Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1001) 88150 technique_god 1997 15 15 1 0
(1002) 14629 tetitubuta TMNA 1986 913 923 28 0
(1003) 80561 tetsumoto 25 25 2 0
(1004) 17617 tfgs 810 998 17 0
(1005) 106278 tflno1 1987 2 2 1 0
(1006) 52943 th2990 1998 123 162 11 0
(1007) 82385 thaCoder123 2007 22 22 4 0
(1008) 18844 the_stone_dawg ???? 1998 769 769 2 0
(1009) 106278 thejamba 2004 2 2 1 0
(1010) 68437 theolivequeen 54 54 3 0
(1011) 96343 theprince 1977 8 8 2 0
(1012) 11966 therealchainman 1993 1030 1059 34 0
(1013) 26934 ticTacToe NONE 531 768 3 0
(1014) 30127 tigupine 451 514 5 0
(1015) 47064 tin10401 2001 168 168 1 0
(1016) 78358 tirade 29 29 5 0
(1017) 99826 tithonus University of Colorado Boulder 1993 6 6 2 0
(1018) 38852 tn757 2005 266 266 1 0
(1019) 24904 to2372 1998 584 584 9 0
(1020) 80561 tomasLeTrain 2000 25 25 1 0
(1021) 43422 tomato_ha_oishii 205 205 19 0
(1022) 2680 toofast 1797 1797 14 0
(1023) 40025 touris2 249 249 1 0
(1024) 23885 train21 614 614 1 0
(1025) 13159 typ0 974 1060 94 0
(1026) 87302 ulasalakent Columbia Engineering 1999 16 16 2 0
(1027) 106278 ultrasun 2 2 1 0
(1028) 36307 un_fair student 2001 310 334 12 0
(1029) 63144 urimj 72 72 1 0
(1030) 88984 usernamechanger 14 14 1 0
(1031) 64777 venkatesh912 66 66 4 0
(1032) 96343 vikyath5246 Stony Brook University 2000 8 8 1 0
(1033) 55973 vitamin_daniels 2000 105 105 5 0
(1034) 93810 vitruvius 10 10 1 0
(1035) 106278 vixh University of California, Santa Cruz 2004 2 2 1 0
(1035) 106278 vlade087 1987 2 2 1 0
(1035) 106278 vracto 2009 2 2 1 0
(1035) 106278 wanghonghui123 13515854100 2013 2 2 1 0
(1039) 85355 wangzy_ 18 18 1 0
(1040) 6858 wanyb 2012 1342 1342 31 0
(1041) 5865 wassim 2000 1423 1552 8 0
(1042) 51955 weijun 1976 130 130 4 0
(1043) 56145 weiranw 1999 104 104 6 0
(1044) 77342 wesster 2005 31 31 1 0
(1045) 57514 weto 1998 97 97 2 0
(1046) 8234 wfeng Student 2007 1243 1243 23 0
(1047) 67143 whyandforwhat 2004 58 58 4 0
(1048) 47658 willcky 2002 163 208 9 0
(1049) 106278 williamJacker 2005 2 2 1 0
(1050) 4831 willy108 misaka network 1529 1529 2 0
(1051) 75977 winniequ 1998 34 34 4 0
(1052) 30329 witcounsel 1998 446 498 19 0
(1053) 45106 wizwilzo 187 187 1 0
(1054) 1514 wjli Microsoft 1976 2012 2146 37 0
(1055) 15702 wltt 2000 872 872 1 0
(1056) 8983 womais 1200 1200 1 0
(1057) 93810 woodcock1017 1988 10 10 1 0
(1058) 41902 woodyiiiiiii 1999 224 224 1 0
(1059) 106278 worldview 2 2 1 0
(1059) 106278 wotaku_0123 2003 2 2 1 0
(1061) 20979 wrangle1005 1992 700 700 3 0
(1062) 27175 wtyBryant 525 525 20 0
(1063) 63144 wucheyu 1985 72 78 7 0
(1064) 75049 wuruiemail 1998 36 36 6 0
(1065) 66520 wwwld 2003 60 60 3 0
(1066) 106278 xdxRman 1998 2 2 1 0
(1067) 89893 xharshvardhan 2002 13 13 1 0
(1068) 23706 xiaoping3418 1960 619 619 6 0
(1069) 845 xiaowuc1 2123 2307 29 0
(1070) 85355 xiyaoxin 1988 18 18 2 0
(1071) 9296 xlab 1183 1183 22 0
(1072) 67460 xmmm0 57 61 6 0
(1073) 75515 xqlcn 2006 35 35 1 0
(1074) 88984 xxyoohoo 2011 14 14 1 0
(1075) 30624 xyli 2019 439 623 7 0
(1076) 25554 yandou 2003 566 566 15 0
(1077) 20284 yangyang2 2012 721 774 41 0
(1078) 57109 yaoyi92 1990 99 99 1 0
(1079) 106278 yashkothari Carnegie Mellon University 1998 2 2 1 0
(1080) 56145 yashsingh1 104 104 3 0
(1081) 54396 ybmqyyds 2023 114 114 2 0
(1082) 57514 ydkwai 97 112 7 0
(1083) 55273 yellowtomato98 109 109 2 0
(1084) 68437 ygg_pls 1925 54 54 5 0
(1085) 7268 yogzinhoo 2000 1312 1312 7 0
(1086) 6257 yongwhan Stanford University 1989 1391 1658 65 0
(1087) 39663 yuezonghan 2022 254 254 4 0
(1088) 17617 yunaka354 810 810 24 0
(1089) 93810 yuqing_99 Columbia University 1999 10 10 1 0
(1090) 88150 yusan1234 15 15 1 0
(1091) 11291 yuyahagi 1986 1065 1136 43 0
(1092) 106278 yyc123bc 2014 2 2 1 0
(1093) 73408 zachman99323 40 40 1 0
(1094) 6479 zanj0 1998 1373 1708 76 0
(1095) 54877 zgrzs 111 111 3 0
(1096) 67460 zhangxc 57 57 1 0
(1097) 83850 zhhw233 2006 20 20 1 0
(1098) 73817 zhongri3 2001 39 39 3 0
(1099) 103818 zhouchenqiao1 y c2025_周陈桥 2024 3 3 1 0
(1100) 59548 zieht 87 87 15 0