220 2011 7 7 1 0
98486 m_nishikawa 1996 7 7 1 0