Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
27897 rds_98 1998 491 1014 60 0
27897 shinoppy 2001 491 492 15 0
27897 sho_ichi 1995 491 503 25 0
27897 snikithaa 491 500 22 0
27897 tomi37 491 491 56 0
27897 tomokitomoki yucpc 2004 491 502 46 0
27897 tyamamot 兵庫県立大学 1984 491 491 8 0
27897 vandoordeep 2002 491 491 2 0
27897 yansi 491 565 36 0
27897 ykyukinet 491 554 42 0
27897 yogesh_1___ NIT Rourkela 2005 491 512 23 0
27897 zch710 2004 491 491 6 0
27860 Anchord Sylhet Engineering College 2000 492 521 65 0
27860 Aries_kl 2023 492 492 7 0
27860 At_Atharva 2003 492 492 10 0
27860 BREAKUp 2004 492 492 9 0
27860 Kazu_do 静岡県立大学 2001 492 492 14 0
27860 Natural_Horse Non 2005 492 492 6 0
27860 S1amese jiangly fan club 2003 492 492 25 0
27860 Sefat 2003 492 492 7 0
27860 TecV 2002 492 554 22 0
27860 chessyuni 2001 492 532 24 0
27860 cutecat 2002 492 492 28 0
27860 dabdada 1999 492 535 31 0
27860 faisala_2281 2000 492 492 13 0
27860 haruki324 2006 492 492 25 0
27860 hihumint 1996 492 492 20 0
27860 hira0912 1983 492 492 9 0
27860 honhon 492 524 9 0
27860 jiangyy1999 492 492 2 0
27860 k0o5h2e4i 1996 492 578 54 0
27860 l_migrant 492 492 8 0
27860 ldfd 492 492 9 0
27860 li1233 kkk 2002 492 659 17 0
27860 lucvil 2000 492 527 8 0
27860 marvel121 2001 492 511 28 0
27860 mehedi_75 Shahjalal University of Science & Technology 2001 492 492 14 0
27860 mnkp None 1999 492 810 32 0
27860 mxrthx 1999 492 695 5 0
27860 ro27 2001 492 543 15 0
27860 rupak_26 Rajshahi University 2000 492 514 51 0
27860 sanxun 17362763437 2004 492 517 16 0
27860 saucyJohn 2003 492 510 9 0
27860 shoma2000 2001 492 492 42 0
27860 tanakarei256 1995 492 492 7 0
27860 tawashiii 492 492 54 0
27860 woshishabiye 1989 492 540 17 0
27860 wwhcpp QQ:447045153 2007 492 492 16 0
27860 yh2021fanjunzhi 2010 492 583 27 0
27833 ATCSP1 2010 493 493 6 0
27833 Ciaxin 2007 493 493 4 0
27833 DEVIL_MAY_CRY Student 2000 493 493 1 0
27833 JayCooper524 493 493 16 0
27833 KaiYuu1001 2003 493 513 60 0
27833 Mafuyu 2006 493 555 24 0
27833 Phoenix_2003 Kalyani Government Engineering College 2003 493 555 10 0
27833 RuiYi 493 493 10 0
27833 Sharlot 1998 493 493 19 0
27833 Sudhanshu_2003 2003 493 493 19 0
27833 Tea08 2008 493 528 54 0
27833 Yaufai 493 493 6 0
27833 chandan6052 2002 493 567 45 0
27833 chenmingwang 17857221986 2010 493 511 26 0
27833 hzjong0704 2003 493 493 3 0
27833 lyingf_hq David-J 2012 493 493 2 0
27833 marumo81 1991 493 546 16 0
27833 masenso 1982 493 514 10 0
27833 niks2203 2004 493 493 13 0
27833 penball The University of Tokyo 2000 493 519 29 0
27833 realmmasterx 2001 493 499 18 0
27833 ria_19 2003 493 493 13 0
27833 saransh11 493 540 9 0
27833 t0512 2011 493 493 55 0
27833 xifan1999 Shanghai jiao tong university 1999 493 512 8 0
27833 yaow 13103344268 2004 493 596 19 0
27833 yusho 1999 493 493 38 0
27800 1_Hypex 2001 494 930 50 0
27800 Abdelmohaymn 2001 494 533 10 0
27800 H_N 494 520 35 0
27800 Kabocha13 TTHS 2005 494 531 57 0
27800 L4PlN 494 496 39 0
27800 LJDJR The High School Attached To JXNU 2008 494 494 10 0
27800 Li_Jiahao 2004 494 494 2 0
27800 Naim21 1998 494 499 34 0
27800 R2M 494 494 3 0
27800 Tiempo 1997 494 509 19 0
27800 UKEr 成都嘉祥外国语学校 2008 494 494 1 0
27800 Vintage_rkb B Tech 2003 494 494 10 0
27800 Zhangyk 2003 494 494 5 0
27800 candy4188 2021 494 494 17 0
27800 chikinchan 1998 494 495 17 0
27800 dabikong 2008 494 494 14 0
27800 davidkhantadze 2004 494 494 7 0
27800 grieff 2005 494 494 12 0
27800 hnust_chenyanfei 2004 494 494 11 0
27800 i_rei 494 532 31 0
27800 kazumi2020 494 494 24 0
27800 lashv 2003 494 494 12 0
27800 mafuneko 494 494 16 0
27800 moruge Tohoku University 2003 494 494 25 0