Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
17680 tbdsh11 2009 796 900 16 0
17680 tinamori 1994 796 796 36 0
17680 umami_chang でっかいどー 1997 796 832 60 0
17680 wa_maker 2002 796 877 19 0
17680 wangyc 796 997 4 0
17680 xwh 1999 796 796 10 0
17680 yuzicheng 2003 796 796 1 0
17708 Abhinay_kr_133 2000 795 795 19 0
17708 ByunSangil 795 883 16 0
17708 DioHERO BITS Goa 2001 795 896 15 0
17708 Goatx30 2003 795 795 31 0
17708 Inverted_Tuna BZU 2004 795 797 19 0
17708 Lancar 2002 795 795 7 0
17708 Mrinal_678Kanti 2001 795 853 74 0
17708 TomGreen 795 795 19 0
17708 TomHUang 2009 795 906 47 0
17708 challow 1999 795 795 16 0
17708 gotohiroki 1996 795 795 21 0
17708 ittk1229 2001 795 818 36 0
17708 jpsmith 1993 795 824 115 0
17708 lew2018 2004 795 795 17 0
17708 lynbdq 18634578284 2002 795 848 28 0
17708 mamba_ 2001 795 856 10 0
17708 nonamemo 1997 795 974 89 0
17708 r_tron19 Student 1997 795 997 52 0
17708 rainstorm 795 864 42 0
17708 sandipto729 NIT Durgapur 2005 795 795 8 0
17708 shashank_s 2002 795 926 14 0
17708 taz178 1976 795 801 67 0
17708 thebitninja 2002 795 795 4 0
17708 wangyimeng 2002 795 950 14 0
17708 xiang_xiang_ 2007 795 795 3 0
17708 xxqz 2006 795 795 1 0
17734 HADI_TAKLA 2008 794 856 14 0
17734 Prince_008 2003 794 971 67 0
17734 ReaTea 2000 794 794 44 0
17734 SuperUP zzQovVaSvSihtFae7uxDIrBVewwqes 794 1005 71 0
17734 Yukinonshusband 2006 794 812 17 0
17734 Zhang_Runqi 2006 794 794 16 0
17734 aditya_0670 2003 794 796 10 0
17734 dunda 794 794 1 0
17734 edwn 794 794 8 0
17734 hpz 侯平仄 2008 794 876 13 0
17734 htwj 794 955 47 0
17734 malomy 794 794 7 0
17734 mbae060 2000 794 794 4 0
17734 nishuz IIT Gandhinagar 2005 794 803 18 0
17734 syakedaikonn sine 794 850 38 0
17734 tomolatoon 2005 794 795 54 0
17734 wuyueton 2012 794 864 17 0
17734 yuchiki 794 1311 29 0
17734 zfjason 2008 794 794 4 0
17734 zykkezi hebtu 2001 794 921 8 0
17754 1904113_ 2001 793 871 71 0
17754 Andycode3759 Jiangxi Yichun Middle School 2006 793 793 4 0
17754 Christopher_Yan University of Chinese Academy of Science 2002 793 828 8 0
17754 Lumos_ 2009 793 797 54 0
17754 NZKey The University of Tokyo 1999 793 827 35 0
17754 Nakamurai 立命館大学 2003 793 847 37 0
17754 POPCAT012345 2007 793 897 27 0
17754 dongggle 2001 793 793 4 0
17754 eff3ct_ 2001 793 863 8 0
17754 kabicha427 2003 793 793 41 0
17754 kazuki_ Hokkaido University 1999 793 857 66 0
17754 na_0ki 793 812 41 0
17754 newbielyt 2003 793 793 10 0
17754 openmi 793 793 13 0
17754 prithvianilk PESU 2001 793 793 12 0
17754 san_wiz04 2004 793 793 14 0
17754 smallpear 793 793 18 0
17754 umiushi 793 824 15 0
17754 yayyayyay 1992 793 1132 18 0
17754 yingyf 793 849 8 0
17754 yodhi 793 793 20 0
17754 zuckey_17 株式会社スタディスト 1991 793 793 35 0
17776 Abhishek_m07 2003 792 813 34 0
17776 Ailurophile 792 792 14 0
17776 Amoorj 792 792 7 0
17776 Giovanni1934 The University of Electro-Communications 1998 792 804 59 0
17776 Juyu 792 897 11 0
17776 Mher777 2007 792 792 19 0
17776 Tsumertet97 792 792 68 0
17776 UMRchan 1993 792 1032 110 0
17776 YeMengLiChou 2023 792 861 29 0
17776 back_in_business 792 800 15 0
17776 code_krishna IIT Patna 2003 792 792 30 0
17776 dominator790 2001 792 792 2 0
17776 e_h_p 2002 792 850 20 0
17776 gaojun 792 932 4 0
17776 green_donkey 2009 792 797 20 0
17776 horologe 石川工業高等専門学校 2007 792 792 25 0
17776 infinity18 Institute of Engineering and Technology 2005 792 792 21 0
17776 initial_d The University of Electro-Communications 792 850 57 0
17776 joker_haze 1997 792 813 28 0
17776 kazumadayo 1997 792 830 28 0
17776 kicysh 1998 792 838 14 0
17776 km1506j 1985 792 856 51 0
17776 littlefrederic 792 792 6 0
17776 macha_samurai 2000 792 847 17 0
17776 maya 792 1101 27 0