Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
75843 Shitaldhote23 1997 35 35 2 0
75843 Shovan21 35 35 10 0
75843 ShreyasRaj_KLU 2023 35 35 6 0
75843 Sina_Rayo 2005 35 35 7 0
75843 Sophia6666 35 38 6 0
75843 Sora_Shiro 35 35 5 0
75843 StarlyHere 35 35 3 0
75843 Sundram 2001 35 35 3 0
75843 SuperSub 2001 35 35 2 0
75843 Suuuzhengji 35 35 1 0
75843 Taka0613 2002 35 35 2 0
75843 TaylorAmy 35 35 4 0
75843 Thunder13 2001 35 35 6 0
75843 Tuttu_01 2005 35 35 4 0
75843 VanshJ21 2009 35 35 2 0
75843 Venugopal42 2004 35 35 4 0
75843 Vimal10 2000 35 37 3 0
75843 Williamyi 35 35 2 0
75843 Winner15 35 35 6 0
75843 WolfDeer62456 2023 35 35 3 0
75843 XinliangGao 1991 35 35 2 0
75843 YBT 35 35 2 0
75843 Y_zhao 2013 35 35 6 0
75843 YappleTea 2005 35 35 5 0
75843 Yesmukhanov SDU 2004 35 35 7 0
75843 Zaur 2007 35 35 4 0
75843 Zayn_ 2004 35 35 3 0
75843 Zhang_shuyi 19549124979 2012 35 35 3 0
75843 __Dream 35 35 4 0
75843 aayush754 35 35 1 0
75843 abelkm student 1999 35 35 4 0
75843 abhi_codes1029 2002 35 35 1 0
75843 abhinavsriram 35 35 2 0
75843 abhishek12115047 2003 35 35 3 0
75843 abhishek_win 2004 35 35 4 0
75843 aditya___ 35 35 1 0
75843 adwaidk26 2001 35 35 2 0
75843 ago1111 1992 35 35 5 0
75843 agrnam 2002 35 35 1 0
75843 ahmed__salahhh 2002 35 35 1 0
75843 ahmedismail_10 2004 35 35 3 0
75843 aki44 2003 35 35 3 0
75843 amirrrr 1987 35 36 3 0
75843 amrocks_01 2002 35 39 3 0
75843 amwpuwjy 35 35 1 0
75843 angeloantony 35 35 2 0
75843 anilch piet 2005 35 35 1 0
75843 anska 35 35 1 0
75843 anujasfowe 2004 35 35 2 0
75843 aqueous 35 35 2 0
75843 arato 1996 35 35 1 0
75843 aroo 1997 35 35 2 0
75843 aryaupadhyay024 2002 35 35 1 0
75843 asadfg 2001 35 35 6 0
75843 asdf1111 35 35 2 0
75843 asifmahmudtuhin 2007 35 35 3 0
75843 astiwana 2003 35 35 2 0
75843 atharvmandpe2 2004 35 35 1 0
75843 atouba 2003 35 35 4 0
75843 attenuke 1998 35 35 2 0
75843 avocado_2 2003 35 35 1 0
75843 ayush_puhan 2003 35 35 3 0
75843 bageyalu 1924 35 36 6 0
75843 bakuniek 2006 35 35 2 0
75843 bcastle_lennin 1998 35 35 4 0
75843 bhakti31 2003 35 35 2 0
75843 bhavesh21 35 35 3 0
75843 bianzhi 14755724913 2005 35 35 2 0
75843 bjxh 2002 35 41 3 0
75843 blurt 2000 35 35 1 0
75843 bokekokko 1994 35 35 3 0
75843 bored_B 1998 35 35 4 0
75843 bourbon 2001 35 35 4 0
75843 c_men 2004 35 35 1 0
75843 ceyling 2007 35 35 3 0
75843 chacco 1995 35 35 2 0
75843 charlie_harper 2004 35 35 1 0
75843 chentianyi 35 35 2 0
75843 chiss 2009 35 35 2 0
75843 chometan Novath Inc. 1990 35 35 3 0
75843 clover0527 National Institute of Technology Ariake College 2004 35 35 3 0
75843 code_leo 2002 35 35 3 0
75843 creazy 2003 35 35 1 0
75843 cx331004 2013 35 35 3 0
75843 cyb3rnaut 2003 35 36 3 0
75843 dcadca 35 35 1 0
75843 dctc1494 2010 35 35 1 0
75843 deepblue227 大学院 2000 35 35 4 0
75843 dengyue 35 35 2 0
75843 dhanu17 2004 35 35 2 0
75843 djasoujdoiasdjio 2004 35 35 2 0
75843 dragoonSlayer 2002 35 35 1 0
75843 durbadol_22 2002 35 35 5 0
75843 dvvarf 1997 35 35 1 0
75843 earofbread The univerity of Tokyo 2002 35 35 1 0
75843 endow 福知山公立大学 2001 35 35 8 0
75843 fahmid 2006 35 37 3 0
75843 fanruochenxi 2003 35 35 2 0
75843 freakingflux 2001 35 35 2 0
75843 fumimyy 35 35 2 0