Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(84601) 103818 nnooobbbcoder690 2003 3 3 1 0
(84602) 72990 nnori46 2007 41 41 5 0
(84603) 50942 nnp 137 137 7 0
(84604) 106278 nnr22 Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 2001 2 2 1 0
(84605) 42287 nnshuge 219 228 4 0
(84606) 37646 nnskn 286 287 30 0
(84607) 36478 nnsmer 307 307 13 0
(84608) 86271 nnsz 17 17 2 0
(84609) 56731 nnt_hryc 1999 101 101 7 0
(84610) 22854 nnth_y 1987 644 644 20 0
(84611) 30802 nnu257 情報学研究科 知能システム 2001 434 466 8 0
(84612) 43882 nnun 2000 200 201 10 0
(84613) 66219 nnvcxd 61 61 2 0
(84614) 10033 nnvnick 2002 1137 1249 13 0
(84615) 58307 nnwen 2003 93 93 4 0
(84616) 63418 nnxtz 71 71 3 0
(84617) 32783 nnxtz3 2003 391 414 13 0
(84618) 43422 no1639 2004 205 281 4 0
(84619) 3823 no1bs 2003 1638 1797 16 0
(84620) 106278 no2zy 1990 2 2 1 0
(84621) 24561 no708 594 655 91 0
(84622) 96343 noBeha 8 8 1 0
(84623) 45496 noEasy 1998 183 209 14 0
(84624) 91031 noName999 2000 12 12 1 0
(84625) 44077 no_about 2003 198 198 2 0
(84626) 55730 no_dick_for_me 2009 106 106 5 0
(84627) 71080 no_face0 46 47 4 0
(84628) 77342 no_future future株式会社 1997 31 31 2 0
(84629) 38783 no_futurer 2005 267 267 1 0
(84630) 85355 no_greedy 2004 18 18 2 0
(84631) 13259 no_lie 2002 970 970 20 0
(84632) 24501 no_luck67reborn 2003 596 615 25 0
(84633) 95178 no_matches_found 2003 9 9 2 0
(84634) 81754 no_more 2004 23 23 2 0
(84635) 22098 no_name01 666 666 5 0
(84636) 68117 no_name8 55 55 1 0
(84637) 52377 no_name_07 2003 127 127 4 0
(84638) 87302 no_on 東京工業大学 2004 16 16 3 0
(84639) 12177 no_pomegranates 2005 1020 1035 12 0
(84640) 87302 no_ships_given 2001 16 16 1 0
(84641) 92030 no_signal 2006 11 11 1 0
(84642) 72159 no_success 2000 43 43 7 0
(84643) 98063 no_to_cp 7 7 1 0
(84644) 103818 no_v_ice 2007 3 3 1 0
(84645) 48399 no_way 2001 157 157 11 0
(84646) 106278 noa24 2 2 1 0
(84646) 106278 noa_5722 2002 2 2 1 0
(84648) 83850 noahhan Hanyang University 2003 20 20 1 0
(84649) 91031 noamaan6688 2001 12 12 2 0
(84650) 81754 noapython 1995 23 23 4 0
(84651) 78898 noarch 28 28 2 0
(84652) 63684 noaru 2002 70 78 5 0
(84653) 40458 noatan 243 257 17 0
(84654) 48775 nob PERSONAL 1978 154 173 19 0
(84655) 50526 nob221b 140 140 25 0
(84656) 81754 nob2605 1998 23 23 3 0
(84657) 91031 nob3 12 12 1 0
(84658) 68741 nob85 1985 53 53 4 0
(84659) 65079 nob_naka kaisyain 1975 65 67 7 0
(84660) 77853 nobbie Btech 2001 30 30 1 0
(84661) 35062 nobby7 337 376 51 0
(84662) 48775 nobeshi 154 154 6 0
(84663) 103818 nobii 3 3 1 0
(84664) 12345 nobility 1012 1133 37 0
(84665) 49645 nobio 1968 147 147 16 0
(84666) 27140 nobita_01 UIET 2001 526 526 25 0
(84667) 72159 nobita_903 43 44 2 0
(84668) 68437 nobita_nobie 2003 54 54 2 0
(84669) 93810 nobitasan 1966 10 10 1 0
(84670) 41071 nobito 2003 235 235 7 0
(84671) 59548 nobkins 87 87 1 0
(84672) 101907 noble1985 jhbc 2010 5 5 1 0
(84673) 49502 noblePegasus 2004 148 148 3 0
(84674) 13464 noble_adig_ 2003 962 962 25 0
(84675) 33544 nobleknight 371 371 9 0
(84676) 56343 noblesse13 1996 103 103 5 0
(84677) 37646 nobodies 19963771799 2010 286 286 7 0
(84678) 6913 nobody 2004 1338 1380 27 0
(84679) 95178 nobody3004 2004 9 9 1 0
(84680) 78898 nobody_6e72 Student 2004 28 28 2 0
(84681) 37768 nobodyliyo 2004 284 284 12 0
(84682) 56145 nobodyy 2003 104 104 5 0
(84683) 86271 noboggle 17 17 1 0
(84684) 32643 noboru 1962 395 532 126 0
(84685) 34839 noboru61 1958 342 369 145 0
(84686) 78358 noboru8777 個人 1962 29 29 5 0
(84687) 80561 nobu2024 1999 25 25 3 0
(84688) 34311 nobu74658 354 354 22 0
(84689) 36357 nobu_f 1987 309 309 17 0
(84690) 20979 nobuchi 2001 700 858 133 0
(84691) 51955 nobuchiyo 1987 130 167 21 0
(84692) 42514 nobuhiro0202 216 216 10 0
(84693) 44640 nobuja 1993 192 192 7 0
(84694) 64217 nobunaga777 2003 68 68 5 0
(84695) 67788 nobunobu3 1993 56 56 2 0
(84696) 81179 nobuo0527 Yokohama National University 1999 24 24 2 0
(84697) 27911 nobushoshin 506 514 34 0
(84698) 57930 nobuta111 1979 95 95 4 0
(84699) 63144 nobutaka1891 1988 72 72 2 0
(84700) 83850 nobuto 上智大学理工学部機能創造理工学科 2000 20 20 2 0