Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(12901) 4777 GreatJMore Wuhan No.6 High School 1540 1593 30 0
(12902) 19735 GreatMnn IIIT Pune 2002 741 741 18 0
(12903) 63823 GreatPretender7 2000 70 70 6 0
(12904) 6447 GreatSabo The University of Tokyo 2005 1378 1384 25 0
(12905) 13733 GreatWhite 1998 953 1045 24 0
(12906) 89950 Great_Oak 1925 13 13 1 0
(12907) 5592 Great_Wall 2006 1455 1525 4 0
(12908) 48619 Greatknight 2008 156 195 16 0
(12909) 98113 Greatme4 7 7 2 0
(12910) 69841 GrecyUmke 2005 50 56 15 0
(12911) 73518 GreeNZov 2004 40 40 3 0
(12912) 8547 Greedious Damascus University 2001 1225 1245 55 0
(12913) 77447 Greedoid Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University 2003 31 31 6 0
(12914) 46233 GreedyBoi 1999 177 177 3 0
(12915) 85411 Greedy_Geek 2002 18 18 1 0
(12916) 11542 GreekGod 2004 1052 1131 22 0
(12917) 91094 Greekgoddess 2002 12 12 2 0
(12918) 98113 Greeks 2000 7 7 2 0
(12919) 36837 Greely 2003 302 302 16 0
(12920) 74326 Green0tya procon 2004 38 38 4 0
(12921) 1857 Green55 1955 1966 15 0
(12922) 98113 GreenBladePk 2002 7 7 1 0
(12922) 98113 GreenCurls 7 7 2 0
(12924) 33022 GreenEyedMonster 387 447 13 0
(12925) 3640 GreenField 1664 1664 10 0
(12926) 87364 GreenGecko 16 16 1 0
(12927) 69841 GreenKedia 50 50 2 0
(12928) 103919 Green_Cops 2003 3 3 1 0
(12929) 3410 Green_Hand 2005 1691 1691 6 0
(12930) 43459 Greentea_HT 1996 206 216 5 0
(12931) 8057 Greenzhe_at_At Changzhou Foreign Languages School 2011 1256 1269 19 0
(12932) 106332 Greesh 2001 2 2 1 0
(12933) 50645 Greeshma7 2004 140 140 2 0
(12934) 106332 Greethika 2005 2 2 1 0
(12935) 3634 Gremory 2006 1665 1666 35 0
(12936) 38568 Grendy 2003 272 272 13 0
(12937) 17292 Grenier 2004 821 821 4 0
(12938) 83148 GreyNinja_11 21 21 1 0
(12939) 91094 GreyTearsDev 1997 12 12 1 0
(12940) 11384 Greyhound 2000 1061 1075 65 0
(12941) 901 Grice 2106 2106 15 0
(12942) 65505 Griffith_fire 2004 64 64 4 0
(12943) 67589 Grigio71 1996 57 57 2 0
(12944) 2046 GrigoriySol1902 Neapolis University Pafos 2004 1916 1991 26 0
(12945) 76546 GrillCook 2008 33 33 3 0
(12946) 29112 GrilledFoch TASK 2001 478 478 15 0
(12947) 28632 GrilledSushi 海城高校 2008 490 514 41 0
(12948) 46522 Grim003 2003 174 217 6 0
(12949) 31087 Grimatato 2004 430 535 30 0
(12950) 76546 Grimlock2002 2006 33 33 4 0
(12951) 106332 Grimm16 2004 2 2 1 0
(12952) 12411 Grimmjow Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow 2003 1010 1010 19 0
(12953) 106332 Grimoirebook 2008 2 2 1 0
(12954) 85411 Grinch HSTU 2002 18 18 2 0
(12955) 41854 Gringott 2001 226 243 28 0
(12956) 87364 Grish010 2006 16 16 1 0
(12957) 4734 Grisha 1984 1544 1544 27 0
(12958) 6008 GrishaIvanenko 2003 1414 1414 6 0
(12959) 73926 Gristor 15359044738 2003 39 39 2 0
(12960) 13986 Grizler 2004 941 941 15 0
(12961) 17638 Grizo 2002 811 824 12 0
(12962) 83148 GroanKing05 IIIT Hyderabad 2005 21 21 1 0
(12963) 28349 Grociu 1986 497 540 14 0
(12964) 69161 Grooth 2001 52 67 9 0
(12965) 106332 Grootz 2 2 1 0
(12966) 92332 Grothendieck_505 none 2003 11 11 1 0
(12967) 28441 GroundKing 경기게임마이스터고등학교 2007 495 495 7 0
(12968) 100112 Grumman Sun Yat-Sen University 2004 6 6 1 0
(12969) 70183 Grumpy_Tucker3 2003 49 49 7 0
(12970) 20371 GrunRay 2005 720 720 12 0
(12971) 106332 Grylls_H 2012 2 2 1 0
(12972) 46733 Grzegorz 1987 172 234 13 0
(12973) 7848 GsjzTle 1999 1270 1455 20 0
(12974) 66074 Gsqaure3 2001 62 62 2 0
(12975) 25997 Gszpqfa 2021 556 556 14 0
(12976) 63004 Gu1tar3r 2007 73 73 4 0
(12977) 13875 GuAn233 2004 946 951 66 0
(12978) 43232 GuCCi02 2005 209 209 11 0
(12979) 53380 GuJiaoGua 2010 121 121 4 0
(12980) 22282 GuYuyao 徐州工程学院 2005 662 662 9 0
(12981) 103919 GuYuze12345 2012 3 3 1 0
(12982) 12700 Gu_ren 2006 996 1051 20 0
(12983) 11513 Gua_jam 13980701113 2007 1053 1069 28 0
(12984) 100112 Guachi19 Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2005 6 6 1 0
(12985) 75612 GuanHeTian 35 35 2 0
(12986) 92332 GuanKaiser 2012 11 11 1 0
(12987) 106332 GuanXiWin 2 2 1 0
(12988) 14508 GuangT 2004 919 925 22 0
(12989) 32709 Guanie 2006 396 396 7 0
(12990) 51902 GuardianGG 1997 131 131 1 0
(12991) 74326 GuardianofNM 2001 38 38 2 0
(12992) 54361 Guardiant 2004 115 115 1 0
(12993) 31833 Guariel 2003 414 414 10 0
(12994) 41535 Guavaaa 2003 230 230 4 0
(12995) 106332 Gubrele 2 2 1 0
(12995) 106332 GucciBanana 2005 2 2 1 0
(12997) 18428 Guchenxi 786 786 2 0
(12998) 5817 Guchenxi0971 2009 1433 1433 24 0
(12999) 10953 GudeGude 1083 1091 41 0
(13000) 28019 Gudiao 505 509 12 0