Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(102101) 34733 alymine_heya 349 414 25 0
(102102) 21972 amansaurabh152 2001 674 714 25 0
(102103) 26374 an_aseev 549 569 25 0
(102104) 11618 anand_avt 2003 1051 1246 25 0
(102105) 11230 andreslel 1999 1072 1072 25 0
(102106) 21063 ani_ket 701 701 25 0
(102107) 26077 anj20 2003 556 672 25 0
(102108) 24366 ankur1073 604 677 25 0
(102109) 21681 ankushdutt 2001 683 756 25 0
(102110) 33431 anm9043 polaris-corp 1990 379 399 25 0
(102111) 18768 applepear 2007 777 777 25 0
(102112) 16274 aradhyeagarwal IIT Delhi 2002 855 893 25 0
(102113) 25410 arfes 574 574 25 0
(102114) 55562 arifulcse017 islam 2004 109 111 25 0
(102115) 7230 asdf123asdf 2010 1318 1394 25 0
(102116) 34360 ashique998 1996 357 481 25 0
(102117) 23943 ashutosh2015 2003 616 627 25 0
(102118) 1305 asiad 2030 2030 25 0
(102119) 21375 atme627 東京工業大学 2002 692 733 25 0
(102120) 32605 atsu_null 396 404 25 0
(102121) 38075 atsutsu 1996 283 330 25 0
(102122) 37677 aulu 2002 290 290 25 0
(102123) 30078 awakei 456 456 25 0
(102124) 55179 ayushya170 2002 111 111 25 0
(102125) 12283 azidantuiren 1999 1019 1059 25 0
(102126) 568 azimanov 2002 2268 2301 25 0
(102127) 20149 barnwal11 1998 730 833 25 0
(102128) 10147 basicecho 13387301229 2000 1133 1133 25 0
(102129) 13195 ber_official 2004 977 977 25 0
(102130) 16274 bhaskar0120 2001 855 872 25 0
(102131) 7329 bianyuxuan Changzhou Senior High School of Jiangsu Province 2007 1312 1413 25 0
(102132) 2191 blitztage IIT Madras 2001 1884 1896 25 0
(102133) 34768 boldo0 1999 348 385 25 0
(102134) 1255 bykem 1924 2036 2053 25 0
(102135) 18849 cactus2001 2001 774 774 25 0
(102136) 32297 calc_kt 407 407 25 0
(102137) 1861 caojincheng 1955 1955 25 0
(102138) 17586 caoyiyang114514 2009 815 815 25 0
(102139) 1141 catluo yc2024_ljh 2050 2050 25 0
(102140) 6625 cbio Guangdong University Of Technology 2004 1367 1805 25 0
(102141) 41758 chagama 2004 229 257 25 0
(102142) 62633 chainsn4tcherr 1999 75 114 25 0
(102143) 19951 chamomile 1988 737 737 25 0
(102144) 26190 changchang111 2012 553 553 25 0
(102145) 17173 chenganyu 2000 827 864 25 0
(102146) 3240 chennie 2010 1715 1715 25 0
(102147) 2317 chenyiqing2021 1862 1862 25 0
(102148) 10526 chinmay12 2002 1111 1111 25 0
(102149) 36363 chiru1221 1998 313 325 25 0
(102150) 38075 chitoro0010 283 627 25 0
(102151) 22610 ciqing 19150823575 2004 655 655 25 0
(102152) 5726 cjr2010 2031809158@qq.com 2010 1444 1444 25 0
(102153) 48055 clevermonkey 17863651118 2010 162 187 25 0
(102154) 24142 coding 610 675 25 0
(102155) 21175 cohey 698 784 25 0
(102156) 39451 conma 横浜市立上の宮中学校 2010 261 268 25 0
(102157) 32087 cowkami 1995 411 497 25 0
(102158) 23085 cozyvelocirapto 2002 642 728 25 0
(102159) 19560 crafty Tokyo Institute of Technology 2003 749 749 25 0
(102160) 35098 crypto1707 IIIT Allahabad 2002 341 477 25 0
(102161) 7778 cubegenics IIT Roorkee 2002 1278 1327 25 0
(102162) 30509 curryAndRice 2009 446 446 25 0
(102163) 22003 curryfizz Islamic University of Technology 673 730 25 0
(102164) 16392 cyh20100812 2010 851 851 25 0
(102165) 17754 daikoou 東京理科大学 2003 810 831 25 0
(102166) 21276 dakuo 1998 695 746 25 0
(102167) 15833 danish_07 PES University 2002 871 872 25 0
(102168) 44075 dankan 1999 201 201 25 0
(102169) 16274 dayz_break404 855 855 25 0
(102170) 31278 dbs7 2007 428 428 25 0
(102171) 7056 ddd325 2024 1331 1351 25 0
(102172) 36101 deepak7988 319 319 25 0
(102173) 20705 demonstrator 712 778 25 0
(102174) 45358 dode_pep 2002 187 310 25 0
(102175) 20995 doora 2001 703 703 25 0
(102176) 54179 duke786 2000 117 135 25 0
(102177) 13592 dzuizz 2010 961 961 25 0
(102178) 32650 e4zy62 2004 400 400 25 0
(102179) 16734 e_h_p 2002 841 850 25 0
(102180) 1544 eastcloud 2008 2010 2011 25 0
(102181) 42777 edomaru japan 1999 216 216 25 0
(102182) 7820 edsomjr 1979 1274 1320 25 0
(102183) 689 elioyyds 2004 2207 2220 25 0
(102184) 20617 epic_madara 2000 715 797 25 0
(102185) 30637 erict 443 463 25 0
(102186) 51946 erriio 1995 132 172 25 0
(102187) 5809 euphria Qilu university of technology 1436 1452 25 0
(102188) 5020 fairytaleqwq 2007 1516 1533 25 0
(102189) 8968 fangori 1204 1261 25 0
(102190) 70373 fayaj_nakib 2000 49 51 25 0
(102191) 29809 fbi255 1997 462 474 25 0
(102192) 8442 fcloud Fujian Putian No. 1 Middle School 2006 1233 1429 25 0
(102193) 1445 fcw 2000 2018 2027 25 0
(102194) 12408 forverss 2002 1013 1185 25 0
(102195) 34275 fukuta 359 421 25 0
(102196) 39635 fumi_0916 攻玉社 2008 258 281 25 0
(102197) 44736 g_yuuki 2000 194 276 25 0
(102198) 8216 garou587 2004 1249 1249 25 0
(102199) 26190 gasutanku 1996 553 563 25 0
(102200) 42254 gigei Prefectual kawagoe highschool 2007 223 223 25 0