Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(105901) 63162 xby 2013 65 65 5 0
(105902) 47615 xc2023 徐州工程学院 2024 151 151 5 0
(105903) 56338 xc_dl 13806389515 2010 94 94 7 0
(105904) 10373 xc_fan 1949 1105 1105 1 0
(105905) 102927 xcaliber_07 2000 2 2 1 0
(105906) 96877 xcbw 2004 6 6 1 0
(105907) 44833 xcc1220 2007 176 176 5 0
(105908) 15223 xcc_szy0905 2010 877 877 1 0
(105909) 70888 xce1231 2011 41 41 4 0
(105910) 50886 xcgongziwen 2011 126 127 6 0
(105911) 84664 xcgzliuhe 111 2010 16 16 1 0
(105912) 37632 xcl_08 267 267 4 0
(105913) 56906 xclz 2012 91 105 7 0
(105914) 57762 xcoderdevesh45 2003 87 87 3 0
(105915) 78284 xcpdwsbcxg567 2011 25 25 4 0
(105916) 15585 xcqfwa 15377464605 2003 865 935 28 0
(105917) 56906 xcr 2010 91 91 5 0
(105918) 70055 xcr_is_juruo xian 2022 43 43 1 0
(105919) 8721 xcrr 2007 1206 1218 58 0
(105920) 92368 xcvv 15005717050 2004 9 9 1 0
(105921) 60739 xcwl 74 74 2 0
(105922) 10559 xcx080917 1096 1114 13 0
(105923) 3785 xcx0902 NFLS 2010 1637 1637 14 0
(105924) 9639 xcx0902arc 1150 1150 5 0
(105925) 2216 xcx_ Nanjing Foreign Language School 1872 1896 36 0
(105926) 11289 xcxakioi 重庆八中 2009 1055 1171 21 0
(105927) 46672 xcxc82 159 159 2 0
(105928) 3875 xcxnew NFLS 2010 1627 1627 15 0
(105929) 98904 xcy20130725 David-J 2013 5 5 1 0
(105930) 102 xcyIe Beijing National Day School 2006 2824 2824 14 0
(105931) 33429 xcyxcy_hate_IOI 2011 350 350 15 0
(105932) 11262 xcyyyyy 13896962016 2009 1057 1057 3 0
(105933) 55202 xd1y 2008 100 100 2 0
(105934) 45320 xd244 2011 171 228 9 0
(105935) 30465 xd386 421 637 14 0
(105936) 102927 xd_ 1998 2 2 1 0
(105937) 12604 xdadarsh 2001 991 1001 19 0
(105938) 49604 xdaimaru0924 1992 135 135 5 0
(105939) 39739 xdb2021 2009 236 236 11 0
(105940) 57101 xdbs123 2004 90 90 3 0
(105941) 68328 xdelzq 16631791319 2004 48 48 2 0
(105942) 44917 xdog 2011 175 175 6 0
(105943) 102927 xdryanxd 1999 2 2 1 0
(105944) 73760 xds0625 34 35 7 0
(105945) 12460 xdu15owzLy1 2003 999 999 5 0
(105946) 24844 xdwyz 2012 566 566 7 0
(105947) 102927 xdxRman 1998 2 2 1 0
(105948) 50734 xdy123456 127 127 2 0
(105949) 72027 xdy__66 2005 38 38 1 0
(105950) 42496 xdyd_02 hebtu 2004 200 290 7 0
(105951) 25547 xecrotron 2003 547 547 7 0
(105952) 78284 xedice05 2009 25 25 2 0
(105953) 8574 xeedxendrome 2000 1213 1340 35 0
(105954) 43716 xehtist 2002 187 272 11 0
(105955) 239 xellos KSP Slovakia 1994 2561 2861 106 0
(105956) 4882 xelmeph Hokkaido University 1996 1515 1904 105 0
(105957) 53956 xelsinki 107 107 1 0
(105958) 102927 xenderxing 2004 2 2 1 0
(105959) 98904 xeno8 5 5 1 0
(105960) 72027 xeno_ 2004 38 38 3 0
(105961) 44104 xeno__ 2001 183 190 9 0
(105962) 96877 xenoalvisMonad 1997 6 6 2 0
(105963) 10521 xenoblade 1098 1162 18 0
(105964) 88219 xenomorphing19 Indian institute of information technology allahabad 2002 12 12 2 0
(105965) 61254 xenonide University of Asia Pacific 72 84 5 0
(105966) 75126 xenonpy 2005 31 31 2 0
(105967) 74658 xenophobia 1990 32 32 1 0
(105968) 47958 xenorivai 2003 148 148 13 0
(105969) 72455 xeomatrix 2003 37 37 9 0
(105970) 68328 xepolis 2007 48 48 1 0
(105971) 7514 xero7 Student 1998 1282 1492 52 0
(105972) 15149 xeroin 2002 880 913 19 0
(105973) 90999 xerome 2012 10 10 1 0
(105974) 14834 xerxes2002 17863330856 2002 893 893 8 0
(105975) 51498 xevsqq 1984 122 122 2 0
(105976) 21871 xf20270022 yc2026_凌海峰 2023 654 654 13 0
(105977) 102927 xfhhh 19505608831 2004 2 2 1 0
(105978) 3169 xflypig 2008 1713 1713 18 0
(105979) 102927 xfm 2001 2 2 1 0
(105980) 32692 xfrog 2004 367 444 9 0
(105981) 5593 xfzlq +86-15676668128 2004 1444 1473 10 0
(105982) 758 xgcxgc ZSYZ 2002 2169 2169 10 0
(105983) 66669 xgh 2013 53 53 4 0
(105984) 15173 xglight 2009 879 879 26 0
(105985) 55387 xglixzk 2004 99 113 8 0
(105986) 12539 xgnd Nanning No.3 High School 2007 994 994 20 0
(105987) 44733 xgssdyw 2002 177 177 5 0
(105988) 55764 xgwy2 18858483584 2004 97 97 4 0
(105989) 27817 xgy 19843024632 2003 488 489 15 0
(105990) 25160 xh_forever 557 557 8 0
(105991) 95013 xhahiong 1997 7 7 2 0
(105992) 27789 xhalzxhch 2009 489 489 10 0
(105993) 41978 xhamster 1988 206 206 9 0
(105994) 87135 xharshvardhan 2002 13 13 1 0
(105995) 79981 xhdlzy 22 22 1 0
(105996) 1949 xhdtlsid2 1929 1929 23 0
(105997) 56906 xhexpolkpyindzca 1990 91 91 10 0
(105998) 87135 xhg 1992 13 13 1 0
(105999) 3010 xhgua 2008 1735 1735 36 0
(106000) 98904 xhj 2010 5 5 1 0