Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
8635 lsz233 1222 1241 28 0
8635 madhav_23 IIT BHU 2003 1222 1222 27 0
8635 marcos011 1222 1222 19 0
8635 mik76 2000 1222 1302 52 0
8635 pikopikohammer 東北大学 2000 1222 1382 111 0
8635 riroan 1222 1369 35 0
8635 sleepaday 1222 1268 32 0
8635 xueman 1222 1222 9 0
8635 yu7400ki 魔法学園イニアード 2003 1222 1222 50 0
8635 zozu 1994 1222 1239 153 0
8655 FZZZZZ 2002 1221 1221 8 0
8655 Foofish 2007 1221 1250 15 0
8655 Kuuuumo 1999 1221 1221 21 0
8655 RitishB IIT Guwahati 2002 1221 1250 47 0
8655 Tainel Universidad Nacional de Rosario 2000 1221 1221 8 0
8655 anant_jain_01 IIT BHU 2003 1221 1221 22 0
8655 chii_kawa 1221 1221 10 0
8655 cpvn0104 2001 1221 1239 21 0
8655 juezhi 2003 1221 1260 21 0
8655 keisuke213 院生 1221 1258 68 0
8655 luciaa 1221 1289 107 0
8655 oyrzk 2009 1221 1329 58 0
8655 potatochip 兵庫県立大学 1991 1221 1247 70 0
8655 pounced 2005 1221 1225 12 0
8655 puk 兵庫県立大学 1970 1221 1370 186 0
8655 satsushi0 1989 1221 1233 27 0
8655 shohan_01 IIT Guwahati 1221 1305 33 0
8655 shu_cream 2002 1221 1221 124 0
8655 srhk 1221 1270 104 0
8655 sz_jinzikai Junior high school students in China 2012 1221 1286 32 0
8655 yangray0124 1221 1257 26 0
8661 neckrawarmer 1217 1323 72 0
8676 DIOBRANDO IIT BHU 2001 1220 1252 44 0
8676 Spyder101 2000 1220 1245 15 0
8676 WONDER0 1220 1251 29 0
8676 an1ket_62 1220 1282 45 0
8676 atto1204 1978 1220 1362 79 0
8676 eggegg185 Monday Left Me Broken 2011 1220 1220 17 0
8676 greydra_k POSTECH 2001 1220 1220 6 0
8676 hokto 名古屋大学情報学研究科 2002 1220 1220 140 0
8676 iansong 1220 1220 25 0
8676 jeemzz147 1220 1220 4 0
8676 jlrterceiro 1220 1403 39 0
8676 lb222 1220 1254 32 0
8676 piyusheverhard NIT Patna 2002 1220 1416 45 0
8676 plus_cat ZL KunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKunKu 2024 1220 1220 10 0
8676 soitakahashi ADI 1987 1220 1307 191 0
8676 vlp 2007 1220 1220 5 0
8676 xiaolanshu2 2013 1220 1220 12 0
8683 yhhjl 1219 1219 16 0
8693 Ap0ca1yptic_ 13957923731 2009 1219 1219 46 0
8693 Ardi 1994 1219 1356 21 0
8693 Binaries 2000 1219 1219 20 0
8693 DarkVoid 2004 1219 1219 32 0
8693 Pockylucky The University of Tokyo 1995 1219 1237 42 0
8693 Practice001 HUASACM 1219 1219 14 0
8693 QAQWQ 2007 1219 1219 4 0
8693 Shaurya_Bhalla Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi 2000 1219 1219 37 0
8693 Spiraljava RTU Kota 2002 1219 1219 45 0
8693 WH08 2000 1219 1239 16 0
8693 jiangfeng0721 2013 1219 1219 31 0
8693 kakemaru 2001 1219 1219 93 0
8693 nisui258 2003 1219 1512 182 0
8693 oji 1998 1219 1219 100 0
8693 trueRNG 1997 1219 1363 40 0
8693 xrlong hzoi2024 2008 1219 1219 16 0
8693 youmounlp 1219 1219 66 0
8693 yowano 1987 1219 1473 243 0
8693 zfan 2003 1219 1219 14 0
8712 Alazord IIT ROORKEE 2002 1218 1381 52 0
8712 Caffeine46 1998 1218 1316 77 0
8712 Sokol080808 2008 1218 1218 3 0
8712 _forest 1218 1218 6 0
8712 actium 1978 1218 1239 30 0
8712 civitas 1996 1218 1218 4 0
8712 gohan06 1998 1218 1505 113 0
8712 masyumaroo 某大学附属しあわせなおやまようちえん 2007 1218 1218 35 0
8712 mehdi_farhadian 2005 1218 1312 33 0
8712 tq1d 大学院 1999 1218 1218 30 0
8712 tuna_mayo 2000 1218 1251 99 0
8712 zxr000 SZTU 1218 1218 50 0
8724 Dustium 1993 1217 1217 90 0
8724 Purgatory_ IIT BHU 2002 1217 1269 20 0
8724 Rashoo IIT Guwahati 2003 1217 1217 25 0
8724 WyattWismer 1998 1217 1217 18 0
8724 chroot IUT 1999 1217 1217 15 0
8724 gopoma Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa 2004 1217 1217 25 0
8724 mamenta Tokyo University of Science 1217 1303 97 0
8724 notanincode 1997 1217 1223 36 0
8724 ryosci 1217 1308 182 0
8724 scau_y 2001 1217 1355 14 0
8724 uskr 1998 1217 1265 38 0
8724 zunaid131805 2002 1217 1217 6 0
8727 nanmowakaran 1995 1215 1215 116 0
8736 Alex0724 1997 1216 1446 69 0
8736 Blaziken 1997 1216 1335 100 0
8736 Cleanconscin 1216 1216 9 0
8736 Dye8128 Institute of Science Tokyo 2003 1216 1228 58 0
8736 EternalBlue 1216 1232 6 0
8736 GGapa 2008 1216 1216 21 0